notice that he says...."the most helpless feeling in the world"
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I have said it before....and I will say it again....
I am PRO-POLICE...I believe in the Police...
<<< BUT >>>>
They are RESPONDERS !!!!
Re: Hammer in Dallas...Why I Carry ....
Posted: Sat Oct 10, 2009 12:34 pm
by ELB
Interesting quote by the interviewee in the first video at 2:59 "...the officer yells up, 'I've only got six shots, I can't be doing this.'"
Re: Hammer in Dallas...Why I Carry ....
Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2009 2:17 pm
by sredish
that second one is pretty chilling, listening to the woman. makes you really think about home invasion and your family, especially in a if/when you're not there scenario.
Re: Hammer in Dallas...Why I Carry ....
Posted: Tue Oct 13, 2009 2:55 pm
by Hammer
Yep. The psychos and socio-paths live among us....And may God rest and have mercy on those tormented, sick souls. But, myself nor my family are the venue for their sickness. And, that is why I carry +P JHP rounds.