I get there 30 minutes later with a few others and we patch up the door, having a good time doing it, and off to the house at midnight.
This morning in Sunday school, a handful of close friends were in there and he starts relating the story. At one point he mentions that he saw the 5 suspected individuals coming back up the road towards the church, who veered a different direction after spotting the Pastor cleaning up the mess. So he says it made him nervous.
"But, I would have felt more comfortable if I was "Packing" like Bill does."

Sooooo, after Service I walked up to him ( I love the guy like a brother) and said "PLEASE don't announce that I am "packing".
"But why?" he says.
"Cause that is what the concealed in "concealed carry" stands for." I tell him. "Besides, not everyone is comfortable about guns, nor would believe that I should have one, especially in Church."
He turns and faces me squarely and says "Bill, I want you to be carrying in Church! I always thought you did! It is the right thing to do."
So I mentioned that the only thing that would prevent me would be if he put up the proper signage, and he looks me in the eye and says "That will never happen while I'm here."
Its good to be appreciated.
