When I worked in the New York metro area, folks up there in their inimitable way with words called one gangbanger taking another gangbanger out "misdemeanor homicide" because, while it was clearly against the law, the impact on society was seen as positive - there was at least one less bad guy out making more innocent victims. If the survivor was found and prosecuted, or if both gangbangers took each other out, it became a "twofer" as in "two for one."flintknapper wrote:Excaliber wrote:You'd be pretty safe betting that these were not CHL holders, and the nature of the incident supports why you should carry a gun while toy shopping - because thugs do.03Lightningrocks wrote:I am bothered by the comment made questioning what kind of person goes toy shopping with a gun. The next move I expect is for Toys R Us to post no gun signs on their stores, as if this will magically make guys like this not come into the store.
You can take the gangbanger out of the 'hood, but you can't take the' hood out of the gangbanger.
As news of this unfolds...I wager we will find this incident was simply a couple of gang bangers killing one another (so whats new).
Kinda hardhearted? Yes - but folks get that way when they see these things happen over and over, and they've found themselves on the wrong end of gang violence themselves.
Homicides over virtually nothing attract little attention when they occur in the 'hood, but folks and reporters get in a tizzy when these events intrude on areas where suburbanites, who are trying to pretend that theirs is a safe world, congregate. They find it upsetting to have fantasies demolished in ways that are hard to deny, like listening to bullets whizzing by in a toy store and looking at dead people lying in pools of blood on the floor at the checkout.
When people ask why I carry in places like toy stores, I tell them it's for the same reason I wear a seat belt. I just never could get the hang of figuring out ahead of time which days and places were going to bring accidents or criminal confrontations, so being prepared all the time is the only way I can be prepared when I need to be.
If I could just develop a little more skill with my crystal ball so I'd know which days those were, I wouldn't carry any less - I'd just stay home on those days.