CHL discussions that do not fit into more specific topics

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Would you recommend CHL badge

Poll ended at Fri Sep 22, 2006 2:31 pm

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Re: Concealed Carry


Post by carlson1 »

comsec wrote:PS...your CHL is your badge if you ever need to show one
That is a very good statement Sir! :txflag:

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Post by cyphur »

47-1 now......

The only folks I would want to know I'm carrying is me, and if it ever happens, the individual/s I am forced to subdue with said concealed weapon. My wife will probably know some of the times when I carry, but certainly not all of them.

The whole point of the CHL is spelled out clearly in its own title.


taken from
con·ceal (kn-sl) Pronunciation Key tr.v. con·cealed, con·ceal·ing, con·ceals

To keep from being seen, found, observed, or discovered; hide.

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Post by Skipper5 »

no thanks!....only trouble. I'm not a certified Peace Officer
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Post by TxFire »

Russell wrote:I don't understand why having a badge while you are a firefighter (volunteer or not) is a big problem.

You are a public servant.

What's the problem with having a firefighter badge?
There is no problem to posess one so long as your Dept. issued it and you are following Dept SOP's and Directives in the displaying of said FD badge. Now, there are some out there that are issued a FD badge by their Dept but have used it outside the use intended and clearly spelled out by their Dept and possibly in violation of State Law. There is the problem.

I have one and outside of Duty it is worn.

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Post by Braden »

PhillipCCPD wrote:I would like to buy a CHL badge and wear it while i carry. Is this legal? I know they sell them and who else would they be for, what do you all think?
I can't think of a single good reason to carry or wear a CHL badge.
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Post by stevie_d_64 »

I agree on welcoming you to the forum!!!

I saw this topic this morning knowing already what was in here to begin with...So here's my standard answer...

"What these guys said."

I have only seen one (1) person in the last 10 years personally that has worn some kind of "badge" stating "Concealed Handgun"...

It was someone I saw at an IDPA match shooting a qualifier, (that was at PSC range last year) and it looked a lot like our local County Sherriff's deputy badges...I always go out of my way to check those out (if I can) and see what organization they are affiliated with, even if its someone in plain clothes...

With all the negative associated with this issue that has made the circuit over the last ten or so years in these internet discussion forums...I'm not very sure this is an actual wide spread occurance...

And since I have only seen one since I became aware of the issue, I am of the opinion I would never had said anything negative to that person about it...Nor anyone else if they had one...Because that dear older gentleman at the range that day probably wouldn't wear it anywhere else...Probably a gift or something, i'll leave it at that...

But knowing what I know about the issue as a whole...I think it'd be kinda funny to show up at the PSC Day in a couple of weeks and see a bunch of CHL badges...Kinda like an ice-breaker...

But thats just me trying to keep the issue up-beat I suppose...I'm going to catch so much grief for this one...Or not... ;-)

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Post by Diode »

stevie_d_64 wrote:
But knowing what I know about the issue as a whole...I think it'd be kinda funny to show up at the PSC Day in a couple of weeks and see a bunch of CHL badges...Kinda like an ice-breaker...
Crap, now I gotta go order me a badge..... :willynilly:
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Post by HighVelocity »

I doubt that a jury could be convinced that the badge wasn't a veiled attempt to appear as a peace officer.

Oh and anygun, I believe your "badges" quote is from "The Treasure of Sierra Madre" or something like that. Not blazing saddles. :)

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Post by txinvestigator »

HighVelocity wrote:
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LOL someone is addicted!! :grin:
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Post by isa268 »

haha i voted yes just to be funny and i see someone else has my sense of humor. :lol:

no really they are stupid, and a waste of money.

and what part of CONCEAL don't people understand, the less people know the better.
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Post by GrannyGlock »

Wouldn't go with my outfit!

When I am carrying it is between me and my maker.
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Post by stevie_d_64 »

HighVelocity wrote:€ posted from Blackberry wireless device ¤
Show off!

You need to go buy a badge for that thing!
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Post by Mithras61 »

GrannyGlock wrote:Wouldn't go with my outfit!

When I am carrying it is between me and my maker.
Just curious... what type of holster do you use to keep it there? :mrgreen:
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Post by stevie_d_64 »

Diode wrote:
stevie_d_64 wrote:
But knowing what I know about the issue as a whole...I think it'd be kinda funny to show up at the PSC Day in a couple of weeks and see a bunch of CHL badges...Kinda like an ice-breaker...
Crap, now I gotta go order me a badge..... :willynilly:

Heck, I expect to see a run at the gunshows for the next two weekends in Texas now...

Woo Hoo I started a trend!

Everybody's going to be flashing badges on the 30th I can tell!!!

But I figure I'll just go get a badge-like sticker or something... :razz:
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Post by 1TallTXn »

When I took the CHL class the instructor had them for sale and said they weren't a bad idea.

his reasoning was that if your in a sticky situation and the cops show up, they are less likely to shoot the guy with the badge then the gun w/o.

IMO, if the gun comes out they are probably going to know who the bad guy is. He's the dead one.
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