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Carrying at the 1 o'clock

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2011 8:56 pm
by txbrett
I've got a question for you guys. I should be getting my CHL in next week, and my Crossbread holster (the 6th week since ordering) I will be carrying a Kimber Ultra Carry. My question is, Is it possible to carry using that holster (super tuck) at the noon or 1 O'Clock position?? I know it's generally used at the 4 or 5 O'Clock area, but I was wondering how versatile the holster is, as far as positioning goes. Thanks in advance for anyone's input/opinion.

Re: Carrying at the 1 o'clock

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2011 9:07 pm
by mrvmax
I carry in that position with an OWB when driving, makes it easier to draw while seated. Never tried it with an IWB, might be too uncomfortable (this from a guy that carries a 5" 1911).

Re: Carrying at the 1 o'clock

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2011 9:12 pm
by Skaven
how much do you weigh?. the super-tuck sticks above my pant line like 3-4 inches, so in any position other than standing up, it could become VERY uncomfortable. I weigh about 260 and am 6'3" so there is no way I could carry at 1 o'clock.

Re: Carrying at the 1 o'clock

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2011 9:20 pm
by txbrett
Skaven wrote:how much do you weigh?. the super-tuck sticks above my pant line like 3-4 inches, so in any position other than standing up, it could become VERY uncomfortable. I weigh about 260 and am 6'3" so there is no way I could carry at 1 o'clock.
Yeah I figured that would be a major factor. I 6'3" and about 205. I guess my main concern is how to transition from driving in a car to going into an establishment. I can't imagine carrying at 4 or 5 O'Clock would work while driving.

Re: Carrying at the 1 o'clock

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2011 10:32 pm
by warhorse10_9
Why not carry at 3 o'clock while driving? That is a happy medium to minimize discomfort. I am skinny am while waiting for my plastic have been trying things around the house 3-330 seems to work best for me. I have been sitting in chairs that would give me the same posture as in the car. I have issues cause I am too skinny my grip sticks out a lot if I carry any farther back, but beyond that 3 seems pretty comfortable, though admittedly not as comfortable as 4:30 when standing.

Re: Carrying at the 1 o'clock

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2011 10:37 pm
by Skaven
I carry at 330 while driving. Only problem would be the draw. It is comfortable and doesn't push awkwardly or anything. I was skeptical when i first ordered the crossbreed 5 weeks ago, but in the last few days I have come to the conclusion and I decided to carry my M&P 40 in a holster in my map pocket so If I need to I reach for that, not for my PPS which is in my crossbreed.

Re: Carrying at the 1 o'clock

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2011 1:04 pm
by Divided Attention
1230 - 1330 - all day every day (except when I carry off body because my outfit doesn't allow for waist carry. Either M&P 9C, P238 or Colt Cobra snubbie IWB. I am short waisted, and have to make sure the 9 is closer to 1230 than 1300 when riding in the car, but not an issue at all.

Re: Carrying at the 1 o'clock

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2011 1:10 pm
by WildBill
warhorse10_9 wrote:Why not carry at 3 o'clock while driving? That is a happy medium to minimize discomfort. I am skinny am while waiting for my plastic have been trying things around the house 3-330 seems to work best for me. I have been sitting in chairs that would give me the same posture as in the car.
:iagree: I can't say that I am skinny, but I have no problem carrying 3-3:30 o'clock while driving.

Re: Carrying at the 1 o'clock

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2011 1:56 pm
by RoyGBiv
I carry AIWB most of the time... 1:00
I also own a SuperTuck ("ST")... I've tied it at 3:30-4:00 and find that I'm just not a big fan of strong side carry, but, I'm still trying it out occasionally...

I've also tried the ST at 1:00... Here's my $0.02

1. If I'm standing, it works ok.
2. If I'm sitting, the leather portion below the kydex is too long to sit comfortably... For me, AIWB with a ST is not an option.
3. If you're tall, perhaps it might work better for you than it did for me... I'm 5'9"..
4. If you have a smaller weapon or can adjust the ST position to ride higher, you also might find a comfortable spot to wear it at 1:00... For me, if I adjust the ride height so that the leather is not a problem, my weapon is riding so high it's either poking my bottom rib or riding above my ribs and not concealing well at all. Depends on the pants I'm wearing.

So..... Play around with the ST and you might make it work at 1:00, but, IMHO, there are better choices for AIWB.

Re: Carrying at the 1 o'clock

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2011 4:41 pm
by Divided Attention
I didn't say in what I carry at 1230 - 1:30.... the M&P 9C is in a Tucker Heritage, and the P238 is in a Comfort Carry, and the Colt is in a Kholster. With all 3 I would adjust the cant and squat, sit, stand lean etc until I found one that not only was comfortable, but worked with the draw and concealment.

Today I went and tried on a Tucker gun belt at Woodlands Tactical. I was skeptical at how much difference a belt would make... I will likely be ordering one soon. They didn't have my size in the color I wanted, so I will have to order. I was shocked at how much closer the weapon stayed to my body (thought it couldn't get any closer) and how much more comfortable it was... took some of the pressure off the muzzle end of the holster.

The "optional" carry for me is cross draw at 1100 - 1130. This works well too, but I have to change the cant on the weapon/holster. Come on and join the club of those of us that have stood in front of a mirror with different outfits and holsters and weapons finding the "perfect" spot. ;-)

Re: Carrying at the 1 o'clock

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2011 5:02 pm
by WildBill
I carry at 3-3:30 o'clock. Sometimes the seatbelt buckle interferes at little, but not enough to make me change.

Re: Carrying at the 1 o'clock

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2011 5:11 pm
by jordanmills
I'd be a little concerned about shooting my nards off. Sure, I know just how often handguns spontaneously fire. But it's an issue very dear to me.

Re: Carrying at the 1 o'clock

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2011 5:52 pm
by The Annoyed Man
WildBill wrote:
warhorse10_9 wrote:Why not carry at 3 o'clock while driving? That is a happy medium to minimize discomfort. I am skinny am while waiting for my plastic have been trying things around the house 3-330 seems to work best for me. I have been sitting in chairs that would give me the same posture as in the car.
:iagree: I can't say that I am skinny, but I have no problem carrying 3-3:30 o'clock while driving.
Just put it on the dashboard... "rlol"

Re: Carrying at the 1 o'clock

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2011 5:53 pm
by The Annoyed Man
...the gun I mean... :mrgreen:

Re: Carrying at the 1 o'clock

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2011 4:02 pm
by badgerw
Mr. Brett,

What you are describing is Appendix Carry. It should work. How comfortable it is and how well it conceals may be a matter of the holster, the belt, your trousers, and your body.

I'm a chubby middle-aged guy. I have a 38 inch waist. I can carry my Glock 26 at 1 o'clock in a Tucker Cover-up comfortably while wearing dress trousers. With cargo pants that rides slightly lower, it is uncomfortable while seated.

YMMV one hell of a lot,