Do you carry with a round loaded in the Chamber?

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Do you normally carry with a round in the Chamber?

Yes, always.
No, I don't chamber until I think I need it.
No, I don't even load a magazine in my weapon.
What is a chamber?
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Re: Do you carry with a round loaded in the Chamber?


Post by Nativetexan2 »

dac1842 wrote:A friend of mine said he didn't like Glocks due to the lack of a safety. I told him mine does have a safety, it is simple to use. Don't make me mad.. that is the safety! LOL
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Re: Do you carry with a round loaded in the Chamber?


Post by maximus2161 »

Always have and always will. I dont think I would have time to rack a slide if something happened.
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Re: Do you carry with a round loaded in the Chamber?


Post by cougartex »

Yes, always. :txflag:
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Re: Do you carry with a round loaded in the Chamber?


Post by 08thunders »

If Utah stops allowing Texas CHL, you can still conceal an unloaded semiautomatic in Utah.
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Re: Do you carry with a round loaded in the Chamber?


Post by varko »

gigag04 wrote:
dac1842 wrote:A friend of mine said he didn't like Glocks due to the lack of a safety
Ask him to grab the trigger from the outside edges and make the gun fire.
(Apologies in advance for being off subject)

This is true. While doing drawing from the holster and firing drills, I’ve experienced two instances of not grabbing enough trigger on my Glock 26 (my fingertip only pushes on the edge…..sloppiness on my part). The trigger does not go all the way back, and no bang. A little disconcerting, but nothing I obsess over seeing as it’s still my preferred carry gun. Though I’d be lying if I said I haven’t had thoughts of ‘what if’……
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Re: Do you carry with a round loaded in the Chamber?


Post by 03Lightningrocks »

I have met many folks who felt uncomfortable with the carry of Glock with a round in the chamber. I think it just seems like it would be easy to accidental fire the weapon due to the simplicity of the trigger pull. Most get over the concern after owning a Glock and firing it a few times. At some point it suddenly becomes apparent that it is no different than any gun...Pull the trigger and it will fire...LOL.

I can definitely understand how a person would feel a double action revolver or true double action semi-auto might be more forgiving of accidently touching the trigger.
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Re: Do you carry with a round loaded in the Chamber?


Post by Purplehood »

03Lightningrocks wrote:I have met many folks who felt uncomfortable with the carry of Glock with a round in the chamber. I think it just seems like it would be easy to accidental fire the weapon due to the simplicity of the trigger pull. Most get over the concern after owning a Glock and firing it a few times. At some point it suddenly becomes apparent that it is no different than any gun...Pull the trigger and it will fire...LOL.

I can definitely understand how a person would feel a double action revolver or true double action semi-auto might be more forgiving of accidently touching the trigger.
In my mind, if you haven't already you had better start cultivating the habit of keeping your booger-hook away from the trigger at all times until and unless you intend to pull it. Alot of novices to firearms are simply drawn to put their little nub on the trigger the instant that they pick it up.
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Re: Do you carry with a round loaded in the Chamber?


Post by cubbyjg »

Purplehood wrote: In my mind, if you haven't already you had better start cultivating the habit of keeping your booger-hook away from the trigger at all times until and unless you intend to pull it. Alot of novices to firearms are simply drawn to put their little nub on the trigger the instant that they pick it up.

I carry a glock and i am okay with the setup. Keep your finger off the trigger and use that organ that is between your ears. If the glock is physically on me, its loaded with one in the pipe. Otherwise, it is not.
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Re: Do you carry with a round loaded in the Chamber?


Post by 03Lightningrocks »

Purplehood wrote:
03Lightningrocks wrote:I have met many folks who felt uncomfortable with the carry of Glock with a round in the chamber. I think it just seems like it would be easy to accidental fire the weapon due to the simplicity of the trigger pull. Most get over the concern after owning a Glock and firing it a few times. At some point it suddenly becomes apparent that it is no different than any gun...Pull the trigger and it will fire...LOL.

I can definitely understand how a person would feel a double action revolver or true double action semi-auto might be more forgiving of accidental touching the trigger.
In my mind, if you haven't already you had better start cultivating the habit of keeping your booger-hook away from the trigger at all times until and unless you intend to pull it. A Lot of novices to firearms are simply drawn to put their little nub on the trigger the instant that they pick it up.
This is so true it is scary. I have watched many a novice do just that. On the occasions I see it happen, I react quite rudely...LOL. But I feel I am helping them by being harsh when I see such an indiscretion as this.
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Re: Do you carry with a round loaded in the Chamber?


Post by Dragonfighter »

03Lightningrocks wrote:
Purplehood wrote:
03Lightningrocks wrote:I have met many folks who felt uncomfortable with the carry of Glock with a round in the chamber. I think it just seems like it would be easy to accidental fire the weapon due to the simplicity of the trigger pull. Most get over the concern after owning a Glock and firing it a few times. At some point it suddenly becomes apparent that it is no different than any gun...Pull the trigger and it will fire...LOL.

I can definitely understand how a person would feel a double action revolver or true double action semi-auto might be more forgiving of accidental touching the trigger.
In my mind, if you haven't already you had better start cultivating the habit of keeping your booger-hook away from the trigger at all times until and unless you intend to pull it. A Lot of novices to firearms are simply drawn to put their little nub on the trigger the instant that they pick it up.
This is so true it is scary. I have watched many a novice do just that. On the occasions I see it happen, I react quite rudely...LOL. But I feel I am helping them by being harsh when I see such an indiscretion as this.
Agreed. I've gotten rude at a range before because the guy next to me had his trigger finger inside the guard the whole time he was loading, manipulating or even picking up the weapon. He hurumphed but started behaving himself. Even my girls from a tiny age new to keep the finger along side until a positive target ID was made.
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Re: Do you carry with a round loaded in the Chamber?


Post by RPBrown »

Easier to ask who doesnt carry one in the pipe
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Re: Do you carry with a round loaded in the Chamber?


Post by Elza »

Purplehood wrote:Alot of novices to firearms are simply drawn to put their little nub on the trigger the instant that they pick it up.
Are you saying that “Hollywood gun safety” is not correct? Tell me it ain’t so! :mrgreen:
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Re: Do you carry with a round loaded in the Chamber?


Post by Liberty »

Some people don't realize they are touching the trigger.

Nice patch Great seeing a fellow agency vet.
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Re: Do you carry with a round loaded in the Chamber?


Post by dicion »

Oh! I haven't responded in this thread yet!

Yes, Always! :thumbs2:

My reason is different though...

Ol' Betsy here is good friends with Bob, Ed, Joe, Paul, John, Dwight, Frank, and Sid, even though they are made mostly of lead...
She gets lonely when they're all separated from each other. So I just plain don't separate em!

The only way all 8 of them can hang out together, is if one's ridin' in the chamber! "rlol" :smilelol5: :anamatedbanana :rolll

Seriously though... We need a :duh: smiley :lol:
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Re: Do you carry with a round loaded in the Chamber?


Post by VoiceofReason »

Purplehood wrote:I noticed that some posters still question whether or not they should carry a round in the chamber. I felt that it would be interesting to see what the actual general consensus is regarding the issue.
I carry two. A 1911 and a BU. One in the pipe on both.
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