I got a call yesterday from my "informant" at wallyworld that a "large shipment" was due in this morning. I was told to be there by 0700 if I wanted in on the supply. Well, I wanted .22lr, .223, 38spl and .45. First asked for the 22lr bulk boxes and after the clerk looked under the counter I was told I could only have six. Thinking there were only 6 boxes left I said "I'll take 5 and leave one for the next guy". After stacking 5 bulk boxes on the counter she said "OK, which caliber do you want your sixth box to be"

It was a 6 box limit total...per day...per customer. I left with 3 of the .22 lr and 3 of the Rem .223.
Prices were decent: Remington 55 gr .223 - $8.97 per box (about double the 2 year ago prices) and the Winchester 500 cnt bulk .22lr was $12.97 (about 50% more than the 2 year ago prices) Neither of them were any higher priced than "pre-election".
I still hate spending money at WM stores though.