Almost went to jail!!!

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Re: Almost went to jail!!!


Post by JALLEN »

Your "right" is limited by the "right" of a property owner, or someone in rightful possession, to forbid it on his/her/its property. The property owner exercises that "right" in a variety of ways, signs, cards, verbal notice, for whatever reason he/she/it choses.

Walking down the street, on public property, you have a right. As soon as you enter private property, you are subject to that owner's rights. You may chose to allow it on your property, Joe next door may not, and so forth.
Luckily, I have enough willpower to control the driving ambition that rages within me.

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Re: Almost went to jail!!!


Post by chuck j »

Way it should be .

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Re: Almost went to jail!!!


Post by chuck j »

No one seems to want to respond . We have individual beliefs . 30/40 years ago an individual's beliefs most likely would have been respected , don't have to agree .........just respect . Respect is about dead , part of the great shame of us as a society . It's hard at times but remember RESPECT , we all are entitled to it as individuals . Study respect need not change your own thoughts but ...........respect ...........the thoughts of others like you . It's thought provoking , wow ! Being able to accept anthers beliefs ..........without hate and selfishness our lives side by side . Might think about it ?
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Re: Almost went to jail!!!


Post by mojo84 »

I respectfully submit, lying, fabricating a misleading story, disregarding a notice, using poor judgement, boasting, playing people and not responding to reasonable clarifying questions typically will not earn one much respect.
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Re: Almost went to jail!!!


Post by chuck j »

Ain't much CONVICTION there , do you feel it ?
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Re: Almost went to jail!!!


Post by The Annoyed Man »

PSTL*PAKR wrote:
Charles L. Cotton wrote:
mojo84 wrote:
mojo84 wrote:There are some inconsistencies in this story that make me wonder if this actually happened. The OP stated he went into the restaurant, a cafeteria, and 20 minutes later the cops showed up. He then said said the cops showed up before he had a chance to order. Then he said they must not have cooked his food since the manager called the police.

Too many inconsistencies here for me to believe this event actually happened. I think I took the bait and got reeled up to the boat and threw the hook as the net approached me.

Further to my previous post regarding inconsistencies within this thread by the OP, I've looked back at his prior postings which demonstrate he is adamantly against open carry.

I believe he has an anti-OC agenda and he is playing us all like cheap fiddles. I am even more convinced the event in this thread did not happen. I encourage you all to review his prior comments and consider how he can't keep his story straight, even in this one thread.

We are making a mountain out of a molehill that did not exist.
I'm convinced mojo84 is absolutely correct. I did a quick search of his posts and the one quoted below is typical of his attitude toward open-carry. Couple this with his failure to respond to any comment in this multi-page thread he started and there's more reason to doubt this event ever occurred. It appears that his dislike of open-carry coupled with a total lack of anti-OC incidents prompted him to invent this story.

PSTL*PAKR wrote:For all you OC people, get ready to get banned from carrying in a lot of places.....Why aren't people happy with CC?????? :roll:
I will prove it. I will do it again, and post it on youtube
Oh...... you're one of THOSE people. :roll:

You deserve whatever happens to you.
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Re: Almost went to jail!!!


Post by Javier730 »

The Annoyed Man wrote:
PSTL*PAKR wrote:
Charles L. Cotton wrote:
mojo84 wrote:
mojo84 wrote:There are some inconsistencies in this story that make me wonder if this actually happened. The OP stated he went into the restaurant, a cafeteria, and 20 minutes later the cops showed up. He then said said the cops showed up before he had a chance to order. Then he said they must not have cooked his food since the manager called the police.

Too many inconsistencies here for me to believe this event actually happened. I think I took the bait and got reeled up to the boat and threw the hook as the net approached me.

Further to my previous post regarding inconsistencies within this thread by the OP, I've looked back at his prior postings which demonstrate he is adamantly against open carry.

I believe he has an anti-OC agenda and he is playing us all like cheap fiddles. I am even more convinced the event in this thread did not happen. I encourage you all to review his prior comments and consider how he can't keep his story straight, even in this one thread.

We are making a mountain out of a molehill that did not exist.
I'm convinced mojo84 is absolutely correct. I did a quick search of his posts and the one quoted below is typical of his attitude toward open-carry. Couple this with his failure to respond to any comment in this multi-page thread he started and there's more reason to doubt this event ever occurred. It appears that his dislike of open-carry coupled with a total lack of anti-OC incidents prompted him to invent this story.

PSTL*PAKR wrote:For all you OC people, get ready to get banned from carrying in a lot of places.....Why aren't people happy with CC?????? :roll:
I will prove it. I will do it again, and post it on youtube
Oh...... you're one of THOSE people. :roll:

You deserve whatever happens to you.
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― Horace Mann

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Re: Almost went to jail!!!


Post by chuck j »

I can only speak from my heart , only speak frorm 63 years on this earth . Only speak from experience , I speak my truth , yours may be different . Explain to me that I may understand ?

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Re: Almost went to jail!!!


Post by chuck j »

Annoyed Man posted , understand . Simply proceed .
Last edited by chuck j on Sat Jan 02, 2016 8:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Almost went to jail!!!


Post by WildBill »

chuck j wrote:No one seems to want to respond . We have individual beliefs . 30/40 years ago an individual's beliefs most likely would have been respected , don't have to agree .........just respect . Respect is about dead , part of the great shame of us as a society . It's hard at times but remember RESPECT , we all are entitled to it as individuals . Study respect need not change your own thoughts but ...........respect ...........the thoughts of others like you . It's thought provoking , wow ! Being able to accept anthers beliefs ..........without hate and selfishness our lives side by side . Might think about it ?
Let me summarize my thoughts about this thread:

If I concede that all of the statements of the OP are true, then the facts are:
1) The restaurant was posted with an invalid 30.07 sign.
2) OP entered the restaurant while open carrying a handgun.
3) Some one called the police and they came to the restaurant and gave him verbal notice to leave.
4) OP left the restaurant and was talked to by the police.
5) OP stated that in a few days he would do the same thing and post it on YouTube.

If the OP's plan is to get arrested and lose his LTC, that might a good plan.
If that is not his plan, then it is foolish and asinine behavior.
I can not condone his proposed actions and bizarre plan to break the law.
No matter what his motives may be they do not earn my respect. :tiphat:
Last edited by WildBill on Sat Jan 02, 2016 8:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Almost went to jail!!!


Post by The Annoyed Man »

retrieverman wrote:The attitude expressed by the OP of this thread is why I've been opposed to open carry, and I know he's not the only one with this attitude. A minority of belligerent people are going to ruin it for all of us and give OC a bad name. :mad5
I'm not against OC, but I am against belligerent attitudes like the OP's. I absolutely do not mean any disrespect here, but you've kind of made two conflicting statements:
  1. you're opposed to OC......but......
  2. you're annoyed/concerned/appalled/whatever that the belligerent attitude of a few is going to ruin OC for you and give OC a bad name......
See what I did there? :mrgreen:

Would it be accurate to say that you have don't really have conflicting feelings about OC as much as you do about whether or not some people can be trusted to OC in a mature and responsible manner? In other words, you are actually in favor of OC, but you are annoyed that belligerence on the part of immature people is going to make it difficult for you (and the rest of us) to OC when you want to?

If that is what you mean, then I totally agree with you.
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Re: Almost went to jail!!!


Post by Ruark »

winters wrote:The only part of the story that doesn't make sense was about ordering food and them not cooking it. Lubys is a cafeteria style, you stand in line and order whats infront of you. Since when did they have a menu you ordered from?
Yep. Said he was waiting 20 minutes, the cops were there before he could order, they didn't cook his order... his avatar's a fake "concealed carry permit" police badge, his username is "pstl-pakr." Wanna bet this guy's never even been in a Lubby's, er, Luby's?
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Re: Almost went to jail!!!


Post by The Annoyed Man »

chuck j wrote:I can only speak from my heart , only speak frorm 63 years on this earth . Only speak from experience , I speak my truth , yours may be different . Explain to me that I may understand ?
Chuck, you and I are the same age. I believe that the increasing of loss of respect you are speaking of is a direct result of the anonymity of the Internet. People feel free to say things they may or may not say to someone's face. But, that can cut both ways. Anonymity can make people free to speak unpleasant truths as much as it can make people free to speak slanderous libel. I would submit that, while the latter is not desirable, the former isn't necessarily a bad thing. Truth is almost always better spoken than not.

I disagreed with the OP's position in this thread, but until the point he said he was going to do something unlawful (re-enter a location where he had previously received effective notice) and get it on youtube, I thought I might be differing with someone who was operating on some kind of internal logic that could be understood as simply a differing viewpoint, even if I didn't agree with his logic. Up to that point, I could disagree respectfully. That all changed however when his parting youtube comment made it plain that was not the case. He doesn't have a logical viewpoint. To paraphrase Kennedy administration Secretary of Defense McNamara - OP doesn't have a viewpoint; what he has is some kind of horrible spasm. Hence my response "Oh...... you're one of THOSE people." He cannot be reasoned with because he does not WANT to be reasoned with. In that light, if the rest of us (the editorial "us") are guilty of anything, it is guilty of trying to reason with a fundamentally unreasonable person who does not want to be reasoned with, and who evades reason when confronted with it. By engaging with him on the assumption that he was a reasonable person, we got conned. Shame on us for that, but shame on him for being unreasonable........and deceptive.

He is putting on a big "pro-open carry" show in this thread, but his previous posting history shows him to be avidly against open carry. That's where the deception comes in. So, we are confronted with someone who [a] operates outside the constraints of reason, and sets out to deliberately deceive about his intentions. What are we supposed to do with such things?

You spoke, correctly, of the diminishing mutual respect in our culture. But there is another thing which has changed drastically since you and I were both young. It used to be that when logic and evidence showed a person to be in the wrong, he or she would be convicted in their conscience of the wrong, and they could then admit they had been wrong. And ADMIT is the first step on the path to redemption. Someone who is big enough to admit when they've been wrong, is big enough to change their behavior. Witness that the OP has deceived us about his views, and in fact has given us notice of his intention to (allegedly) repeat his behavior unlawfully. It really does cause the observer to call bull on the whole thing. Personally, I am left with the following possibilities:

  1. Possibly he has made it his personal mission to destroy open carry. He doesn't like it, and so he's going to wreck it through deliberately unlawful behavior that will cast open carry, and the people who open carry in a bad light.
  2. Possibly he is just "twisting the tiger's tail" in the practically guaranteed anonymity of the Internet, getting a rise out of people who have made the mistake of giving him enough respect to take him seriously, at face value. In that case, who is disrespecting whom?
  3. Possibly he's just stupid.........which I don't believe.
  4. Possibly he's just angry about something entirely unrelated, and this is how he's venting.

But for sure, he has a belligerent attitude. That's not disrespect on my part, it's a well-considered observation. I don't need it. You don't need it. We don't need it. People who are belligerent deserve whatever happens to them. Taking his threat at face value to break the law and youtube it, he deserves whatever happens to him.

I am in favor of open carry. What I am NOT in favor of is people who are poor ambassadors for the 2nd Amendment.......particularly during what is a critically sensitive time, when a new expansion of the 2nd Amendment has gone into effect, and the eyes of Texas are upon us.

Let us be worthy of the attention by behaving with sober reason. The OP is not displaying sober reason in either his words or actions.
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Re: Almost went to jail!!!


Post by treadlightly »

The Annoyed Man wrote:I am in favor of open carry. What I am NOT in favor of is people who are poor ambassadors for the 2nd Amendment.......particularly during what is a critically sensitive time, when a new expansion of the 2nd Amendment has gone into effect, and the eyes of Texas are upon us.

Let us be worthy of the attention by behaving with sober reason. The OP is not displaying sober reason in either his words or actions.
Quite well said. We live in very historic days, the end times of repressive law.

Or so I hope.
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Re: Almost went to jail!!!


Post by carlson1 »

PSTL*PAKR wrote:
Charles L. Cotton wrote:
mojo84 wrote:
mojo84 wrote:There are some inconsistencies in this story that make me wonder if this actually happened. The OP stated he went into the restaurant, a cafeteria, and 20 minutes later the cops showed up. He then said said the cops showed up before he had a chance to order. Then he said they must not have cooked his food since the manager called the police.

Too many inconsistencies here for me to believe this event actually happened. I think I took the bait and got reeled up to the boat and threw the hook as the net approached me.

Further to my previous post regarding inconsistencies within this thread by the OP, I've looked back at his prior postings which demonstrate he is adamantly against open carry.

I believe he has an anti-OC agenda and he is playing us all like cheap fiddles. I am even more convinced the event in this thread did not happen. I encourage you all to review his prior comments and consider how he can't keep his story straight, even in this one thread.

We are making a mountain out of a molehill that did not exist.
I'm convinced mojo84 is absolutely correct. I did a quick search of his posts and the one quoted below is typical of his attitude toward open-carry. Couple this with his failure to respond to any comment in this multi-page thread he started and there's more reason to doubt this event ever occurred. It appears that his dislike of open-carry coupled with a total lack of anti-OC incidents prompted him to invent this story.

PSTL*PAKR wrote:For all you OC people, get ready to get banned from carrying in a lot of places.....Why aren't people happy with CC?????? :roll:
I will prove it. I will do it again, and post it on youtube
Take someone unarmed to film because you will be in jail and you can't post it. :tiphat:
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