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Anyone able to recommend a CHL class in El Paso?
Posted: Sat Dec 16, 2006 1:46 am
by cloudcroft
Does anyone know of a good CHL class/course here in El Paso? Preferably one where they take care of everything (including fingerprints) for right there in that one location (and even though it'd cost more).
-- John D.
Posted: Sat Dec 16, 2006 10:13 am
by longtooth
If thane or quidni does not see this pretty quick, PM one of them.
Re: Anyone able to recommend a CHL class in El Paso?
Posted: Sat Dec 16, 2006 10:18 am
by quidni
cloudcroft wrote:Does anyone know of a good CHL class/course here in El Paso? Preferably one where they take care of everything (including fingerprints) for right there in that one location (and even though it'd cost more).
El Paso Shooters Academy, with John and Cathy Hubert.
Photos, fingerprinting and notary included.
John's retired Border Patrol; both he and his wife teach the classes. Good people. They run classes every month for CHL, as well as assorted and sundry basic/advanced training. The CHL class usu. runs in the evening from Wednesday through Friday, with the shooting portion (at Ft Bliss R&G) in the morning either Friday or Saturday (your choice).
The son and I both went through their class & I'd recommend them to anyone.
I'm sure there are other great instructors in the area (I've met Jaime from JAG - he's a real gentleman) but I don't have experience with their teaching styles or what their classes include.
Posted: Sun Dec 17, 2006 9:48 pm
by cloudcroft
Thanks longtooth and quidni.
I have heard about El Paso Shooters Academy but just the name, no real information.
I will talk to them.
-- John D.