Your Experience with CHL and Traffic Stop ...
Moderators: carlson1, Charles L. Cotton
Re: Your Experience with CHL and Traffic Stop ...
...thanks, all who are seems that the majority of at least our experiences show they're fair and balanced in their treatment of us...what I expected...I think the lady deputy was a bit dramatic, and the officer who did the patdown may have had other motives...but not being there, who horror story of guns thrown on the ground, rudeness, preaching about how we don't need to carry, etc...I'd say Texas LEOS are FAR more fair than those in some other states, especially one directly to our east which I won't name...thank God!!!
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Re: Your Experience with CHL and Traffic Stop ...
Just once... Got stopped for speeding by a NC trooper on the way back from the beach. He had two cars pulled over at the same time. My wife and I in one car, and a carload of college-age boys in the other. Trooper tells the boys "wait in the car, I'll be with you in a minute" and heads my way.
I passed him my CCH (NC lingo) and DL.. He asked where the weapon was, said "ok, I'll be right back". He didn't seem at all concerned, and this was 1995/6, when CCH was pretty new in NC...
As I look forward I see two of the boys out of the car, one of them taking photos of the Trooper at my window. Trooper yells "I TOLD YOU TO STAY IN THE CAR, GET BACK IN THE CAR NOW.!!"... The kids get back in the car draggin tail making sour faces.... Gonna be a bad day for them.
Trooper goes to his car, comes back back about 3 minutes later and handed me my ID's back and told me to slow down, no ticket. I asked him if he wanted me to stick around (we were in the middle of nowhere, probably 20 minutes from the next town) and he said "no, but thanks". I put my ID's away and as I pulled back onto the highway I saw the kids starting to unload all their beach gear from the back of their vehicle at the request of the Trooper....
I passed him my CCH (NC lingo) and DL.. He asked where the weapon was, said "ok, I'll be right back". He didn't seem at all concerned, and this was 1995/6, when CCH was pretty new in NC...
As I look forward I see two of the boys out of the car, one of them taking photos of the Trooper at my window. Trooper yells "I TOLD YOU TO STAY IN THE CAR, GET BACK IN THE CAR NOW.!!"... The kids get back in the car draggin tail making sour faces.... Gonna be a bad day for them.
Trooper goes to his car, comes back back about 3 minutes later and handed me my ID's back and told me to slow down, no ticket. I asked him if he wanted me to stick around (we were in the middle of nowhere, probably 20 minutes from the next town) and he said "no, but thanks". I put my ID's away and as I pulled back onto the highway I saw the kids starting to unload all their beach gear from the back of their vehicle at the request of the Trooper....

I am not a lawyer. This is NOT legal advice.!
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Re: Your Experience with CHL and Traffic Stop ...
...guess they failed the attitude check...betcha you were the bright spot in his day!!!
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Re: Your Experience with CHL and Traffic Stop ...
Only been stopped once since getting my CHL, last summer for speeding. I'd just gotten off the Interstate and was still doing 60mph in a 50mph zone on the access road. Handed both my DL and CHL over with insurance card, officer took it all and went back to her car. Came back and gave me all the documents back, never asked me if or where I was carrying. Very routine stop but she gave me the ticket anyway
. First one in over 20 years, at least I was able to go the defensive driving route to keep it off my record.

Re: Your Experience with CHL and Traffic Stop ...
Well I had my first stop this past Thursday in west Texas.
Was cruising along and I could clearly see the county Sheriff's 4x4 SUV on the side of the road and when I passed the lights lit up.
I was pretty puzzled but since I was in rent car I thought perhaps a tail light was out or something along those lines.
The officer approached and asked for my DL and insurance and of course I handed him my DL and CHL and explained this was a rent car and showed him that paper work.
A few minutes later he comes back and says I was doing 69 mph in a 65 zone and gave me a warning.
But what really caught my attention was after the officer handed me back my two license he said "Thanks for showing me your 1044"
So to you Texas leo's is that some sort of code for a CHL license???
Was cruising along and I could clearly see the county Sheriff's 4x4 SUV on the side of the road and when I passed the lights lit up.
I was pretty puzzled but since I was in rent car I thought perhaps a tail light was out or something along those lines.
The officer approached and asked for my DL and insurance and of course I handed him my DL and CHL and explained this was a rent car and showed him that paper work.
A few minutes later he comes back and says I was doing 69 mph in a 65 zone and gave me a warning.
But what really caught my attention was after the officer handed me back my two license he said "Thanks for showing me your 1044"
So to you Texas leo's is that some sort of code for a CHL license???
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Re: Your Experience with CHL and Traffic Stop ...
10-44 is the ten code, in this area at least, for a CHL. What part of West Texas were you in? Out here, in our part of West Texas, if your not in a town they usually give you 5 to 10 over the speed limit before initiating contact.
How do you explain a dog named Sauer without first telling the story of a Puppy named Sig?
R.I.P. Sig, 08/21/2019 - 11/18/2019
R.I.P. Sig, 08/21/2019 - 11/18/2019
Re: Your Experience with CHL and Traffic Stop ...
2 encounters in 4 years, first one I was involved in a accident in Hays county and was out of the truck when Hays county sheriff showed up. Gave him my DL and CHL and did not say anything other than " right front pocket", because I was standing next to the other driver and did not want them to know. The officer, just said o.k., thanks and never mentioned it. Second time I had called 911 from my truck because a drunk guy was walking down the middle of 290 west at 4:00 in the morning. I convinced him to go lay in the bar ditch until the sheriff arrived. I think that one was Travis county sheriffs dept,. gave him chl when he asked for my dl, and told him it was inside the waistband at 3:00. He just told me something like " leave it alone and we'll be fine" or something like that and it was never mentioned again. I considered both encounters very positive.
Re: Your Experience with CHL and Traffic Stop ...
Actually I was coming back from viewing the horribly burned out area of the Davis Mountains and was between Del Rio and Bracketville when pulled over by a courteous and professional officer from Kinney county.G.A. Heath wrote:10-44 is the ten code, in this area at least, for a CHL. What part of West Texas were you in? Out here, in our part of West Texas, if your not in a town they usually give you 5 to 10 over the speed limit before initiating contact.
What does 10 code mean??
Just also wanted to include after the officer took my license and went back to the patrol vehicle I kept my left hand dangling out the window and my right hand on top of the steering wheel and the fact that I was in a small compact car and the officer was seated up high in the 4x4 SUV it gave the officer plenty of view to see my hands and to know at least hopefully by my overt actions I was not a threat.
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Re: Your Experience with CHL and Traffic Stop ...
10 is just a prefix used for radio talk. Commonly you see 10-4 used for ok/good/acknowledge , 10-72 as negative, out here a 10-19 is a fight and 10-25 is meet up some where. 10 codes are not standardized, truckers use one set while your local PD may use another, and the next town over may use yet another set. My understanding is that Texas departments usually base theirs off of what the DPS uses, but that is just something I heard from an officer who may or may not know it for a fact.
How do you explain a dog named Sauer without first telling the story of a Puppy named Sig?
R.I.P. Sig, 08/21/2019 - 11/18/2019
R.I.P. Sig, 08/21/2019 - 11/18/2019
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Re: Your Experience with CHL and Traffic Stop ...
I got stopped in Plano once at about 9 pm while in a very clearly marked company vehicle.
I was going 55 in a 45.
I was not armed, but handed him my CHL with my DL as they are fastened together.
The registration and insurance was out of reach as it was in a container under the passenger seat.
He asked if I was carrying.
I was not because it was against company policy.
He ran me for warrants, said don't worry about finding the registration and did not write me a warning.
Asked me if I was on my way home which I was.
He said, slow down and have a nice night.
I did.
I was going 55 in a 45.
I was not armed, but handed him my CHL with my DL as they are fastened together.
The registration and insurance was out of reach as it was in a container under the passenger seat.
He asked if I was carrying.
I was not because it was against company policy.
He ran me for warrants, said don't worry about finding the registration and did not write me a warning.
Asked me if I was on my way home which I was.
He said, slow down and have a nice night.
I did.
"Before a standing army can rule, the people must be disarmed, as they are in almost every country in Europe."
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"All we ask for is registration, just like we do for cars."
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"All we ask for is registration, just like we do for cars."
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Re: Your Experience with CHL and Traffic Stop ...
Maybe I am out of the loop or something but are we suppose to carry some type of registration in the vehicle and provide it to LEO when asked? I get that piece of paper when I renew my sticker every year but I don't keep it in the car/truck.
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Re: Your Experience with CHL and Traffic Stop ...
Seems to me the piece of paper that comes with the sticker says something about it being required to be carried in the vehicle only for commercial vehicles. (From my not-quite infallible memory.stash wrote:Maybe I am out of the loop or something but are we suppose to carry some type of registration in the vehicle and provide it to LEO when asked? I get that piece of paper when I renew my sticker every year but I don't keep it in the car/truck.

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Re: Your Experience with CHL and Traffic Stop ...
Sort of. Your registration sticker on the windshield serves the purpose. If you look closely, it has your license plate number on it so the officer can confirm the plates have not been switched.stash wrote:Maybe I am out of the loop or something but are we suppose to carry some type of registration in the vehicle and provide it to LEO when asked? I get that piece of paper when I renew my sticker every year but I don't keep it in the car/truck.
Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passions, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence. - John Adams
Re: Your Experience with CHL and Traffic Stop ...
stash wrote:Maybe I am out of the loop or something but are we suppose to carry some type of registration in the vehicle and provide it to LEO when asked? I get that piece of paper when I renew my sticker every year but I don't keep it in the car/truck.
To my knowledge only someone operating a commercial truck needs to carry vehicle registration in Texas.
I have been stopped many times in the 43 years I have been riding motorcycles and driving cars and not once have I ever been asked for my registration in Texas.
Although I do carry it on the motorcycle as I have been known to end up in far flung places such as Utah,Nevada,California,although that last place is strictly off my list now due to the fact that I have a CHL and they dont honor it.
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Re: Your Experience with CHL and Traffic Stop ...
Ya know, that's a good question.stash wrote:Maybe I am out of the loop or something but are we suppose to carry some type of registration in the vehicle and provide it to LEO when asked? I get that piece of paper when I renew my sticker every year but I don't keep it in the car/truck.
Everywhere I've lived you are always asked for registration and insurance, which I always thought was funny because the officer can check that from his vehicle anyway.
But I don't know if it's actually required in Texas.
"Before a standing army can rule, the people must be disarmed, as they are in almost every country in Europe."
- Noah Webster
"All we ask for is registration, just like we do for cars."
- Charles Schumer
- Noah Webster
"All we ask for is registration, just like we do for cars."
- Charles Schumer