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Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2011 7:28 pm
by JDennis
Hello All,
I'm starting to get my package together and opened the photo envelope to check measurement to see if the drug store got it right. I forgot to take the paper with me when pic.was taken so that they would get it right. the photos measure 2" X 2", barely, but the measuremt from the top of my head to the top of the paper is just 1/16 th inch. It is supposed to be 3/16 to 1/4 inch. My question is this. Will it matter on application being accepted or do I need to go back to store and tell them they messed up and it needs to be redone. I told the person it was for CHL, and I just thought they knew sizes to follow. Guess I was wrong.
Thanks for your help and I also have to say this is a great forum with lots of information. Again thanks.


Re: photos

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2011 10:21 pm
by johncanfield
I would just hang out and see what happens. Chances are good the pix are fine.

Re: photos

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2011 10:03 am
by strider67
CHL photos and passport photos have the same rules...if it is a "passport photo", you should be fine. Have you taken your your class yet, because just about all CHL classes nowadays will include your photos, by someone who knows what the CHL requirements are...

I would have told them you needed a passport photo...(unless, of course, you were trying to impress her...and you are not married... :lol: )

Welcome to the forum :txflag:

Re: photos

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2011 4:55 pm
by JDennis
Thanks John and Strider,
I have packet allready to send in. The question on the photos was my last thing to clarify. I will take the photo holder sheet to the place where photos were done and enlighten them for someone in the future. Thanks for the welcome and the help. I will have to get a holster for my LC9 so as to do the Wallwalk. Any sugestions on a good holster? Bought it for the wife, but I'll be carring it often when she will let me. My 380 will slip in my pocket so it's no problem. Again thanks and have a blessed one.

Re: photos

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2011 9:41 pm
by JDennis
While doing some more investigating on the photos, I have to have them redone. Just found out I was supposed to remove eye glasses.
Oh well, such is life sometimes .