Irresponsible dog owner

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Re: Irresponsible dog owner


Post by striker55 »

Went to see a judge today he agreed to impound the dog and have a hearing. First thing he asked "did anyone get bit?". Why does someone have to be malled before something is done? Hopefully the hearing will go in our favor then I'll have to deal with the unfriendly neighbor.
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Re: Irresponsible dog owner


Post by Paladin »

striker55 wrote: Tue May 28, 2019 6:37 pm Went to see a judge today he agreed to impound the dog and have a hearing.
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Re: Irresponsible dog owner


Post by TreyHouston »

Good news!!
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Re: Irresponsible dog owner


Post by Middle Age Russ »

Sorry to hear that you are going through all this hassle because someone else failed their responsibility test. If you were in a more rural setting, I'd suggest the three S solution -- Shoot, Shovel, Shut up. As it is, that may not be a good answer. When it is a good answer, a suppressor would help provide a little of the Shut up component right up front.
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Re: Irresponsible dog owner


Post by RPBrown »

I am so sorry that you are having to go through this ordeal. It is sad that someone adopts a dog and then either through training or neglect, allow them to become aggressive toward others other than for protection purposes. That is the definition of irresponsible.
Couple of side notes here:
(1) we have a pit bull puppy now and have had several pit bulls over the years. All have been trained properly, i.e. do not attack anything or anyone unless they are protecting one of us or their property, and yes you can train any dog like this. None of our dogs have been aggressive towards any other animal (except squirrels in our yard) or another person unless that person was either somewhere they shouldn't be or they were confronting one of the family. Our puppy goes to the groom shop and plays with all of the dogs there, large and small. However, my wife was in the yard last week with him "helping" her do some planting. A man came to the gate and started acting as if he was selling something. My wifes spidey senses came alive as did our pups. When she told him she was not interested and he needed to move on, he started to open the gate to come in the yard with her. Now I am not sure if it was this 45 lb. pit puppy headed his way barking or the 9mm she had drawn on him but he backed out pretty quickly. 20 minutes later the next door neighbors 2 grand daughters come over to help her plant flowers and they had no problem walking through the gate.

(2) I have been in the A/C business for 45+ years and have gone in yards with all types and sizes of dogs. I have been bitten exactly twice. Both times in the backside when I was kneeling down and both tomes by a chihuahua. Now those dogs are vicious

Also, I always hear on the news they were bitten by pit bulls and then they show a picture and it a Lab, German Sheppard, and even once it was a Golden Retriever. Any dog and and will attack for self preservation if not trained.

Now, after saying all of that, if one of my family, myself or one of my animals was being attacked by a vicious dog, hog, cat or even squirrel, I would not hesitate to shoot the attacker.
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Re: Irresponsible dog owner


Post by Shinesintx2 »

A few years ago, I was over at my BILs loading something into my truck bed...when the neighbors dog came running up from out nowhere. The dog didn’t seem friendly and was growling. I screamed stop loudly at the dog right before the neighbor came running from where the dog came. The neighbor said he was sorry and he took the dog home. A few minutes later, here comes the dog, again...but this time I drew. I wanted to shoot the dog, I really really did...but was worried about hitting the owner, who showed up a few seconds later, who had followed the snarling dog, again.

The neighbors expression was priceless when he saw the gun pointed downward at the dog. I casually mentioned that the next time, I’d shoot the dog. My BiL hasn’t been bothered by that dog since the incident. No cops were called, neighbor didn’t threaten to shoot me back...I can only assume he was from California.

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Re: Irresponsible dog owner


Post by striker55 »

Had our day in court, dog was declared dangerous!
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Re: Irresponsible dog owner


Post by Mel »

striker55 wrote: Fri Jun 14, 2019 5:25 pm Had our day in court, dog was declared dangerous!
So just what does that mean? i.e. We already knew that it is dangerous.
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Re: Irresponsible dog owner


Post by WTR »

Once you have been put on notice that you own a “dangerous”dog, you are more easily held accountable for the dog’s actions.
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Re: Irresponsible dog owner


Post by C-dub »

And it is more likely to be put down on the next incident, which hopefully won't be too harmful to the victim. I just sucks that they may have to wait for there to actually be a victim! A responsible owner would take of that themselves before there ever is a victim.
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Re: Irresponsible dog owner


Post by striker55 »

Mel wrote: Fri Jun 14, 2019 5:34 pm
striker55 wrote: Fri Jun 14, 2019 5:25 pm Had our day in court, dog was declared dangerous!
So just what does that mean? i.e. We already knew that it is dangerous.
Dangerous dog license $50
100,000 liability insurance
Secure enclosure to be approved by animal control
A sign on your house

All has to be done before the dog can be released, dog has been impounded since I was granted a hearing. Plus they pay the impound fees.
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Re: Irresponsible dog owner


Post by joe817 »

Congrats on your victory striker55! :thumbs2: :thumbs2:

Sorry you had to go through all of that. You did what you had to do.

It's going to cost the owner of the dog a pretty penny to keep it around, as well it should. I pray that this is the end of the story.
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Re: Irresponsible dog owner


Post by Jusme »

striker55 wrote: Fri Jun 14, 2019 6:27 pm
Mel wrote: Fri Jun 14, 2019 5:34 pm
striker55 wrote: Fri Jun 14, 2019 5:25 pm Had our day in court, dog was declared dangerous!
So just what does that mean? i.e. We already knew that it is dangerous.
Dangerous dog license $50
100,000 liability insurance
Secure enclosure to be approved by animal control
A sign on your house

All has to be done before the dog can be released, dog has been impounded since I was granted a hearing. Plus they pay the impound fees.

It would be cheaper to put that dog down, and buy a cocker spanial.
My dogs are just my alarm system. I don't expect, nor have my dogs, been trained to protect me, or mine. My grandchildren play with my dogs. The worst thing that may happen, is that they get too many "sugars" because my dogs think my grandchildren taste good. :thumbs2:

I hope this convinced your village idiot, that a vicious dog, does not make you a tough guy, but based on his reported attitude, and arrest record, he may be a slow learner. Keep your head on a swivel, and your carry gun within easy reach.
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Re: Irresponsible dog owner


Post by EastTexasRancher »

Unfortunately I had to shoot a pit at the gate to my ranch. Pulled off the highway, got out to open the gate, and the dog flew across to confront me. (It had done this before). This time he got too close, so I popped him twice with my .45.

The dog rolled over and died where the grass meets the asphalt. A couple of days later I finally had to drag the thing off into tall grass and dump two bags of lime on it.....that’s how much the jack wagon owner cared about his dog.

Dogs can be great companions, or not. Kinda like people, right?
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Re: Irresponsible dog owner


Post by The Annoyed Man »

striker55 wrote: Fri Jun 14, 2019 5:25 pm Had our day in court, dog was declared dangerous!
So the judge wasn’t this guy:

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