Texas3006.com site listed as dangerous ??

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Texas3006.com site listed as dangerous ??


Post by flechero »

my antivirus program at work lists texas3006.com as a dangerous and found to have "significant risks." I assume it's bull but anyone know why mcafee would list it that way?

I wouldn't even mention it but this is something that might tip off upper management to my chl status. (them seeing what "risky" sites I visit.) My immediate boss knows and I have his blessing... but certainly don't want anyone else to know.

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Re: Texas3006.com site listed as dangerous ??


Post by Teamless »

Our company has a very strong A/V software package, that doesn't even show ad's on the outside borders of pages, and when I click certain things, it prevents those pages from opening, however Texas3006 opens up with no issues.
If your company gets locks of 'blocked' pages, then it may be realize you are CHL, but would they really know what Texas3006 is?
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Re: Texas3006.com site listed as dangerous ??


Post by Hoi Polloi »

Teamless wrote:Our company has a very strong A/V software package, that doesn't even show ad's on the outside borders of pages, and when I click certain things, it prevents those pages from opening, however Texas3006 opens up with no issues.
If your company gets locks of 'blocked' pages, then it may be realize you are CHL, but would they really know what Texas3006 is?
If they wanted to know, they would. It depends on what's going on. Get someone in your dept doing crazy stuff or get a virus being frequently downloaded from unknown places or have some sort of audit or testing being done in your IT-type depts and what might have gone completely unnoticed for years will all of a sudden be noticed and connected to you. It's just luck if it happens and luck again if they care or do anything about it. If you really don't want work people to know what you're doing, don't use their computers or networks for doing it. That's the only way to really protect yourself.
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Re: Texas3006.com site listed as dangerous ??


Post by austin-tatious »

Hoi Polloi wrote:
Teamless wrote:Our company has a very strong A/V software package, that doesn't even show ad's on the outside borders of pages, and when I click certain things, it prevents those pages from opening, however Texas3006 opens up with no issues.
If your company gets locks of 'blocked' pages, then it may be realize you are CHL, but would they really know what Texas3006 is?
If they wanted to know, they would. It depends on what's going on. Get someone in your dept doing crazy stuff or get a virus being frequently downloaded from unknown places or have some sort of audit or testing being done in your IT-type depts and what might have gone completely unnoticed for years will all of a sudden be noticed and connected to you. It's just luck if it happens and luck again if they care or do anything about it. If you really don't want work people to know what you're doing, don't use their computers or networks for doing it. That's the only way to really protect yourself.
As a software professional, I do not EVER use my work computers for anything but work...no matter how innocent I think it is. If management wants, it's very easy to see what I'm doing or my browsing history (including passwords and account numbers). If you really really have to view something not work related at work use 3G and 4G wireless. OTW, wait until you can access a work independent network.

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Re: Texas3006.com site listed as dangerous ??


Post by ex_dsmr »

Well yeah, that or just be the head of IT :evil2:

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Re: Texas3006.com site listed as dangerous ??


Post by flechero »

I know the safest thing to do would be to never use my work pc for personal business but that's not practical in my case. We are allowed to use computers during off or down times for personal things- and I no longer have a PC at home. We are a smaller company and unless there is a big issue, no one will check on things...

I was just seeing if this was an off occurrence or if 3006.com trips the av's or firewalls elsewhere as well.
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Re: Texas3006.com site listed as dangerous ??


Post by ScottDLS »

Russell wrote:Flechero:

Can you please email me a screenshot of the warnings, along with any details that are available in the popups? russell [at] texas3006.com.

Here is information on how to take a screenshot if you require assistance: http://take-a-screenshot.org/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

I take site safety very seriously, especially since I coded everything on the site. There shouldn't be any reason for any programs to be displaying warnings.

Has anyone else experienced this issue?
Russell -

I've had the same warning from my McAfee anti-virus on my home computer. I'll PM you a screen shot.

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Re: Texas3006.com site listed as dangerous ??


Post by phrogg »

austin-tatious wrote:As a software professional, I do not EVER use my work computers for anything but work...no matter how innocent I think it is. If management wants, it's very easy to see what I'm doing or my browsing history (including passwords and account numbers). If you really really have to view something not work related at work use 3G and 4G wireless. OTW, wait until you can access a work independent network.
I actually don't even use my work computer for browsing anything but internal sites. But its not because of worrying about who's watching me, its just that its Windows ;-). I have a KVM hooked up at the office and I just bring in my MacBook Pro and hook it up every day. Then I just switch back and forth during the day when I want to check personal email or do some real work back to my mac. Then back to the office laptop when I need to work on email there. I can just plug it into my iPhone and tether to the 3G network and go.

One other thing that I've done in situations like this is to use HotSpot Shield. It gives you a VPN through the network that you are on so that you are safe from snooping from anyone that might be watching your traffic. Also gets you past the various controls that they might have in place. If you are able to do the right routing stuff, you can even set it up so that you can get to the external network through the VPN tunnel and the internal network through the local net. That's what I did for a couple years at one customer site.
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Re: Texas3006.com site listed as dangerous ??


Post by C-dub »

My company specifically restricts "gun" related sites. I can't go to Cabelas' site to even look at boots, but I can go to Walmart and BassPro. My I.T. guys or whoever don't have a clue. I stick to work and the news on my work computer.
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Re: Texas3006.com site listed as dangerous ??


Post by flechero »

Well I was going to get the screenshot for you but I just scanned clean... maybe the review was the issue. ? Anyway, glad it's fixed.

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