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Thank you and...

Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2010 2:30 pm
by chasfm11
...I'm glad that I read and listened. The Comp Tac package arrived today with a belt (I wasn't fortunate enough to be a small enough size for the recent sale) and a minotaur. The belt makes a big difference. I tried the minotaur with just a standard belt and can see exactly why that would be a problem.

The minotaur only prints on a light colored t-shirt when I bend over and I'll probably spend some time with a couple of positions on the belt loops to work on that. I can see why I need to stoop, not bend ever. I have to be honest, I WAS concerned about printing, in spite of all of the reassurances that I shouldn't be. It would be just my luck to have some anti-gun activist in the checkout line behind me.

Now, the only thing that I'm missing is the little plastic piece the fits in my wallet. :banghead:

Re: Thank you and...

Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2010 2:34 pm
by Teamless
chasfm11 wrote:only prints on a light colored t-shirt when I bend over ...
I wear mine about 3:00 or 3:15, and at worse, if I print, it is almost like the bulge in the shirt how it lays or possibly a cell phone.
there is no way to know it is a weapon.

My B-I-L knows I carry all the time, and while when I look in the mirror, i can see a bit of what I would call printing, he looks, and can't see a thing.
Knowing that, I never worry any more when I carry at all.
And most of the time, I have on a single color (light or dark gray or blue under-armour T-shirt over my weapon.

I hope your plastic gets here soon!

Re: Thank you and...

Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2010 12:35 am
by maximus2161
The Minotaur is a great holster. I had a XDM 9mm and had that holster. I regret selling it. But the holster really was snugged up tight to my hip. Im a big guy and the way those holsters are made work well with my ....ummm....larger...waist size.

Re: Thank you and...

Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2010 6:48 am
by longtooth
You will also find that as the holster breaks in & forms to your body that conceal will still improve a little more.

Re: Thank you and...

Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2010 7:17 am
by jtran987
been debating whether or not to get the minotaur or the crossbreed holsters, glad you like you might have to finally pick myself up one!

be sure to let us know what you get your piece of plastic, and how your first walk turns out for you

Re: Thank you and...

Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2010 7:26 am
by The Annoyed Man
maximus2161 wrote:The Minotaur is a great holster. I had a XDM 9mm and had that holster. I regret selling it. But the holster really was snugged up tight to my hip. Im a big guy and the way those holsters are made work well with my ....ummm....larger...waist size.
Yours may be "larger," but mine is positively generous, although I prefer the term "prosperous." ...but I smell yah.

I have the Minotaur also, and spare holster bodies to fit 3" and 5" 1911s and a full sized M&P 45, not to mention the left over holster body from the USP Compact I sold.

My problem is a chronic bad back, and other IWB holsters apply too much pressure against my hip, and over a very short time they start to cause me additional pain. The Minotaur spreads that pressure out over a larger area, reducing its effect at any one point, making it far far more comfortable to wear.

Re: Thank you and...

Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2010 1:54 pm
by Deepsix
Thanks for the advise in this post, I have just bought a Minotaur on the strength of it, I had the Infidel but found it very uncomfortable, fortunately I was within the 30 day refund period so I only have the cost to change + postage

Re: Thank you and...

Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2010 7:44 pm
by terryg
Teamless wrote: I wear mine about 3:00 or 3:15, and at worse, if I print, it is almost like the bulge in the shirt how it lays or possibly a cell phone.
Many of you know that I am still working on selecting and getting a good carry solution. I am currently carrying a Tomcat IWB while I find and fund my solution.

But I have experimented some and am pretty worried about how bad I might print with a larger weapon. But lets say a good belt and holster get me down to a pretty small bulge - about like a cell phone. What if my actual cell phone is clearly visible hanging from my weakside pocket? Does that destroy the illusion that the bulg might be something other than a weapon?

Re: Thank you and...

Posted: Sat Jul 31, 2010 12:24 am
by karl
Longtooth speaks the truth. My MTAC is sitting in a half moon shape on my GunVault. The only problem I have is that, since I'm thin, I wear smaller shirts and I have to frequently hold my shirt tail if I bend over or sit down (easy to avoid scrutiny by turning pistol side away from any observers). Size large makes me look like a burlap sack of potatoes.
terryg wrote:What if my actual cell phone is clearly visible hanging from my weakside pocket? Does that destroy the illusion that the bulg might be something other than a weapon?
I've been telling myself to prepare a list of excuses/answers in case I get made/semi-made in public. My best one yet would be that I'm diabetic and it's my insulin pump (my sister is Type 1 so I know all the lingo). I still need to work on the list.

Re: Thank you and...

Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2010 8:51 pm
by Ropin
So many people are on call for work, you could point at the visible phone and say, "personal" then point to your random bulge and say,"work."

Though most people don't even notice the bulge.

Re: Thank you and...

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2010 8:47 am
by Vic
Tell 'em it is a colostomy bag.

They won't mention it again.

Re: Thank you and...

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2010 11:26 am
by bdickens
My standard reply to prying questions is "none of your business."

Re: Thank you and...

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2010 12:40 pm
by terryg
I'm not really concerned much about what I would tell someone in a public place or whether or not it is any of their business. If I were to get 'made' or even suspected in a public place, I don't think anybody's going to be talking to me at all - until the LEO's arrive. Then there is going to be a lot of yelling and linoleum licking.

So my question is more about whether having a visible cell phone on my person makes it more likely to be 'made' because the giant lump on my other hip might not be mistaken for a late 1980's style cell phone.

I'm just surprised by how big the bulge is in some shirts even with my tiny little Tomcat - IWB. I can't picture being able to successfully hide something more substantial - OWB.

But in the end, it seems that people simply don't notice the zit on the prom queen - regardless of how big it is.

Re: Thank you and...

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2010 12:48 pm
by phrogg
terryg wrote:I'm just surprised by how big the bulge is in some shirts even with my tiny little Tomcat - IWB. I can't picture being able to successfully hide something more substantial - OWB.
I find that I can hide anything pretty easy if I just move the belt clips so that the IWB holster hangs to the lowest point. That really helps to hide. Give that a try and see what that might do for you. As for OWB, I'm able to hide fairly well except for full length guns. Then I start to have an issue. I'm looking for a suitable OWB combo down the road.

Re: Thank you and...

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2010 7:11 pm
by Pawpaw
bdickens wrote:My standard reply to prying questions is "none of your business."
I like that answer. I have also thought about replying, "If I did have a gun it would be pretty stupid to tell you, now wouldn't it?".