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CHL Instructor - Lots of anti-Gay jokes

Posted: Sat Mar 03, 2007 2:11 pm
by Aberdonian
Our instructor was good and I believe is a decent individual but he kept on cracking anti-Gay jokes. In that I went with a couple of Gay friends I felt my self cringing every time he said something like " or put in in your purse or wherever they stick their guns on Cedar Springs".

There were plenty of fat white guys, women, African Americans & Hispanics in the class but he never made any jokes about them.

Shame that in 2006 there is still hatred and bigotry around. He probably thought he was just being witty.


Posted: Sat Mar 03, 2007 10:50 pm
by KBCraig
I'd send him a complimentary membership to Pink Pistols.

They have Texas chapters. :cool:

Posted: Sat Mar 03, 2007 11:53 pm
by Aberdonian
That is too funny. You gotta love America - something for everyone!

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2007 6:09 pm
by rbraughn
Send him a letter telling him your Gay friends who attended class did not appreciate his humor and that they will tell the local gay community not to take any classes from him....I bet that will hit him where it hurts.

Re: CHL Instructor - Lots of anti-Gay jokes

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2007 2:39 am
by Thane
Aberdonian wrote:Our instructor was good and I believe is a decent individual but he kept on cracking anti-Gay jokes. In that I went with a couple of Gay friends I felt my self cringing every time he said something like " or put in in your purse or wherever they stick their guns on Cedar Springs".

There were plenty of fat white guys, women, African Americans & Hispanics in the class but he never made any jokes about them.

Shame that in 2006 there is still hatred and bigotry around. He probably thought he was just being witty.

As a white guy who has been the butt of many, many "white-boy" jokes in a predominantly hispanic area...

The homosexuals need to get over it.

1) Making fun of someone does NOT equal hate. Yeah, it can be spiteful at times, but that's no excuse for the often equally-spiteful responses I've seen. Screaming "bigot" at jokes and jokers is just as spiteful as the jokes. It's akin to me crying "racism" and calling the ACLU at every "white-boy" and "wero" joke; overblown, overreaction, and unnecessary.

2) Homosexuals need to understand that what they do is disgusting and distasteful to a rather large portion of the populace (and before you ask, I too have and have had homosexual friends. It creeped me out, they knew it, but they were friends despite that). There's a big difference between being disgusted and taking violent or criminal action. Being disgusted and offended by homosexuality is NOT a crime; nor is it a sign of hate toward the individual whose conduct is found distasteful.

3) People need to quit tip-toeing around "politically incorrect" subjects. It's not "PC" to crack "black" jokes, yet I have bantered back and forth with black friends in just that manner. It's not "PC" to make "mexican" jokes, but my hispanic friends don't mind them. I've personally dealt with "whitey" jokes for a long time, and have gotten accustomed to them (and even ::gasp:: made a few).

If your homosexual friends were offended, they needed to have said something right then and there. I'd bet the instructor would have ceased his joking along those lines. If he hadn't, y'all were still free to get up and leave any time. Since they didn't object to him, and y'all sat through the class, I'd just forget about the whole deal.

Of course, all us heterosexual white blond Christian males can start suing over all the jokes made at our expense. Or we can just all grow up, and take things in stride. Too many folks today are afraid of saying -anything- for fear of "offending someone." Time to put an end to that nonsense.

What say you?

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2007 2:42 am
by Thane
Something just occurred to me: Did the instructor even KNOW there were homosexuals in his classroom? I'd bet he didn't, and chose that particular "joke topic" as one that should have been neutral to everyone in class. If there were no hispanics, or no women, or no blacks, they'd probably have ended up as the butt instead.

He probably thought he was going out of his way to AVOID offense, thinking he was making jokes about a group not even represented in that class.

Re: CHL Instructor - Lots of anti-Gay jokes

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2007 7:00 am
by Liberty
Thane wrote:

3) People need to quit tip-toeing around "politically incorrect" subjects. It's not "PC" to crack "black" jokes, yet I have bantered back and forth with black friends in just that manner. It's not "PC" to make "mexican" jokes, but my hispanic friends don't mind them. I've personally dealt with "whitey" jokes for a long time, and have gotten accustomed to them (and even ::gasp:: made a few).

If your homosexual friends were offended, they needed to have said something right then and there. I'd bet the instructor would have ceased his joking along those lines. If he hadn't, y'all were still free to get up and leave any time. Since they didn't object to him, and y'all sat through the class, I'd just forget about the whole deal.

Of course, all us heterosexual white blond Christian males can start suing over all the jokes made at our expense. Or we can just all grow up, and take things in stride. Too many folks today are afraid of saying -anything- for fear of "offending someone." Time to put an end to that nonsense.

What say you?
A classroom is not the same as sitting around a bar with your "homies". A classroom is a formal setting, not a comedy club, and an instructor should try to follow some modicum of respect and courtesy. The OP was not complaining about single joke but a continuous theme. This instructor would be just as offensive if he were attacking political affiliation, race, or sex.

Re: CHL Instructor - Lots of anti-Gay jokes

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2007 8:35 am
by txinvestigator
Thane wrote:
Aberdonian wrote:Our instructor was good and I believe is a decent individual but he kept on cracking anti-Gay jokes. In that I went with a couple of Gay friends I felt my self cringing every time he said something like " or put in in your purse or wherever they stick their guns on Cedar Springs".

There were plenty of fat white guys, women, African Americans & Hispanics in the class but he never made any jokes about them.

Shame that in 2006 there is still hatred and bigotry around. He probably thought he was just being witty.

As a white guy who has been the butt of many, many "white-boy" jokes in a predominantly hispanic area...

The homosexuals need to get over it.

1) Making fun of someone does NOT equal hate. Yeah, it can be spiteful at times, but that's no excuse for the often equally-spiteful responses I've seen. Screaming "bigot" at jokes and jokers is just as spiteful as the jokes. It's akin to me crying "racism" and calling the ACLU at every "white-boy" and "wero" joke; overblown, overreaction, and unnecessary.

2) Homosexuals need to understand that what they do is disgusting and distasteful to a rather large portion of the populace (and before you ask, I too have and have had homosexual friends. It creeped me out, they knew it, but they were friends despite that). There's a big difference between being disgusted and taking violent or criminal action. Being disgusted and offended by homosexuality is NOT a crime; nor is it a sign of hate toward the individual whose conduct is found distasteful.

3) People need to quit tip-toeing around "politically incorrect" subjects. It's not "PC" to crack "black" jokes, yet I have bantered back and forth with black friends in just that manner. It's not "PC" to make "mexican" jokes, but my hispanic friends don't mind them. I've personally dealt with "whitey" jokes for a long time, and have gotten accustomed to them (and even ::gasp:: made a few).

If your homosexual friends were offended, they needed to have said something right then and there. I'd bet the instructor would have ceased his joking along those lines. If he hadn't, y'all were still free to get up and leave any time. Since they didn't object to him, and y'all sat through the class, I'd just forget about the whole deal.

Of course, all us heterosexual white blond Christian males can start suing over all the jokes made at our expense. Or we can just all grow up, and take things in stride. Too many folks today are afraid of saying -anything- for fear of "offending someone." Time to put an end to that nonsense.

What say you?
To make jokes about a group of people based on their sexual orientation is unprofessional at best. It is also show ignorance on the part of the speaker.

There is NO reason to behave in such a manner in such a place.

BTW, I am also opposed top homosexuality and I believe it is an aberration. However, I am just opposed to unnecessary humiliation and meanness.

And hangin with your friends is not nearly the same as addressing a group of strangers.

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2007 7:16 pm
by longtooth
The Moderators commend all of you for the way you have expressed yourselves.

Above is an excellent summary from a professional instructor.

Thank you.