I agreed and met him before class. Although he is a likable guy, I now know why some people post here that their instructors tell them things that have left me going

Here are but a few things he said that I tried to correct as politely and non-confrontational as possible.
1. 30.06 only applies if they tell you to leave.
2. Because there is no "legal limit" of intoxication for carrying while intoxicated, it is illegal to drink any amount of alcohol while carrying. He explained this to me at break that regardless of the law, the CHL holders don't need to be drinking if they carry. so by misinforming them, they think they cannot drink at all.
3. There was a new federal law passed that you cannot have a gun within 1000 feet of a school and even though state law says the premise does not include the parking lots, you are still in violation of federal law if you carry there. So if you know you have a meeting with your kids teacher before you go to work, you cannot carry your gun in the car. You should leave it at home. at break I asked him to source that law for me so I could read it and be sure I understood it. Of course he could not, but he "heard" about it so he makes sure the students know.
4. Only serious felony convictions will keep you from being licensed.
5. He had no idea that the 10 year restriction for a person adjudicated of felony grade Delinquent Conduct was in reference to juveniles.
6. He did not understand 51%.
7. He told me how he runs the firearms qual, and it is not in line with the state requirement. I ran it properly
8. He told me he never runs 10 hours.
We shot early, and I split right afterwards. I was afraid I would not be able to contain myself if I listened to the rest of his training. I am really concerned about what these students were told.
I think I should write DPS.