Moving to California

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Re: Moving to California


Post by WildBill »

nitrogen wrote:
WildBill wrote:
The Annoyed Man wrote:
nitrogen wrote:You can always get a CCW anywhere in california, as long as you want to bribe the sheriff. Going rate 10 years ago was about a $10,000 donation to the sheriff's re-election fund (Alameda county, at least)
You say that like it's a good thing. :roll: And yet, it is a direct result of a liberal-dominated political landscape. I hate the place.
I think that nitrogen was being facetious. At least I hope he was. Besides, if you were a billionaire you could easily afford it. Tell us how you really think about California. TAM. ;-)
Not saying it as a good thing at ALL. I am also very serious. This conversation happened in 2002, though it was not as cut and dried as I made it sound.
It's not a bribe, it's a campaign contribution.
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Re: Moving to California


Post by maxlib »

Bullitt wrote:Hilarious! Most of the CA produce comes from Mexico, and they are worried about me bringing something from Texas?

BTW, I was rear-ended on US101 while I was going 65 mph. Hit by a van, two Middle Eastern guys. I wonder if they had a dirty bomb in the van. :totap:
One can only hope. Also I have faith in the San Andreas Fault.

I was lucky. I only spent three and a half years in San Diego in the early to mid nineties. Plus ten weeks at a Navy school a little over four years ago.

I can't say that everything was bad. Back when I was on the Lake Champlain It was nice to go out into the desert with a couple friends and shoot targets, no range fees and such, and have the Border Patrol guys and county cops come out and shoot with us. Never had a hassle back then.

Four years ago going to that school which was primarily staffed by a bunch of civilian and a few Navy liberals I had to threaten to file a complaint that they were trying to push their liberal political views on their students. I mean come on................
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Re: Moving to California


Post by The Annoyed Man »

Bullitt wrote:Hilarious! Most of the CA produce comes from Mexico, and they are worried about me bringing something from Texas?

BTW, I was rear-ended on US101 while I was going 65 mph. Hit by a van, two Middle Eastern guys. I wonder if they had a dirty bomb in the van. :totap:
What olafpfj said. You can't dawdle if you want to survive on the 101. :mrgreen:

Seriously though, how bad was it? Significant damage, or just a tap and a little traded paint?
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Re: Moving to California


Post by Dirty Bob »

What with the high taxes, the lack of jobs, the mess that is the real estate market, and the anti-business state govt., the middle class is leaving CA at a rate of thousands/month. I was shocked when I heard that for the first time.

At the rate they're going, soon the only people who'll be able to live there will be the rich and the poor (who receive govt. help). The state is essentially broke, yet they just voted to hit themselves with a cap-and-trade law that will drive up the price of just about everything.

I left there in 1990 after finishing grad school, and I won't ever be back.

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Re: Moving to California


Post by Bullitt »

I have returned to Texas. I was in California for six months. California is where I am originally from and I thought I would enjoy being "home" again. Sorry to say, I hate the place now. The topography and the ocean were beautiful, but I just hated everything else about the place. It all started with people calling "fog" the "marine layer" in Santa Barbara. How friggin' snobby can one get? Bunch of phonies. I told people we used to ride horses down in Orange County when I was a kid and they just laughed at me. It's also frickin Obama country. The illegal alien situation there is out of control. Much more than in Texas. For crissakes I'm a Latino and even I think the problem there is out of control. The homes are crap. You pay $1 million for crap. I say nuke the place. Anyhow, I quit my job and was able to find a new one quickly here in Houston. Oilfield stuff. By the way, they hate oilfield people over there, even though they drive Porsches and BMWs. Hypocrites.

I guess I became a Texan long ago. I am back in Houston and am staying.
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Re: Moving to California


Post by 74novaman »

Bullitt wrote: I guess I became a Texan long ago. I am back in Houston and am staying.
In that case, welcome home! :txflag: :txflag:
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Re: Moving to California


Post by Texas Dan Mosby »

I say nuke the place.
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Re: Moving to California


Post by Jasonw560 »

If you ever get homesick, just go to Austin for the weekend. That'll cure it.
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Re: Moving to California


Post by WildBill »

Bullitt wrote:You guys crack me up.

We used to call it "fog" when I was a kid, now they call it "the marine layer." How friggin' snobby can you get?
My sister lived near Pismo Beach. We had an ongoing joke about "the marine layer." It's not foggy this morning, it's just the marine layer! "rlol"

In California the air pollution used to be called "smog", now it's "haze". :roll:
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Re: Moving to California


Post by stealthfightrf17 »

Welcome home to HOUSTON. My wife and I moved here in 2005 from Riverside, CA. After a while we do start to miss all our fam there, but when we go back for a vist we get reminded real quick why we moved
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Re: Moving to California


Post by Dirty Bob »

Welcome back to Texas!

We may not be perfect, but at least here you can shoot back!

I grew up in Calif., and people are shocked by the number of times I was touched by violent crime. I was in a "nice" middle class area of N. Calif., and my story is not unusual. I knew people who had been seriously hurt as crime victims. I also learned that as you got to know some people, you discovered that a fair percentage of otherwise law-abiding citizens carried illegally.

I lost a high school friend to a serial killer (the "Trailside Killer") in Pt. Reyes National Seashore. A cousin vanished without a trace while travelling. I got out of three violent muggings by being armed (first with a pair of sticks against a mugging team of two men, the second with the chain used to lock up my bike against a gang of "yoots," and the third with a Krytonite lock that I was about to use on the head of the guy who was trying to shove me into heavy traffic). During my single year of grad school, there were three riots on or near the Berkeley campus, a shooting on campus, as well as at least one on-campus rape -- of a male law student. For a while there, the little city of Berkeley was averaging about a murder a week. Never again!

Welcome back!

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Re: Moving to California


Post by Weg »

I lived in SLO for 20 years. It was a very beautiful and comfortable place to live. I miss the weather for sure, and many good friends I made over the years...... but I would live in a shack in Odessa ( Even if I had to crawl there on broken glass from Wimberely) before I would move back. In fact, I have never returned since 2005, when I moved to Texas. I wish you the best, and in my opinion there are worse places in the U.S to live than Santa Barbara. Disclaimer : No offense intended to anyone who lives in a shack, or in Odessa.

Edit : Guess I did not follow this thread very well, just realized you left, and are back again. Welcome back! Everything wlse I said still applies...

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Re: Moving to California


Post by KDD »

Good luck
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Re: Moving to California


Post by SQLGeek »

An old thread but welcome home! I was born and raised in California and went to school in SLO. I love the SLO area and look forward to visiting again but I don't know that I could ever move back to the state. It has shifted so far hard left that it is impossible for me to stomach. The thing I miss most about CA is family and friends. If I could find a way to move them all out here, I don't think I'd have many reasons to return. I've only been here about two years and I loathe to think about leaving...even if it is to escape this heat!
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Re: Moving to California


Post by Heartland Patriot »

Bullitt wrote:I have returned to Texas. I was in California for six months. California is where I am originally from and I thought I would enjoy being "home" again. Sorry to say, I hate the place now. The topography and the ocean were beautiful, but I just hated everything else about the place. It all started with people calling "fog" the "marine layer" in Santa Barbara. How friggin' snobby can one get? Bunch of phonies. I told people we used to ride horses down in Orange County when I was a kid and they just laughed at me. It's also frickin Obama country. The illegal alien situation there is out of control. Much more than in Texas. For crissakes I'm a Latino and even I think the problem there is out of control. The homes are crap. You pay $1 million for crap. I say nuke the place. Anyhow, I quit my job and was able to find a new one quickly here in Houston. Oilfield stuff. By the way, they hate oilfield people over there, even though they drive Porsches and BMWs. Hypocrites.

I guess I became a Texan long ago. I am back in Houston and am staying.
I've tried to tell folks that the Latino (or Hispanic, whichever is preferred) people in Texas just aren't the same as in California...your comment really cracked me up and put a smile on my face. Glad you came on back.
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