Another casualty of Open Carry

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Re: Another casualty of Open Carry


Post by switch »

But I can count on many occasions where I have worked /done business personally and professionally over the past several years that one day they were not posted and the next they were posted 30.06, all long before the passage of OC. In my view, I support OC and would rather have OC/Posting of more signs vs. Not having OC/Posting of more signs. That said, I supported all the good gun bills.
My experience has been 100% the other way. There were quite a few 30.06 signs back in '96 but they have been slowly going away.

I agree w/you that the new law changes (OC, $10.500 fine for cities, Class C misdemeanor, etc.) were well worth the few additional 30.06 signs. I suspect the 06/07 signs will come down too.

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Re: Another casualty of Open Carry


Post by Richbirdhunter »

cyphertext wrote:
Richbirdhunter wrote:
The Annoyed Man wrote:
cyphertext wrote:
The Annoyed Man wrote:
Richbirdhunter wrote:
The Annoyed Man wrote:
cyphertext wrote:
Richbirdhunter wrote:
The Annoyed Man wrote: Are you absolutely certain about this? GVM has famously been posted for years, and as recently as last month it was STILL posted. The parent company is extremely anti-gun, and it would surprise the heck out of me if they removed all the signs.
I haven't stopped by to check but another forum member said he checked and he could see where the signs where. That also coincides with what Grapevine PD told me.
I'm betting the new signs haven't come in yet....
That would be my bet too.
I'll bet you lunch that no 06 or 07 signs go up TAM
I'll take the bet. Even if I lose, I win. We get to meet and have lunch. :mrgreen:

BTW, I hope you're right and I lose. Unless you've got some insider information though, I'm just skeptical is all. GVM has been no friend to gun owners, and I've been doing what little mall-shopping I do at the Northeast Mall in Hurst instead. Hopefully, you're right.
Per, new 30.06 signs at Grapevine Mills Mall today...
I get a free lun-unch. I get a free lu-unch. :lol: Dang it! :waiting:
I just left the GVM office and asked them about about the 06 signs coming down and he said it was true. If you OC the individual will be given verbal notice and a 07 card and asked to leave. He also stated that if we can't see it we are fine with CC.

I thanked him for the change in policy and shook his hand.

TAM, are you hungry? I could eat. :thumbs2:
Richbirdhunter, I hate to keep being the Doubting Thomas on this, but I just called the mall office and the lady that I spoke to stated that the mall is private property and they have the right to refuse to let anyone carry a firearm. I told her that I understand that, but I asked if they were going to post and she told me "Yes. We are currently working on that." So I'm not sure that this issue is put to rest yet. :confused5
Yes, when I walked into the office the lady at the front desk said we don't allow guns. I asked her why the signs came down and she was annoyed but she said let me go get the manager. He came out and invited me out into the hallway, that's when he told CC is fine OC you will be given verbal notice.

My feelings are that they have said for so long that the employee is still not on board, but management has reversed their policy.
Disclaimer: Anything I state can not be applied to 100% of all situations. Sometimes it's ok to speak in general terms.

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Re: Another casualty of Open Carry


Post by Soccerdad1995 »

I live in Katy and I work in Houston. Since January 1, I have not had a single location I visit that now prohibits CC where they did not do so before. My work has always prohibited the possession of weapons by policy, but not by law (no signs). That did not change. I have been to 11 restaurants (including fast food). None are posted at all. I have been to 7 stores. Only one of these is posted (an HEB), and that is only 30.07.

The only difference for me is that I can now OC pretty much every place that I would normally go. I don't think that I am in the minority to say that there has been no noticeably negative impact for me. I think that a lot of folks are focusing on the number of entries on Texas30.06 without thinking about whether they are really even impacted at all.

That said, I am fortunate to have a pretty broad selection of stores and restaurants for anything I might want, so even if some of my "favorite" places post, I will just have to find new "favorites". I do feel for anyone in a rural area who loses every reasonably close place to buy groceries and the like.

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Re: Another casualty of Open Carry


Post by cyphertext »

Richbirdhunter wrote:
cyphertext wrote:
Richbirdhunter wrote:
The Annoyed Man wrote:
cyphertext wrote:
The Annoyed Man wrote:
Richbirdhunter wrote:
The Annoyed Man wrote:
cyphertext wrote:
Richbirdhunter wrote: I haven't stopped by to check but another forum member said he checked and he could see where the signs where. That also coincides with what Grapevine PD told me.
I'm betting the new signs haven't come in yet....
That would be my bet too.
I'll bet you lunch that no 06 or 07 signs go up TAM
I'll take the bet. Even if I lose, I win. We get to meet and have lunch. :mrgreen:

BTW, I hope you're right and I lose. Unless you've got some insider information though, I'm just skeptical is all. GVM has been no friend to gun owners, and I've been doing what little mall-shopping I do at the Northeast Mall in Hurst instead. Hopefully, you're right.
Per, new 30.06 signs at Grapevine Mills Mall today...
I get a free lun-unch. I get a free lu-unch. :lol: Dang it! :waiting:
I just left the GVM office and asked them about about the 06 signs coming down and he said it was true. If you OC the individual will be given verbal notice and a 07 card and asked to leave. He also stated that if we can't see it we are fine with CC.

I thanked him for the change in policy and shook his hand.

TAM, are you hungry? I could eat. :thumbs2:
Richbirdhunter, I hate to keep being the Doubting Thomas on this, but I just called the mall office and the lady that I spoke to stated that the mall is private property and they have the right to refuse to let anyone carry a firearm. I told her that I understand that, but I asked if they were going to post and she told me "Yes. We are currently working on that." So I'm not sure that this issue is put to rest yet. :confused5
Yes, when I walked into the office the lady at the front desk said we don't allow guns. I asked her why the signs came down and she was annoyed but she said let me go get the manager. He came out and invited me out into the hallway, that's when he told CC is fine OC you will be given verbal notice.

My feelings are that they have said for so long that the employee is still not on board, but management has reversed their policy.
Ok, cool.... You guys enjoy lunch. :cheers2:

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Re: Another casualty of Open Carry


Post by cyphertext »

Soccerdad1995 wrote:I live in Katy and I work in Houston. Since January 1, I have not had a single location I visit that now prohibits CC where they did not do so before. My work has always prohibited the possession of weapons by policy, but not by law (no signs). That did not change. I have been to 11 restaurants (including fast food). None are posted at all. I have been to 7 stores. Only one of these is posted (an HEB), and that is only 30.07.

The only difference for me is that I can now OC pretty much every place that I would normally go. I don't think that I am in the minority to say that there has been no noticeably negative impact for me. I think that a lot of folks are focusing on the number of entries on Texas30.06 without thinking about whether they are really even impacted at all.

That said, I am fortunate to have a pretty broad selection of stores and restaurants for anything I might want, so even if some of my "favorite" places post, I will just have to find new "favorites". I do feel for anyone in a rural area who loses every reasonably close place to buy groceries and the like.
Get back to me when you try to take the family to Half Price Books, AMC Theaters, or Denny's just to name a few. If you haven't seen 30.07 signs up, you haven't been looking.

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Re: Another casualty of Open Carry


Post by Soccerdad1995 »

cyphertext wrote:
Soccerdad1995 wrote:I live in Katy and I work in Houston. Since January 1, I have not had a single location I visit that now prohibits CC where they did not do so before. My work has always prohibited the possession of weapons by policy, but not by law (no signs). That did not change. I have been to 11 restaurants (including fast food). None are posted at all. I have been to 7 stores. Only one of these is posted (an HEB), and that is only 30.07.

The only difference for me is that I can now OC pretty much every place that I would normally go. I don't think that I am in the minority to say that there has been no noticeably negative impact for me. I think that a lot of folks are focusing on the number of entries on Texas30.06 without thinking about whether they are really even impacted at all.

That said, I am fortunate to have a pretty broad selection of stores and restaurants for anything I might want, so even if some of my "favorite" places post, I will just have to find new "favorites". I do feel for anyone in a rural area who loses every reasonably close place to buy groceries and the like.
Get back to me when you try to take the family to Half Price Books, AMC Theaters, or Denny's just to name a few. If you haven't seen 30.07 signs up, you haven't been looking.
I won't be getting back to you because I haven't been to a HPB in at least 10 years. If I want a book, I usually go to Amazon. Why go to AMC theatres when Santikos is nearby? Santikos blows any other theatre out of the water, IMHO. Denny's? Yeah, not losing much there, either.

I didn't say that there was no place near me posting signs. I said that there was no place I would normally have gone that has banned CC and only one place that bans OC, and I have not had to change my normal routine at all to avoid such places. I also said that I have a wealth of alternatives if I start to encounter more places that don't value my rights. And I don't think that I am in the minority.

I realize that others have had to make more adjustments to their routine. But is the loss of a bookstore really that much of a tragedy in the grand scheme of things? Bookstores (of all types) are headed toward extinction, IMHO, just like Blockbuster. So we will lose all of them soon enough.
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Re: Another casualty of Open Carry


Post by VMI77 »

Soccerdad1995 wrote:
cyphertext wrote:
Soccerdad1995 wrote:I live in Katy and I work in Houston. Since January 1, I have not had a single location I visit that now prohibits CC where they did not do so before. My work has always prohibited the possession of weapons by policy, but not by law (no signs). That did not change. I have been to 11 restaurants (including fast food). None are posted at all. I have been to 7 stores. Only one of these is posted (an HEB), and that is only 30.07.

The only difference for me is that I can now OC pretty much every place that I would normally go. I don't think that I am in the minority to say that there has been no noticeably negative impact for me. I think that a lot of folks are focusing on the number of entries on Texas30.06 without thinking about whether they are really even impacted at all.

That said, I am fortunate to have a pretty broad selection of stores and restaurants for anything I might want, so even if some of my "favorite" places post, I will just have to find new "favorites". I do feel for anyone in a rural area who loses every reasonably close place to buy groceries and the like.
Get back to me when you try to take the family to Half Price Books, AMC Theaters, or Denny's just to name a few. If you haven't seen 30.07 signs up, you haven't been looking.
I won't be getting back to you because I haven't been to a HPB in at least 10 years. If I want a book, I usually go to Amazon. Why go to AMC theatres when Santikos is nearby? Santikos blows any other theatre out of the water, IMHO. Denny's? Yeah, not losing much there, either.

I didn't say that there was no place near me posting signs. I said that there was no place I would normally have gone that has banned CC and only one place that bans OC, and I have not had to change my normal routine at all to avoid such places. I also said that I have a wealth of alternatives if I start to encounter more places that don't value my rights. And I don't think that I am in the minority.

I realize that others have had to make more adjustments to their routine. But is the loss of a bookstore really that much of a tragedy in the grand scheme of things? Bookstores (of all types) are headed toward extinction, IMHO, just like Blockbuster. So we will lose all of them soon enough.
OC may have affected my work carry....but then I don't know for sure if it did or didn't. Otherwise, I agree with you....haven't see a single posting so far that prohibits CC at any place I will miss...and no 30.07 signs for that matter, though I admit, I don't get out much except to go to work, or buy gas, groceries, guns, and ammo. 90% of our non-food and gas purchases are over the internet, primarily Amazon. I stopped going to theaters years ago due to the boorish and inconsiderate behavior of other patrons. I'm a movie buff but there isn't a movie made that I can't wait to view on my own "big screen" at home after the DVD comes out.

I live in a rural area btw, and I don't expect to lose any reasonably close place to buy groceries and the like. We've got Walmart, HEB, and Brookshire Brothers in addition to some smaller family owned stores. The only 30.07 sign I've seen so far is at my workplace and the only new 30.06 sign I've seen is there too.
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Re: Another casualty of Open Carry


Post by cyphertext »

Soccerdad1995 wrote:
cyphertext wrote:
Soccerdad1995 wrote:I live in Katy and I work in Houston. Since January 1, I have not had a single location I visit that now prohibits CC where they did not do so before. My work has always prohibited the possession of weapons by policy, but not by law (no signs). That did not change. I have been to 11 restaurants (including fast food). None are posted at all. I have been to 7 stores. Only one of these is posted (an HEB), and that is only 30.07.

The only difference for me is that I can now OC pretty much every place that I would normally go. I don't think that I am in the minority to say that there has been no noticeably negative impact for me. I think that a lot of folks are focusing on the number of entries on Texas30.06 without thinking about whether they are really even impacted at all.

That said, I am fortunate to have a pretty broad selection of stores and restaurants for anything I might want, so even if some of my "favorite" places post, I will just have to find new "favorites". I do feel for anyone in a rural area who loses every reasonably close place to buy groceries and the like.
Get back to me when you try to take the family to Half Price Books, AMC Theaters, or Denny's just to name a few. If you haven't seen 30.07 signs up, you haven't been looking.
I won't be getting back to you because I haven't been to a HPB in at least 10 years. If I want a book, I usually go to Amazon. Why go to AMC theatres when Santikos is nearby? Santikos blows any other theatre out of the water, IMHO. Denny's? Yeah, not losing much there, either.

I didn't say that there was no place near me posting signs. I said that there was no place I would normally have gone that has banned CC and only one place that bans OC, and I have not had to change my normal routine at all to avoid such places. I also said that I have a wealth of alternatives if I start to encounter more places that don't value my rights. And I don't think that I am in the minority.

I realize that others have had to make more adjustments to their routine. But is the loss of a bookstore really that much of a tragedy in the grand scheme of things? Bookstores (of all types) are headed toward extinction, IMHO, just like Blockbuster. So we will lose all of them soon enough.
Those were just off the top of the list of recent businesses... Never heard of "Santikos", but you have heard of AMC, and Cinemark... both major chains that have posted, with Cinemark being 30.07 only. And saying that you go to Amazon instead of HPB... well, Amazon is not a physical book store, so there is no comparison there. My family enjoys HPB, because they have books, music, and games and my son sells a lot of books there as well.

The Perot Museum has posted, another place my family enjoyed. Top Golf... another place that posted 30.06 after OC became a discussion. We have even seen gas stations posting in our area. Sprout's grocery posted when OCT began doing their marches and going into businesses...

Great that you have not been affected, but many in the DFW area have.
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Re: Another casualty of Open Carry


Post by oljames3 »

A loss for any of us is a loss for us all. I had hoped that I would be able to carry openly as freely as I have in AZ, CO, NM, and OK. Turns out I'll have to wait for that. The exact impact seems to vary greatly between different areas and different individuals. I'm ready to get to work on whatever we need to do next.
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Re: Another casualty of Open Carry


Post by Soccerdad1995 »

cyphertext wrote:
Soccerdad1995 wrote:
cyphertext wrote:
Soccerdad1995 wrote:I live in Katy and I work in Houston. Since January 1, I have not had a single location I visit that now prohibits CC where they did not do so before. My work has always prohibited the possession of weapons by policy, but not by law (no signs). That did not change. I have been to 11 restaurants (including fast food). None are posted at all. I have been to 7 stores. Only one of these is posted (an HEB), and that is only 30.07.

The only difference for me is that I can now OC pretty much every place that I would normally go. I don't think that I am in the minority to say that there has been no noticeably negative impact for me. I think that a lot of folks are focusing on the number of entries on Texas30.06 without thinking about whether they are really even impacted at all.

That said, I am fortunate to have a pretty broad selection of stores and restaurants for anything I might want, so even if some of my "favorite" places post, I will just have to find new "favorites". I do feel for anyone in a rural area who loses every reasonably close place to buy groceries and the like.
Get back to me when you try to take the family to Half Price Books, AMC Theaters, or Denny's just to name a few. If you haven't seen 30.07 signs up, you haven't been looking.
I won't be getting back to you because I haven't been to a HPB in at least 10 years. If I want a book, I usually go to Amazon. Why go to AMC theatres when Santikos is nearby? Santikos blows any other theatre out of the water, IMHO. Denny's? Yeah, not losing much there, either.

I didn't say that there was no place near me posting signs. I said that there was no place I would normally have gone that has banned CC and only one place that bans OC, and I have not had to change my normal routine at all to avoid such places. I also said that I have a wealth of alternatives if I start to encounter more places that don't value my rights. And I don't think that I am in the minority.

I realize that others have had to make more adjustments to their routine. But is the loss of a bookstore really that much of a tragedy in the grand scheme of things? Bookstores (of all types) are headed toward extinction, IMHO, just like Blockbuster. So we will lose all of them soon enough.
Those were just off the top of the list of recent businesses... Never heard of "Santikos", but you have heard of AMC, and Cinemark... both major chains that have posted, with Cinemark being 30.07 only. And saying that you go to Amazon instead of HPB... well, Amazon is not a physical book store, so there is no comparison there. My family enjoys HPB, because they have books, music, and games and my son sells a lot of books there as well.

The Perot Museum has posted, another place my family enjoyed. Top Golf... another place that posted 30.06 after OC became a discussion. We have even seen gas stations posting in our area. Sprout's grocery posted when OCT began doing their marches and going into businesses...

Great that you have not been affected, but many in the DFW area have.
I am not trying to make light of the situation, and I know that some have been impacted and have had to choose between altering their purchasing behavior or going unarmed. It sounds like you have been much more negatively impacted than I have been and I understand that sucks. From what you listed, you have not been able to attend AMC theatres and have had to go to Cinemark instead, you have had to explore other options for books (Barnes and Noble or maybe smaller independent booksellers), lost a museum, and need to go hit golf balls at a different range. You have also had to avoid going into certain gas station buildings (I'm assuming you can still pump gas there), and have had to find a new grocery store. Personally, I think Sprouts is over rated, so hopefully HEB / Kroger / Wherever will not be too much of a downgrade. Of all these things, HPB may be the biggest loss as there is a notable difference with the alternatives.

I was simply relaying my own personal experience and the fact that this has not had any negative impact on me. I just came from a meeting with my banker and I open carried (Chase) with no issues at all. That is something I could not do before. I suspect that there are people in both our camps, and a lot of people somewhere in between. I just think that it would be nice to understand the real impact this is having on people as opposed to folks just listing every business that is posted regardless of whether they otherwise frequented that business.

My personal feeling is that a lot of folks on this board were very anti-OC before it passed, for whatever reason. Those folks are now very quick to point out every business that is posting regardless of whether they are personally impacted at all.

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Re: Another casualty of Open Carry


Post by JYD »

android wrote:[quote="Richbirdhunter"

Open carry is not a right. It's a dress code and comfort issue.
Wow, I am astonished on how little you know about the #2A

State v. Chandler, 5 La. Ann. 489, 490 (1850), the Louisiana Supreme Court held that citizens had a right to carry arms openly: “This is the right guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States, and which is calculated to incite men to a manly and noble defense of themselves, if necessary, and of their country, without any tendency to secret advantages and unmanly assassinations.”” – US Supreme Court – District of Columbia v. Heller

The court even recognizes a long-standing judicial precedent “…to consider… prohibitions on carrying concealed weapons.”

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Re: Another casualty of Open Carry


Post by Richbirdhunter »

JYD wrote:
android wrote:[quote="Richbirdhunter"

Open carry is not a right. It's a dress code and comfort issue.
Wow, I am astonished on how little you know about the #2A

State v. Chandler, 5 La. Ann. 489, 490 (1850), the Louisiana Supreme Court held that citizens had a right to carry arms openly: “This is the right guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States, and which is calculated to incite men to a manly and noble defense of themselves, if necessary, and of their country, without any tendency to secret advantages and unmanly assassinations.”” – US Supreme Court – District of Columbia v. Heller

The court even recognizes a long-standing judicial precedent “…to consider… prohibitions on carrying concealed weapons.”
Android wrote the fashion accessorie part not me. I'm very pro-restored freedom
Disclaimer: Anything I state can not be applied to 100% of all situations. Sometimes it's ok to speak in general terms.
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Re: Another casualty of Open Carry


Post by Middle Age Russ »

It appears that another viewpoint that can't be supported by facts and reasoned debate has jumped in with ad hominem attacks against everyone here. The need to gloat when folks who have a different viewpoint on things are discussing pros and cons of a situation baffles me...
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Re: Another casualty of Open Carry


Post by The Annoyed Man »

His post has been reported. Nothing like a troll.......... And Iike I said in AndyC's thread...... "What is it with you people that everything boils down to the sexual?"

Perverts is what they are.
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Re: Another casualty of Open Carry


Post by BeanCounter »

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