I'll let someone else be the "test case" because this town is smaller than my high school graduating class was, and I don''t really want the whole town pointing at "the man with the gun" (rather the man licensed to carry a concealed handgun whose name was in the paper) at the H.E.B. store... (the only grocery store in town) It's a really small town, the District Court Judge wears boots, jeans, no robe, and all parties sit at a kitchen table together, the Probate Court judge sits at the table too instead of up on his bench. (like a Plaintiff's or Defendant's table) I'm kind of known in town, don't need to be the guy in the weekly paper in the police activity column...
I know what the ARB is, I used to be a Real Estate Broker, as well as have an Associates degree in Real Estate, and I protested my tax appraisal and met with a nice young man (only one) when my "hearing notice" said for me to be there and he had taken one Appraisal Course taught by another Broker freind of mine who was a teacher at the college and she used to ask me questions since I had been a Broker longer than she..... the "hearing" went very well, (but after 25 years as a legal assistant, I still have trouble calling that "meeting" a "hearing" though that's what he called it when he reduced my appraised value by $23,000 on a $40,000 house (afterwards, a $17,000 house) and he told me to do it again the next year for further reduction).

Then in 2008, I filed a protest, got the appointment card, called to cancel, (dad was ill; I was his caretaker) a lady called back on the phone, and said she lowered the appraisal anyway without need of a hearing, and to protest it again next year for more ... My brother's Lakeview/almost waterfront home got reduced from like $75,000 to $21,000 last year after I told him to file a protest (he was several years in arrears and needed help, the idiot brother is bad at money management, that's what I was doing there today, making an installment payment on his arrearage payment agreement, before he gets attorney's letters again)