"Concealment" of CHL

CHL discussions that do not fit into more specific topics

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Proposed legislation


Post by LarryArnold »

HB 318, by Hupp again, does away with the requirement that DPS tell anyone who submits a written query whether you are licensed. It was proposed last sessionand failed to pass.
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My Mode


Post by anygunanywhere »

I carry my TDL, CHL, and insurance cards in a small ID wallet with two windows I picked up at a leather shop in Fredericksburg. When asked for ID I usually pull my TDL out and hand it over. Occaisionally they say "leave it in the wallet". They always see the CHL. No comments to date from tellers to TSA. Several banks have asked for second photo ID and accepted the CHL with no comments, including a teller in a city near San Francisco. In fact, she thought it was a great. She did not ask about any handgun, and I was not carrying. I do have a wallet for credit cards, cash and other manly accessories, and if asked to turn over wallet, they do not get the ID's.

Lots of folks know I carry. Quite a few of our family on both sides pack. It actually helps keep the peace at times, I think. I actually require those who are licensed to carry to do so in my home. I open carry around the house, yard, garage. My neighbors all know I carry. I meet solicitors at the door open carrying. Makes the conversation short when I tell them to shut up and leave and obey the no soliciting signs.
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Post by partyguy816 »

I do not believe that the sign at Bass Pro is illegal. They want you to check your firearms/bows in that you may be bringing into the store to be worked on. I believe they have a gunsmith there don't they? It's been a while since I have been down there, but I could swear that it also states something to the fact of does not apply to licenses holders or something like that. I could be wrong though.

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Post by Braden »

The BPS near me has the same sign, and the intention is for people who are bringing in guns for repair or for people who are taking guns to the indoor range to check their weapons. However, if you are law enforcement or if you have a CHL then they will not make you check your carry weapon. Basically, as long as it is concealed then they have no problem with it (of course law enforcement does not need to be concealed). However, if you are taking multiple guns to the range for shooting (or for repairs) then they want you to check those guns at the door (even if you are law enforcement). You do not, under any circumstances, have to check your carry gun.

This information came to me directly from the store manager here in Grapevine when I inquired about the signs.
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Re: "Concealment" of CHL


Post by Ameer »

Guest wrote:Since Chas just recently added this section, I'll lead off by jumping up on a soapbox for a jif.

As y'all know, CHL often needs to be kept handy for presentation to LEO if circumstances require. In fact, years ago, some other instructor friends actually suggested that students velcro their DL and CHL together. Over the years, I've decided this is a not-so-good practice. For example, when the cashier at the grocery store, teller at the bank, etc. asks for an "id"in conjunction with a financial transaction, in my not-so-humble opinion, they have NO "need to know" about CHL.

Concealed means concealed! Not only the handgun, but also the license - and the mouth!

Your thoughts/experience?
If you have a wallet with the ID holder with clear plastic, you can attach the CHL and DL with scotch tape or something. Then you take them out together for the po-po and keep them together in the ID holder with only the DL showing for the bank teller. Something like this.


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Re: "Concealment" of CHL


Post by AEA »


Do you realize you replied to a thread that started in 2004-05 and the original poster is now identified as 'guest' which is a dummy account (same as being banned?).
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Re: "Concealment" of CHL


Post by C-dub »

AEA wrote:Ameer,

Do you realize you replied to a thread that started in 2004-05 and the original poster is now identified as 'guest' which is a dummy account (same as being banned?).
Ha! I was just going to ask the same thing. I didn't even notice until I got to the second page to read about the legislation proposed by Ms. Hupp that failed in the last session. It was at this point that I realized something was amiss. :lol:
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Re: "Concealment" of CHL


Post by Greybeard »

THAT was a golden oldie. Thread was started 1 day after I joined the forum.
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Post by drjoker »

too-tall wrote:I have a buddy that had to tell everyone he met that he had a CHL. He would somehow work it into every conversation. He made sure everyone he met knew he was carrying. I think he thought it made him special somehow.

Too Tall
Well, there are two sides to the equation. Keeping it a secret makes the non-gun carrying public think that nobody carries and only "gun nuts" carry. If you tell people that you carry and you're GASP normal, then it may change what they think about guns, to the point where they might want to learn to shoot and perhaps get a CHL themselves. Remember, the more CHL there are, the more politicians will hesitate to take our rights away, because every CHL is a voting constituent. Remember, only an active gun culture can keep the liberal thieves of our constitutional rights at bay. That gun culture will disappear if the shooting population keeps quiet and doesn't propagate the gun culture. I recently introduced 2 older ladies who have never shot a gun before to shooting. They liked it and can't wait until I take them back again.
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