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Newbie question, I'm confused as can be.

Posted: Sun Sep 22, 2013 6:58 pm
by TrackinPat
So my understanding was that college campuses were not allowed to be carried on even without a 30.06 sign, but in my CHL class yesterday the instructor posed that this was no longer true by giving this scenario, "I can go to Katy high school and carry all around and go jogging on the track, but the moment the band comes out to practice or to the football team comes out I have to leave." Is this true? I live in the Houston area and want to know if I can carry around Lonestar College or if I need to leave it in the car? Obviously I'm several weeks out from facing this dilemma but I just want to know ahead of time.

Re: Newbie question, I'm confused as can be.

Posted: Sun Sep 22, 2013 7:16 pm
by Teamless
you cannot carry in any building, or by some schools of thought, you cannot carry once you pass a gate.
you can carry in the parking lots, or on the grounds.

As far as on the jogging track or whatever, if the field is open to non-school activities the same time it is open to school activities, as long as you are NOT PART OF the school activity, you should be OK to carry.
Much like going to the Zoo.
The Zoo (Houston) is OK to carry, as long as you are not with any school functions
If a school shows up, you are STILL ok to carry, as long as you are not with them.

It can be confusing and worrisome.

The best thing to do is start small in what you learn
Ask more questions
Do more reading on this forum

And in a short time, you will feel confident in what/where/when you can carry.

Re: Newbie question, I'm confused as can be.

Posted: Sun Sep 22, 2013 7:32 pm
by The Annoyed Man
You can carry on a college campus, just not into the buildings or other facilities (stadium, etc.). If you are a college student, you can secure your firearm in your car in the parking lot. Local college campus rules may possibly forbid a student from carrying on campus (outside of buildings/facilities), but any such rule is not applicable to anyone else who is not a student, faculty, or other employee.

However, for all practical purposes, college campus carry is useless absent a campus carry law which specifically allows inside the buildings. Status quo is fine if you are just walking across campus, but if you can't carry into any of the facilities, it is worthless..............and the liberals know it and love it.

Blame Joe Strauss.

Re: Newbie question, I'm confused as can be.

Posted: Sun Sep 22, 2013 7:40 pm
by jmra
The Annoyed Man wrote:Blame Joe Strauss.
:iagree: :iagree: :iagree:

Re: Newbie question, I'm confused as can be.

Posted: Sun Sep 22, 2013 7:40 pm
by MotherBear
Teamless wrote:Much like going to the Zoo.
The Zoo (Houston) is OK to carry, as long as you are not with any school functions
If a school shows up, you are STILL ok to carry, as long as you are not with them.
For what it's worth, not everyone agrees with that assessment. I do, but my instructor was of the opinion that a CHL needs to leave if a school group shows up. So you may hear two different things on this subject, and I guess ultimately you have to decide what you think the law intends and/or how you think it will be enforced.

My take on it is this: I've been to the State Capitol a time or two. There are an awful lot of school functions at the State Capitol. Field trips all over the place. And yet, I've never seen the DPS guys close down the CHL line with a little sign that says, "School group on premesis; no CHLs permitted." Seems like if the law was meant to work that way, they'd make some sort of effort toward enforcing it. I'd understand if they didn't go hunt down every CHL in the building and tell 'em to leave, but you'd think they'd stop letting us in. Instead, as far as I can tell, they watch the school group go through the metal detectors and they keep right on admitting CHLs. I know it's not ironclad, but it's the best interpretation I've got until someone feels inclined to clear up the wording of the law.

Re: Newbie question, I'm confused as can be.

Posted: Sun Sep 22, 2013 8:07 pm
by SewTexas
well, given that Mr Cotton has read the explanation that I typically give of this and hasn't corrected it, I figure it's correct....

I'm a homeschooler, therefore I'm not a "school" (even though I am a private school) I can take my kid to a museum and carry all I want, if XYZ HighSchool shows up, even in the room we're in, I'm not required to leave said room, because I'm not a part of their group. We probably will leave the room, simply because we don't like crowds and even my teens don't like teens. ;-)

Re: Newbie question, I'm confused as can be.

Posted: Sun Sep 22, 2013 8:35 pm
by howdy
We can all read what the CHL law says, but it takes a court to say what that law means. I think your Instructor was very liberal in their interpretation of the law. I will not say (s)he is wrong because I know many people interpret this area of CHL law this way. I live in Katy, and several Katy ISD Police Officers work part time security at my Church. I know from talking to them that they are confused when it comes to some CHL law. That confusion could lead to a ride to the big house and your picture on the front page of the Katy Times. You are perfectly legal (have been for a long time) to have your gun locked in your car while in the parking lot. There was a question on the CHL written test alluding to this very scenario. The problem was the College/University not allowing students ANYWHERE on campus with a gun. If caught, you would be expelled forever from that school. Now, they are not allowed to have those rules, but I would bet some still do. Keep your gun WELL concealed and you will never have a problem. Go on the Katy High School track in gym shorts, Under Armour skin tight shirt and a IWB holster with your 1911 and you will get to test your Instructor's interpretation.

Re: Newbie question, I'm confused as can be.

Posted: Sun Sep 22, 2013 10:58 pm
by TrackinPat
howdy wrote:We can all read what the CHL law says, but it take a court to say what that law means. I think your Instructor was very liberal in their interpretation of the law. I will not say (s)he is wrong because I know many people interpret this area of CHL law this way. I live in Katy, and several Katy ISD Police Officers work part time security at my Church. I know from talking to them that they are confused when it comes to some CHL law. That confusion could lead to a ride to the big house and your picture on the front page of the Katy Times. You are perfectly legal (have been for a long time) to have your gun locked in your car while in the parking lot. There was a question on the CHL written test alluding to this very scenario. The problem was the College/University not allowing students ANYWHERE on campus with a gun. If caught, you would be expelled forever from that school. Now, they are not allowed to have those rules, but I would bet some still do. Keep your gun WELL concealed and you will never have a problem. Go on the Katy High School track in gym shorts, Under Armour skin tight shirt and a IWB holster with your 1911 and you will get to test your Instructor's interpretation.
Haha, well I have no intention of trying that out at Katy but I was curious. Either way I think ill just leave it in my car when at school in a well hidden spot and I'll refer to the boards and see what you senior guys have to say about other place when I'm not sure. It seems the CHL laws are quite confusing, and on the DPS website the CHL 16 isn't up to date as far as I could see, or is that 2012 edition still the proper one?

Re: Newbie question, I'm confused as can be.

Posted: Mon Sep 23, 2013 11:10 am
by oohrah
I work on a private residential college campus. School rules in addition to the law allow CHLers to keep their carry locked in their vehicle in campus parking lots. I have a small safe secured to the car under my front seat for such purpose.

Regardless of others comments, my take is that I cannot go anywhere on the grounds where there are not students; walking to class, congregating, sitting on benches studying, whatever. It would be very easy for a reasonable person to conclude that school activities were occurring on the grounds at all these times, making them off-limits.

YMMV, but I'm not going to be a test case.

Re: Newbie question, I'm confused as can be.

Posted: Mon Sep 23, 2013 11:43 am
by TrackinPat
oohrah wrote:I work on a private residential college campus. School rules in addition to the law allow CHLers to keep their carry locked in their vehicle in campus parking lots. I have a small safe secured to the car under my front seat for such purpose.

Regardless of others comments, my take is that I cannot go anywhere on the grounds where there are not students; walking to class, congregating, sitting on benches studying, whatever. It would be very easy for a reasonable person to conclude that school activities were occurring on the grounds at all these times, making them off-limits.

YMMV, but I'm not going to be a test case.
I think I'm going to take your route and do it that way.

Re: Newbie question, I'm confused as can be.

Posted: Mon Sep 23, 2013 10:34 pm
by howdy
TrackinPat wrote:
oohrah wrote:I work on a private residential college campus. School rules in addition to the law allow CHLers to keep their carry locked in their vehicle in campus parking lots. I have a small safe secured to the car under my front seat for such purpose.

Regardless of others comments, my take is that I cannot go anywhere on the grounds where there are not students; walking to class, congregating, sitting on benches studying, whatever. It would be very easy for a reasonable person to conclude that school activities were occurring on the grounds at all these times, making them off-limits.

YMMV, but I'm not going to be a test case.
I think I'm going to take your route and do it that way.

I think you have come to a wise decision.

Re: Newbie question, I'm confused as can be.

Posted: Sun Dec 15, 2013 1:45 pm
by captainkbt
TrackinPat wrote:So my understanding was that college campuses were not allowed to be carried on even without a 30.06 sign, but in my CHL class yesterday the instructor posed that this was no longer true by giving this scenario, "I can go to Katy high school and carry all around and go jogging on the track, but the moment the band comes out to practice or to the football team comes out I have to leave." Is this true? I live in the Houston area and want to know if I can carry around Lonestar College or if I need to leave it in the car? Obviously I'm several weeks out from facing this dilemma but I just want to know ahead of time.
I think your instructor is pushing it a bit. I would leave it in the car. Heres how Texas Penal Code defines "premises".....


(3) “Premises” means a building or a portion of a building. The term does not include any public or private driveway, street, sidewalk or walkway, parking lot, parking garage, or other parking area.

The jogging track is not part of a driveway, street, sidewalk or walkway, or parking area. So I wouldn't push it. I think the intent of the law is to allow people to transport their handgun and be able to leave it in the vehicle or walk vehicle to vehicle without entering school grounds.

Re: Newbie question, I'm confused as can be.

Posted: Sun Dec 15, 2013 2:45 pm
by mojo84
OP, You will have to make your own decision. You can get some information on which to base your decision on this site. I recommend you search the forum for "school premises". There have been some good discussions on this.

Re: Newbie question, I'm confused as can be.

Posted: Sun Dec 15, 2013 2:52 pm
by TomV
I think your instructor is pushing it a bit. I would leave it in the car. Heres how Texas Penal Code defines "premises".....


(3) “Premises” means a building or a portion of a building. The term does not include any public or private driveway, street, sidewalk or walkway, parking lot, parking garage, or other parking area.

The jogging track is not part of a driveway, street, sidewalk or walkway, or parking area. So I wouldn't push it. I think the intent of the law is to allow people to transport their handgun and be able to leave it in the vehicle or walk vehicle to vehicle without entering school grounds.
A jogging track isn't part of a building either unless it's inside.

Re: Newbie question, I'm confused as can be.

Posted: Sun Dec 15, 2013 3:15 pm
by sunny beach
:thumbs2: :thumbs2: Buildings are built but not everything people build are buildings.