CHL discussions that do not fit into more specific topics

Moderators: carlson1, Charles L. Cotton

Would you recommend CHL badge

Poll ended at Fri Sep 22, 2006 2:31 pm

Total votes: 86

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Post by Diode »

1TallTXn wrote:When I took the CHL class the instructor had them for sale and said they weren't a bad idea.

his reasoning was that if your in a sticky situation and the cops show up, they are less likely to shoot the guy with the badge then the gun w/o.

IMO, if the gun comes out they are probably going to know who the bad guy is. He's the dead one.
Naaa, To a LEO everyone is a bad guy until they sort it out, badge is still a bad idea.

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Post by Jacob Staff »

isa268 wrote:haha i voted yes just to be funny and i see someone else has my sense of humor. :lol:
I went through 4 pages to find out who voted for badges. I thought they would have a better argument than :smilelol5:

I guess now I have to get a badge for PCS day, can I open carry my cap gun too?

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Post by txinvestigator »

1TallTXn wrote:When I took the CHL class the instructor had them for sale and said they weren't a bad idea.
sounds like a good SALES pitch. :thumbsup:
his reasoning was that if your in a sticky situation and the cops show up, they are less likely to shoot the guy with the badge then the gun w/o.
as a former cop, I can tell you that is poor reasoning. ;)
IMO, if the gun comes out they are probably going to know who the bad guy is. He's the dead one.
like diode wrote, that is not a safe bet either. The guy with the gun is a threat to the cop until he proves to himself otherwise.

war story time
My partner and I were dispatched to a fight in the street. Upon arrival there were 2 guys fighting in the street, and a man standing across the street with a pistol. I recognized him from the city attorney's office, but until I knew the situation he was our biggest threat.

We called for additional units, disarmed, cuffed and stuffed him, then handed the fight.

Ultimately he was released at the scene, but had he not immediately complied with my orders to put his gun down I would have drilled him.
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Post by Blazen »

dpatterson wrote:For what its worth. I really do not want anyone to know that I am carrying... Why attract unneeded attention?


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Post by Skipper5 »

Diode wrote:
1TallTXn wrote:When I took the CHL class the instructor had them for sale and said they weren't a bad idea.

his reasoning was that if your in a sticky situation and the cops show up, they are less likely to shoot the guy with the badge then the gun w/o.

IMO, if the gun comes out they are probably going to know who the bad guy is. He's the dead one.
Naaa, To a LEO everyone is a bad guy until they sort it out, badge is still a bad idea. a crisis situation that only adds potential misinformation to an already stressed LEO....put yourself in his/her shoes on tht one...
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Post by carlson1 »

Everyone is thinking about the LEO, but I want to remind everyone the Bad Guys like to shoot people with badges.

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Post by longtooth »

Good point.
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Post by Popshot »

Well, I reckon we've put this truck up on blocks.
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Post by Lonegun1894 »

I voted no as did most of you, so dont hang me just yet. I have talked to several DPS troopers who said they agree with us wearing badges, as has been said above, for the sake of if something does happen, they are less likely to shoot us if we are showing them a badge in a high stress situation. I can see their logic. At the same time, i figure that i wont drop someone unless they do something stupid like point a weapon at me, and would hope most LEOs feel the same way. And with my luck, the last thing i wanna do is reach for something when an officer is approaching in a situation like this anyways. I wouldnt really blame him for reacting if i made a fast move to get out my wallet, much less something metallic.
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Post by Houston1944 »

I think the only thing left is for Longtooth to show us his Moderator's Badge and put this puppy to sleep.
I have as much use for CHL Badges as I do for Tee Shirts that state, NYPD, FBI, Tactical Entry Team, SWAT, ect and are being worn by non- LEO's.

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Post by longtooth »

I lost it. I will have to use my CHL. :lol:
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Post by kw5kw »


nuff said

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Post by stevie_d_64 »

I cain't stand it no mo!!!

This is just killin' me...I know I'm going to start having nightmares about badges... :smilelol5:
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Post by 1TallTXn »

Russell wrote:1talltxn: Who was the instructor for your class? I would like to know because that is an absolutely horrible idea and he/she should have their instructor certificate revoked just because of that.
Carl Chandler. I was very happy with the instruction and the information given.

The arguments he gave made sense to me, but I didn't want to A) spend the money. and B) advertise that I was carrying. not to mention its something else to strap on
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