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Question about the CHL class

Posted: Sun May 06, 2007 12:07 pm
by RyanZX759
Do I need to memorize the "Texas Concealed Handgun Laws" in order to complete the course or am I better off listening to the instructor? In other words is there a written exam? i.e. How do they grade you?

Posted: Sun May 06, 2007 12:39 pm
by seamusTX
You don't need to memorize it (though I said so as a joke recently). But I recommend reading it as often as it takes for you to feel confident about remembering it.

Also, read as many threads about the law as you can on this forum.

There is a written exam. It is part multiple-choice and part true-false. You have to get three-quarters of the answers right. Almost everyone does.

The questions about license suspensions and revocations are tricky. Here's a free clue: There are some infractions that are not crimes, but can get your license suspended. One of those things is failing to return an active license when you are issued a new one. If you commit a third such infraction, your license will be revoked.
GC §411.186. REVOCATION. (a) A license may be revoked under this section if the license holder: ...
(5) is determined by the department to have engaged in conduct constituting a reason to suspend a license listed in Section 411.187(a) after the person's license has been previously suspended twice for the same reason; ...
P.S.: I just noticed this is your first posting. Welcome to the forum.

- Jim

Posted: Sun May 06, 2007 12:51 pm
by Crossfire
Ryan - welcome to the forum! No, you do not have to memorize the book. But, if you could, that would be pretty impressive! It would probably also give your instructor the heebie jeebies... Don't know what part of Texas you are in, or where you are planning to take your class, but I can tell you what I do.

I use a PowerPoint presentation with handouts. I tell the students right up front, everything that is on the test is highlighted in red on the slides. You should make a note on your handout of everything that is highlighted in red. And, if it is on the test, I will say it at least 3 times. So, they see it, they hear it, and they write it down.

No one (with a fairly good grasp of the English language) has ever failed the written test in my classes. Don't get too worried about it. Enjoy your class, and don't be afraid to ask questions. You will do just fine!

Posted: Sun May 06, 2007 12:58 pm
by txinvestigator
Welcome Ryan.

You will learn everything you need in class. There is a 50 question written exam, but everything is covered in class. You should pass fine, I have never had a student fail the written test.
seamusTX wrote:One of those things is failing to return an active license when you are issued a new one. If you commit a third such infraction, your license will be revoked
To clarify, that is only if you fail to return to DPS a license if you are issued a MODIFIED license. The only way to modify a license is to change your category of handgun. If you qualify with a revolver, your handgun category will be "NSA" for Non-semiautomatic, and you cannot carry a semiauto under your CHL. But if, for example, 2 years in you decide to switch to semi-auto, there is a procedure for shooting the qualification for an instructor with a semi-auto, and you can have DPS issue a modified license to "SA" for semi-auto. Then you can carry either semi or revolver.

If you do that, you MUST return the original NSA license to DPS. That is the only instance where you must send an old license back in. If you change address or name, there is no requirement to send the old license back.

Posted: Sun May 06, 2007 3:00 pm
by Idjut

Welcome. I had not even cracked the CHL laws prior to the class and I managed to ace it (not bragging). Point is, you should be fine if you pay attention and ask questions if something is confusing.

Note: I have read the 'bible' about five times front to back in the last month or so and my instructor covered an estimated 90% of what I would consider 'significant' material.

Posted: Sun May 06, 2007 4:48 pm
If you are asking for the test, I think everyone in my class made at least a 95%! However, I feel it is my responsibility to be familiar with all the material if I am going to carry. I have however, learned more on this site than anywhere else. The resources and knowledge base we have here is a great reference.