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top gun class

Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2006 10:56 am
by ru934
to anyone that doesnt allready know it, top gun offers a split class. meaning, part of the class on tues. evening starting at 4:30 and the other part on wed. starting at the same time. i chose to go this rout for convenience. sure i had to drive from clear lake to the westiemer area, but i belive it was well worth it. i will warn you ahead of time, the instructer is very stearn, but at the same time very very knowlegable. i picked up a whooooole lot of information that i previously had no understanding of, or just plain out wasnt aware of. highly recomend top gun for takein your chl class! see ya on tha range! rusty

dumb question but...

Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2006 5:25 pm
by tomneal
What kind of class?

Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2006 11:03 pm
by oilman
This is the CHL class. I took it from a different instructor than the one who is now teaching it. I was over there a few weeks ago and I would agree that he is very stern.

In fact stern enough that I do not think I will send my wife there when (if) she decides to get her CHL.

Posted: Mon Dec 25, 2006 12:48 pm
by J.D.
Sounds like the same guy I had there when I took it in May. I was glad when that class was over. I could think of a few different names than stern for him. :twisted: :twisted:

Posted: Mon Dec 25, 2006 1:17 pm
by longtooth
Welcome aboard J.D.
Glad to have you.
Merry Christmas.

Posted: Tue Dec 26, 2006 12:47 pm
by Roger Howard
J.D. wrote:Sounds like the same guy I had there when I took it in May. I was glad when that class was over. I could think of a few different names than stern for him. :twisted: :twisted:
Welcome J.D.
I think you will find your stay here better than you class.

Posted: Wed Dec 27, 2006 9:41 pm
by J.D.
Thanks for welcome. :grin: