I work in an office building and employer has no firearm policy, no sings on the building so I am legal to carry at work. No problems there. We have two floors of the building and one floor has a room with some gym equipment. I typically use it a couple times week, and my wife and I jog a couple times a week. Here is my predicament. I just got my CHL and have been carrying for a whopping 3 days

I haven't been into the gym(room) since I have been carrying, but would like to continue to use it. My question is what do i do with my gun. I can lock it up in a filing cabinet in my office, but I'm not sure of the legal ramifications there. With a CHL do I have to be in possession of the firearm at all times? Can i legally lock it up in my office and still be ok? Any insight would be appreciated.
P.S. sorry if this is in the wrong section, wasn't sure where to put it.