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Reasonable attempt to conceal

Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2010 7:44 pm
by glbedd53
I think I understand the concept, reasonable attempt to conceal, I've been carrying about 5 months, I'm too skinny to comfortably carry IWB. Of all the holsters I've already bought there are 2 that work. The Desantis Mini Slide is the more comfortable but if my shirt or jacket does ride up about an inch of that shiney stainless slide shows. I'm trying to break in a new Bianchi 82 which covers all the lower part. I guess I just want to know anyones experiences with accidently showing. I realize the law was probably written intentionally vague but it still concerns me. Is it any worse if a little of the gun accidently shows for a second than if just a little of the black leather holster. Don't think I would intentionally let either be seen. Thanks

Re: Reasonable attempt to conceal

Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2010 9:35 pm
by joe817
Hi glbedd53, welcome to the forum!

Well, a little more detail might help. What kind of gun? What kind of clothes?

It's been said often here, & it took me a little while to fully comprehend the meaning but "you dress around the gun".

ie: buy clothes that full conceal the gun. Bigger pants....longer shirts, etc. Tuckable IWB's are usually the easiest way to conceal. Quickly followed by IWB. Belt holsters present a different challenge since the entire holster is visible, before you try to cover up.

Re: Reasonable attempt to conceal

Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2010 9:47 pm
by glbedd53
I carry a Colt Officers ACP. A little heavy but not big. I have pretty much learned to dress around the gun, but IWB just won't work. I know if I can't wear it somewhat comfortably I won't wear it at all. Winter is not a problem but warmer weather I've been wearing a t-shirt tucked in with a regular button shirt un-tucked. Fortunately I never have to dress up except for church and I don't pack in there anyway. I don't worry about the bulge, I know that's not illegal, it's just if I raise my arms to reach for something up high or such as that I'm sure its exposed for a second. With the Bianchi it's just the lower part of the holster but I know it's still not ideal. Really it comes down to getting even longer shirts but that looks even sloppier. But I will do it if I need to.

Re: Reasonable attempt to conceal

Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2010 9:51 pm
by MojoTexas
What kind of IWB holster(s) have you tried? I'm a big fan of the Crossbreed Super-Tuck, and I've heard good things about the CompTac Minotaurs. With a sturdy belt and a top-notch IWB holster, I would wager that it would work for you.

Re: Reasonable attempt to conceal

Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2010 9:56 pm
by glbedd53
I tried the second one you said and it just hurts. Too boney in that area. I'm 6' and 160lb . I haven't bought any IWB yet but a friend has one with a Kahr in it and I tried to wear it around for a while and it was pretty uncomfortable.

Re: Reasonable attempt to conceal

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 2:10 pm
by cougartex
Concealed means that the weapon can not be visible, and that its presence can not be discernible through ordinary observation

It is a criminal offense for a license holder to carry a handgun in plain view, or to intentionally fail to conceal the weapon.

Note the word 'intentionally'. So if the gun is normally out of sight and you bend over or something and it becomes visible, you are ok (although someone may still call the cops). So the way I look at it is if I am standing up and I'm not printing excessively, then I don't worry about printing any other time, as any other printing or display would be 'unintentional'.


Re: Reasonable attempt to conceal

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 2:29 pm
by MojoTexas
Be sure and read this thread about one member's experience with being "busted" printing by an over-zealous police officer.

It's a sobering read and a reminder that concealed means concealed, and that not all police officers are very knowledgeable about CHL law. The charges were eventually dropped, but the CHL holder was still arrested, had handgun and license confiscated, and had to get an attorney.

Re: Reasonable attempt to conceal

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 2:32 pm
by shortysboy09
MojoTexas wrote:Be sure and read this thread about one member's experience with being "busted" printing by an over-zealous police officer.

It's a sobering read and a reminder that concealed means concealed, and that not all police officers are very knowledgeable about CHL law. The charges were eventually dropped, but the CHL holder was still arrested, had handgun and license confiscated, and had to get an attorney.
Not to mention spend his hard earned money on the situation.

Re: Reasonable attempt to conceal

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 4:39 pm
by Outbreaker
I carry a Kimber Ultra CDP(same size as yours) in a CompTac Minotar. I can wear shorts and an un tucked t-shirt with no problems......just do not reach for the top shelf with the right hand.

1. ALWAYS wear an undershirt. The holster will rub you raw if you carry for long without it.
2. Act normal
3. Act normal
4. Act normal.

Follow those and you should be good.

Re: Reasonable attempt to conceal

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 8:03 pm
by glbedd53
I have not been able to wear IWB but I know what you mean about the undershirt. I wear one tucked in for that reason.

Re: Reasonable attempt to conceal

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 8:06 pm
by glbedd53
They must have sped up the process, you got your plastic quick. It took me a full 4 months, from 5-1-09 til about 9-1-09.

Re: Reasonable attempt to conceal

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 9:08 pm
by silverbear
SmartCarry or similar style holster. I bought a lightningwear off of ebay. The front cover, like SmartCarry, has padded material holding the gun. I tried manipulating the trigger on my glock 26 from outside the fabric and couldn't do it. So although it was awkward to think about carrying in this manner at first, I've gotten more used to it. Still waiting for plastic, but have worn it at home on the weekends for extended periods of time. Very comfortable. You will find many favorable reviews on smartcarry.

Re: Reasonable attempt to conceal

Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2010 11:19 am
by bdickens
MojoTexas wrote:Be sure and read this thread about one member's experience with being "busted" printing by an over-zealous police officer.

It's a sobering read and a reminder that concealed means concealed, and that not all police officers are very knowledgeable about CHL law. The charges were eventually dropped, but the CHL holder was still arrested, had handgun and license confiscated, and had to get an attorney. that's happened how many times?

Re: Reasonable attempt to conceal

Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2010 7:11 pm
by jmra
MojoTexas wrote:Be sure and read this thread about one member's experience with being "busted" printing by an over-zealous police officer.

It's a sobering read and a reminder that concealed means concealed, and that not all police officers are very knowledgeable about CHL law. The charges were eventually dropped, but the CHL holder was still arrested, had handgun and license confiscated, and had to get an attorney.

Handog's issue may not have been just printing.

Re: Cuffed and Stuffed
by handog ยป Sat Feb 27, 2010 12:33 pm
...Although I wear over sized t shirts they naturally are pulled up when I sit down. As I said, there was a rent a cop behind a one way mirror behind me. I was sitting in a fold out chair. I'm not sure if it was printing or that it was actually exposed for a moment...

Of course if the gun was exposed it was still not a violation. But I don't think we can safely say that his ordeal was based soley on printing.

Re: Reasonable attempt to conceal

Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2010 9:00 pm
by rlowe
I seem to be able to conceal with a Bullard dual carry in OWB mode with shorts and a tee just fine. I carry a G19.