Ammo Shortage

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Re: Ammo Shortage


Post by Oldgringo »

jeeperbryan wrote:Speak of the devil. Check out The main article is about ammo shortage :) ... index.html" onclick=";return false;

If Larry King and Wolf Blitzer say it, it must be true. "rlol" Maybe we can :smilelol5: get a confirming report from MSNBC? :smilelol5:

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Re: Ammo Shortage


Post by 03Lightningrocks »

Oldgringo wrote:
jeeperbryan wrote:Speak of the devil. Check out The main article is about ammo shortage :) ... index.html" onclick=";return false;

If Larry King and Wolf Blitzer say it, it must be true. "rlol" Maybe we can :smilelol5: get a confirming report from MSNBC? :smilelol5:

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Re: Ammo Shortage


Post by cowboymd »

tfrazier wrote:
cowboymd wrote:...they are now in my possession.
Is it still considered hoarding if you go and shoot it up? :headscratch The Mrs and I went to the range today :fire :fire , now I'm looking for more ammo. :cryin
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Re: Ammo Shortage


Post by tfrazier »

cowboymd wrote:
tfrazier wrote:
cowboymd wrote:...they are now in my possession.
Is it still considered hoarding if you go and shoot it up? :headscratch The Mrs and I went to the range today :fire :fire , now I'm looking for more ammo. :cryin
Nope, accusation withdrawn! (Says the hypocrite with 1600 rounds of hand-casted reloaded .45 ACP on his desk)
Of course, I didn't say I had anything against hoarding, either. :evil2:
Last edited by tfrazier on Wed May 06, 2009 7:26 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Ammo Shortage


Post by dwhitley »

Its because of stupid people thinkig we are going to be taxed on ammo. I was in Academy and I asked the guy why are you out of ammo he said because Obama is going to tax it over 100% so people are buying it up now. I told him he was a idiot and should not be saying stupid comments. Talked to the manager who agreed and said he would deal with the employee.... Now I am in Houston, Tx anyone know where to get some .45 ammo? Thanks D
Thanks David
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Re: Ammo Shortage


Post by Keith B »

tfrazier wrote:
cowboymd wrote:
tfrazier wrote:
cowboymd wrote:...they are now in my possession.
Is it still considered hoarding if you go and shoot it up? :headscratch The Mrs and I went to the range today :fire :fire , now I'm looking for more ammo. :cryin
Nope, accusation withdrawn! (Says the hypocrite with 1600 rounds of hand-casted reloaded .45 ACP on his desk)
Of course, I didn't say I had anything against hoarding, either. :evil2:
1600 rounds??? That isn't hoarding, that is just a good start. 16,000 rounds is hoarding. ;-)
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Re: Ammo Shortage


Post by tfrazier »

Keith B wrote:1600 rounds??? That isn't hoarding, that is just a good start. 16,000 rounds is hoarding. ;-)
I know, but I can't load any more right now because of all those stinkin' primer and powder hoarders! "rlol"
I have four thousand cases and bullets with nothing to fill 'em with. :cryin
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Re: Ammo Shortage


Post by 03Lightningrocks »

Seriously folks.....there is no way this situation isn't going to implode on itself. Think about all the folks that are going to stop buying ammo at some point. We are talking 10's of thousands of folks that are going to wake up and realize just how stupid it is having enough ammo to supply a regiment. These folks are out of the ammo market for years to come. Most people go shooting a few times a year. Those of us that go once a week or more are in the minority.

I think I will relax about all this and wait it out.
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Re: Ammo Shortage


Post by tfrazier »

My impact is a big trade-off. My money shifts froom the factory ammo market to the gun range and reloading market.

I won't be buying any factory ammo any more because this crisis has forced me into reloading and hand casting. I'm buying primers and powder now instead. Since it's cheaper, I shoot two to three hundred (reload) rounds per week, where I used to shoot that many (factory) rounds per month. Since I'm casting and loading my own, I can afford to go to the range a lot more, so they get a range fee from me 3 or 4 times a month instead of once.

I think a lot of folks with those big stock piles will do one of two things after the run is over: go to the range more until they've burned up most of their surplus and quickly pick their former ammo spending habits back up, or maintain their surplus and buy the same amount they used to each month to go to the range with...basically rotating through their stock.

I may be wrong, but I don't think many folks are going to just sit on their pile and not go shooting. If they do, they'll be the ones that never went shooting that often to start with and were just stocking up for the 'coming apocalypse'.

EDIT: I also just thought about all the folks who ran out and bought guns during this time. Many of them will be new or returning from a hiatus to the shooting sports, so there will probably be a permanent bump (however slight) in ammunition demand once it all settles out.
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Re: Ammo Shortage


Post by Oldgringo »

I want some .22LR and I want them now! :grumble

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Re: Ammo Shortage


Post by mr surveyor »

I got a call yesterday from my "informant" at wallyworld that a "large shipment" was due in this morning. I was told to be there by 0700 if I wanted in on the supply. Well, I wanted .22lr, .223, 38spl and .45. First asked for the 22lr bulk boxes and after the clerk looked under the counter I was told I could only have six. Thinking there were only 6 boxes left I said "I'll take 5 and leave one for the next guy". After stacking 5 bulk boxes on the counter she said "OK, which caliber do you want your sixth box to be" :???: It was a 6 box limit total...per day...per customer. I left with 3 of the .22 lr and 3 of the Rem .223.

Prices were decent: Remington 55 gr .223 - $8.97 per box (about double the 2 year ago prices) and the Winchester 500 cnt bulk .22lr was $12.97 (about 50% more than the 2 year ago prices) Neither of them were any higher priced than "pre-election".

I still hate spending money at WM stores though.

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Re: Ammo Shortage


Post by Oldgringo »

I found three bricks of Win HV .22's at my Wallyword for $13.97 ea. They had a few bricks of Remington .22's for $16.97 per ea. There were no 9mm's, .38 Spl. or .45acp, however.

The sign was posted - 6 boxes per customer per day AND that's a good thing. :clapping:

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Re: Ammo Shortage


Post by wcb »

On one hand I think it's a good idea to limit how much one can buy. Leaves some for the next guy. But on the other hand I don't like it. Sounds kinda socialist...
If I want to go into store XYZ and buy all of their trash cans, I can. Why just limit ammo??? Why not limit eggs, bacon, brooms, etc...?
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Re: Ammo Shortage


Post by surprise_i'm_armed »

Because there is not an overwhelming demand to put those foods in our guns!!
N. Texas LTC's hold 3 breakfasts each month. All are 800 AM. OC is fine.
2nd Saturdays: Rudy's BBQ, N. Dallas Pkwy, N.bound, N. of Main St., Frisco.
3rd Saturdays: Golden Corral, 465 E. I-20, Collins St exit, Arlington.
4th Saturdays: Sunny St. Cafe, off I-20, Exit 415, Mikus Rd, Willow Park.

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Re: Ammo Shortage


Post by Greybeard »

Their sandbox, their rules ...
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