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Question about TDL for CHL

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2009 7:25 am
by calvinbr
Moderator or forum question?

I have a buddy that is going Saturday to get his CHL. He is going to change his address, but will not have a plastic TDL. He will have his paper form of TDL when he goes to class. Whill this hurt anything? Will the paper one with his new address be ok? Or should he not change the address yet? Thanks


Re: Question about TDL for CHL

Posted: Sat Dec 12, 2009 10:00 pm
by Shorts
DL and CHL addy need to match. If he already changed his DL with DPS then he should use that new addy on his CHL. This will ensure both DL & CHL will be matching when the cards are printed.