Carry enough gun. Even at home.

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Re: Carry enough gun. Even at home.


Post by drjoker »

texas1234 wrote:in the house through a window .
I suggest you get ballistic glass. Not the expensive bullet proof kind, which is unnecessary for civilians, but the cheap sticky tape you tape on your windows to make it resistant to breaking a la baseball bat. You may consider the expensive ballistic glass for the front door or back door if you have glass doors or just replace it with a metal door/frame.
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Re: Carry enough gun. Even at home.


Post by TexasGal »

I carry 24/7, but it's a .38. I do have the xdm9 with two magazines in my room. There is another one in a room nearby. The rifle in another room. A 200 pound mastiff in the back yard. Two very large dogs in the house with one growing GSD pup who already barks and growls at strange noises even at 3 months.
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Re: Carry enough gun. Even at home.


Post by swc007 »

texas1234 wrote:My front door is fortified and cannot be kicked in by anyone as a matter of a fact a police battering ram would only punch a hole through it but the door wont come down. So they are welcome to try and kick the front door down, I will make popcorn and watch.

Assuming they do get in the house through a window after the glass detectors for the alarm go off, they will be met with either a .45, a 12 gauge or a 20 gauge loaded with buckshot. However, I have installed the best alarm system known to man with every feature possible including a cell phone back up if they cut the phone lines, and I have a panic button in the closets.

Ulitmately my theory on home invasions as to make the house a virtually impossible for it to happen.
that is awesome haha want a house just like that!!!

for now i settle with my 100lbs boxer that hears everything and alerts me whenever someone is walking outside my apt. my gf and friends(roomates) call me paranoid because i sleep with my G23 right next to me... i never want to be caught in a situation to where someone breaks in and i cant defend myself... i can get to my gun in less than two seconds chamber and welcome my uninvited house guests properly
My dog will take out 1
i can handle the rest since they would have to be in line coming through my only entrance possible (front door) i figure once they see one of their buddies go down they will about face pretty fast!!! worst case senario my dog and i both die BUT i take atleast two down with me...which is better than non and im left face down in my living room in boxers lol
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Re: Carry enough gun. Even at home.


Post by aaangel »

Even at home
my rule @ home is a gun should always be an armslength away. as i said before, "100% of home invasion, happens @ home!"
'got to Texas ASAIC.
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Re: Carry enough gun. Even at home.


Post by dubya »

You guys have some good ideas. Kyser Miree's murder in his own home is a real eye opener about our world today...

Everyone should be (sadly) exposed to that story and stories like it.
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Re: Carry enough gun. Even at home.


Post by psijac »

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Re: Carry enough gun. Even at home.


Post by MojoTexas »

psijac wrote:Image
So how do you open the FoodSaver bag when bad guys are breaking in and you're in the shower? Ever tried tearing open one of those bags with wet soapy hands? You could notch one side to make it a little easier to open, but I'd still be dubious about how quickly you could get to it.

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Re: Carry enough gun. Even at home.


Post by father »

Carry enough gun. Even at home.
It's not just at home. Carry enough gun everywhere or, like a wise man once said, you better guess right.

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Re: Carry enough gun. Even at home.


Post by Bird of Prey »

My neighbors have two poodle-looking things and a red heeler that bark at EVERYONE (including me and I've lived there for 2 years now). Then I have motion sensor lights all around the house and night vision cameras with the monitor in my bedroom right by my head recording everything! This is the cool part, I rigged a wire from the motion sensor lights to one of those speaker things used to scare off mice so if the lights go off, I'm jumping out of my jammies! If they make it to the front door, my 9 month old Boxer (Meeko) has already been alerted by the "poodles" and is standing by the front door looking out the window through the curtain. If he so much as sees a shadow, he'll start howling and barking in a real low tone. (He thinks he's a Mastiff or something). All that racket will have me reaching about 2 feet from my bed to my Glock 19 9mm (15 in the mag and ALWAYS one in the pipe!)

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Re: Carry enough gun. Even at home.


Post by pbwalker »

Bird of Prey wrote:My neighbors have two poodle-looking things and a red heeler that bark at EVERYONE (including me and I've lived there for 2 years now). Then I have motion sensor lights all around the house and night vision cameras with the monitor in my bedroom right by my head recording everything! This is the cool part, I rigged a wire from the motion sensor lights to one of those speaker things used to scare off mice so if the lights go off, I'm jumping out of my jammies! If they make it to the front door, my 9 month old Boxer (Meeko) has already been alerted by the "poodles" and is standing by the front door looking out the window through the curtain. If he so much as sees a shadow, he'll start howling and barking in a real low tone. (He thinks he's a Mastiff or something). All that racket will have me reaching about 2 feet from my bed to my Glock 19 9mm (15 in the mag and ALWAYS one in the pipe!)
If I were in McAllen, I'd also keep an AR / AK by the bed... :lol:

You never know when those Narcos may get the wrong house. :???:
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Re: Carry enough gun. Even at home.


Post by The Annoyed Man »

It kind of depends on what I'm wearing around the house, but I always have a gun either on my person, or literally no more than a foot or two away from me. But what does "enough" gun mean? That's going to vary from person to person. The smallest and lightest pistol I carry or keep close by is a scandium framed .357 magnum snubbie.... ....not to mention another .357 and 3 more .45 ACP pistols, which are all loaded, and an AR carbine close by which only needs the charging handle yanked, plus my wife's Glock 19 on the bedside stand and her revolver in her purse. None of this includes what's in my son's room.

I have no intention of getting into a firefight with anyone, and I'll fly low and avoid radar if at all possible. But I pity the fool who breaks into my home and forces one of us to respond.

I think we'll be OK.
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Re: Carry enough gun. Even at home.


Post by RAM4171 »

The 1911 usually goes in the safe when I chang into shorts or sweats. The MK9 goes into my right pocket and the AR fully loaded with 55gr HPs goes next to the bed about 15 or 20 ft from the living room the 92 with 18 rds. goes into the medicine cabinet the wifes .357 snubbie goes into to the end table and Mossy is in the back room with 8 rds. of "OO". It's called prepared not paranoid. I have those crappy double front doors but screwed the inactive leaf down with 3" #10's and reinforced with 1-1/2" L-angle. The back door swings out not in and has 1/4" tempered glass instead of 1/8" plate, the side door is a slider with hook bolt and double 1/4" tempered. If I'm not at home the only portable thing of value not in the safe is the pups. I will eventually upgrade some things, but all in all I feel safe.
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Re: Carry enough gun. Even at home.


Post by heeler »

You know this thread made me think of some things past and present.
First of all since I live in a neighborhood in N.E. Houston,which has now evolved to a third world status and the fact that my home is paid for and am very near retirement age and am not leaving due to finances I have long ago fortified my home and a home invasion taking me by storm or surprise is remote at best due to burglar bars on all doors and windows,alarm stickers on all doors and windows,a no nonsense mad at anything and everything that moves into her territory Blue Heeler dog that lives in the house even as I type this and a readily available eight shot 12 gauge Winchester 1200 Defender loaded with Buckshot within easy grasp due to said fortifications giving me more than ample time to react.
On the other hand a well heeled friend of mine and non gun owner had a house built a few years ago in a "nice and safe" neighborhood and the few times I have been there I shudder at how easy it would be to just come right on in.
You know the front door is one of those with the glass stained frontage that is a second away from being broken open with even your fist so you can just basically open the latch of the deadbolt lock.
"Yea,but we have an alarm" he says.
Big deal!
And now since the never too bright thugs have realized to start hitting homes in the "nice and safe" neighborhoods he realizes now what I have said in the past that a person with bad intent standing outside is less than an eighth of an inch from being inside.
They had a home invasion two blocks from his "nice and safe" home just a month ago with the thugs stealing jewelery and a floor safe from the terrified victims who were housed in that "nice and safe" home. :nono:
Frankly I dont see things getting a lot rosier.
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Re: Carry enough gun. Even at home.


Post by dubya »

Wow, sorry to hear about your neighborhood heeler. Wow.

This thread has actually made me reasses what I carry. With it being so hot requiring later walks I do carry when I go for a dog walk at night - now between 10 and Midnight. I have been carrying a P3AT or a 642 and if toward Midnight both. Now, as much for accuracy as capacity, I am considering carrying a full sized service firearm. The P3AT might be good for 5 yards in a pinch. The 642 a bit more. If I carry any service firearm I believe I am good more in the 25 yards area (which would likely be outside what I need) but 20-30 feet is my confort barrier.

The multiple attacker home invasion make me want to carry more. Hey, I am no "fraidy cat". I carry for the same reason I have insurance and wear a seat belt - because while rare, things happen to someone. And, I still feel a 642 in the pocket is infinately better than a 1911 in the safe but now I have to decide if I am willing to deal with the extra weight and size.... What a world. :shock:

This is a good thread. Everyone's comments have been thought provoking.
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Re: Carry enough gun. Even at home.


Post by SpringerFan »

I have a LCP in my pocket at all times. Yeah, I know, a .380 is not exactly the hammer of Thor. But, I have it in my pocket at all times. My hope is that it will bide me time to get to the bigger guns. My wife also carrys a LCP on her as well. The reason we bought these was because someone tried to kick our door in while we were sitting on our couch recently. I realized that having all my guns in the bedroom was only good if I was in the bedroom at the time of the invasion. I have a 4 year old, so leaving a gun on coffee table is a bad idea. But in my pocket, all good.
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