A "first" when stopped by DPS last night

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Re: A "first" when stopped by DPS last night


Post by SewTexas »

tornado wrote:Not to hijack the thread, but to get it back to a discussion of a previously mentioned odd stop...
VMI77 wrote:he pulled me over because he thought I had a GPS attached to my windshield
Whoa, wait. Where in Texas is that illegal?

OK, now I've looked around and found the state law, and it says:
TRANSPORTATION CODE / TITLE 7. VEHICLES AND TRAFFIC / SUBTITLE C. RULES OF THE ROAD / CHAPTER 547. VEHICLE EQUIPMENT / SUBCHAPTER A. GENERAL PROVISIONS wrote:Sec. 547.613. RESTRICTIONS ON WINDOWS. (a) Except as provided by Subsection (b), a person commits an offense that is a misdemeanor:
(1) if the person operates a motor vehicle that has an object or material that is placed on or attached to the windshield or side or rear window and that obstructs or reduces the operator's clear view
I thought general consensus was that windshield mounts that didn't block your view were legal in Texas. I've used them low, keeping the GPS (or more recently, the phone) near the dashboard.

So I suppose the LEO thought VMI77 had a GPS attached to the windshield that was obstructing or reducing the driver's clear view.
well, I added "my comments" really I did....maybe my puppy deleted them...ok, I'll type them again....

I'm surprised the windshield mounted GPS is illegal? if the cops tickets those things everytime they saw them they'd never be on the side of the road, radaring me...and they'd never be in the middle of the road blocking my view, talking on the phone or doing whatever the heck they do in Selma when they aren't ticketing people. Personally, I have a great 'sand bag' mount for my gps that sits on the dash. That way I can use it it whichever car I'm in. The windshield mount just doesn't work in TX heat.
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Re: A "first" when stopped by DPS last night


Post by 03Lightningrocks »

tornado wrote:Not to hijack the thread, but to get it back to a discussion of a previously mentioned odd stop...
VMI77 wrote:he pulled me over because he thought I had a GPS attached to my windshield
Whoa, wait. Where in Texas is that illegal?

OK, now I've looked around and found the state law, and it says:
TRANSPORTATION CODE / TITLE 7. VEHICLES AND TRAFFIC / SUBTITLE C. RULES OF THE ROAD / CHAPTER 547. VEHICLE EQUIPMENT / SUBCHAPTER A. GENERAL PROVISIONS wrote:Sec. 547.613. RESTRICTIONS ON WINDOWS. (a) Except as provided by Subsection (b), a person commits an offense that is a misdemeanor:
(1) if the person operates a motor vehicle that has an object or material that is placed on or attached to the windshield or side or rear window and that obstructs or reduces the operator's clear view
I thought general consensus was that windshield mounts that didn't block your view were legal in Texas. I've used them low, keeping the GPS (or more recently, the phone) near the dashboard.

So I suppose the LEO thought VMI77 had a GPS attached to the windshield that was obstructing or reducing the driver's clear view.

I've moved away from windshield mounts because they keep falling off in the summer heat. My current mount is a binder clip and two rubber bands. (I skipped step 2.) And I got my wife one that mounts low on the dashboard (because her prindle stick is too close to the vent).

ETA: Why isn't this in "LEO Contacts & Bloopers"?
I was not aware of the rule concerning GPS devices attached to a windshield. My guys use them and I am not sure where they stick them but they come with a sticky cup made for windshield attachment.
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Re: A "first" when stopped by DPS last night


Post by A-R »

the Texas law is general in nature, and requires that the object in question be obstructing the driver's view to be an infraction

the California law, on the other hands, simply states NOTHING on the windshield, but then gives a list of loopholes. So in California, it doesn't matter if the object is affecting your ability to drive at all, if it doesn't fit in the designated box YOU can't have it because THEY said so :banghead:

http://www.dmv.ca.gov/pubs/vctop/d12/vc26708.htm" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

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Re: A "first" when stopped by DPS last night


Post by rentz »

Funny dps stopped me late one night after a game for 75 in a 70, seemed really random because I wasn't the fastest one on the road.

he comes to the window hand him both id's and he glanced at the chl but asked no questions and handed it back to me. Asked a whole lot of questions about where I'd been what was the score etc then said he was giving me a warning and he'd be right back.

My guess is dps is stepping up random stops for DUI and the like when they have justifiable cause even if its 5 over

as far as run one the gun I doubt he had any right to do such, I've also been advised by officers I know to always say no to a search because if they are asking they don't have probable cause because if they did they would just do it
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Re: A "first" when stopped by DPS last night


Post by 03Lightningrocks »

Do you folks think there may be some profiling of sorts going on? I have always thought it was happening. When younger... before gray thinning hair...LOL, I would get some of the same "extra" attention I am reading about here. Now, I can hardly get them to pull me over. When they do, they act so friendly it makes me want to buy them dinner. I have gotten away with all kinds of crazy stuff that many here get in trouble over.

A couple years ago, my SIL was driving me to my doctor for a follow up after surgery. I was hurting and on a whole lot of meds. I told my SIL to cut through a parking lot because he missed a turn. he told me a cop was watching and I demanded he do it anyway. Humoring me, he did it and we were promptly pulled over. Being in the wrong state of mind I started mouthing off at the cop from the passenger seat. he didn't let me bug him and acted like I said nothing. He asked my SIL to step to the back of the truck. This past weekend we were laughing about it and my SIL tells me the cop said he was sorry for making him get out but thought it was a better option than hauling a guy with a neck brace and sticshes to jail. My SIL tells me he told the cop it was OK if he wanted to shoot me...LOL.

Anyway... even that time... no ticket.... just a verbal warning. I dunno... i am sure there are cops out there with a bad attitude but my experiences have always been polite or at least professional. Even when they gave me a ticket.

Anyone ever say thank you to a cop after he gave you a ticket and then thought to yourself, "why did I say thank you? he just handed me a ticket?" :banghead:
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Re: A "first" when stopped by DPS last night


Post by gigag04 »


If so many, including mods, are glancing over the actual text of my posts, and (over)reacting as such, I see no need to post further to explain an overly simple, and often quoted adage. Carlson, I appreciate what you do, but please dig a bit deeper before calling my intentions into question.

To all the rational readers, I also heard it attributed to Col Cooper, years ago, but internet lore has blurred the origin.

And yes, actually not everyone that works in the hood in our county survives, including friends:

http://www.odmp.org/officer/21355-const ... n-bachmann" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

/thread for me
Last edited by gigag04 on Thu Oct 18, 2012 7:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: A "first" when stopped by DPS last night


Post by 03Lightningrocks »

rentz wrote:Funny dps stopped me late one night after a game for 75 in a 70, seemed really random because I wasn't the fastest one on the road.

he comes to the window hand him both id's and he glanced at the chl but asked no questions and handed it back to me. Asked a whole lot of questions about where I'd been what was the score etc then said he was giving me a warning and he'd be right back.

My guess is dps is stepping up random stops for DUI and the like when they have justifiable cause even if its 5 over

as far as run one the gun I doubt he had any right to do such, I've also been advised by officers I know to always say no to a search because if they are asking they don't have probable cause because if they did they would just do it
Maybe they realize a college game is happening and they are watching for drunks traveling between the two game states. Like Texas/OU weekend. You would be nuts to drive down 35 between Dallas and OK on that night after embiding in alchohol. I bet holidays get extra attention as well.
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Re: A "first" when stopped by DPS last night


Post by 03Lightningrocks »

gigag04 wrote:Wow.

If so many, including mods, are glancing over the actual text of my posts, and (over)reacting as such, I see no need to post further to explain an overly simple, and often quoted adage. Carlson, I appreciate what you do, but please did a bit deeper before calling my intentions into question.

To all the rational readers, I also heard it attributed to Col Cooper, years ago, but internet lore has blurred the origin.

And yes, actually not everyone that works in the hood in our county survives, including friends:

http://www.odmp.org/officer/21355-const ... n-bachmann" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

/thread for me
I will apologize for any inference my post made. I was not aware of the origin of the quote you made and definitely took the comment to heart. I was actually surprised by the comment because it did not fit with your usual posting. That was why I mentioned that maybe you were joking.

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Re: A "first" when stopped by DPS last night


Post by AustinBoy »

Heres my story. No guns involved.

In my mid-twenties I drove a 1981 Bamboo Biege Porsche 911.

I was pulled over by DPS. I immediately got out of the car and went back to shake his hand. (you could do that back then)

He shook my hand and asked me to stand in front of his car. I asked what I had done and he said he just had some questions. He then proceeded to grill me. Was this my car? Do I let anyone drive it? Where do I work? The questions went on and on.

Finally, he loosened up a little and became more friendly. He proceeded to tell me that there had been a hit and run. The person that ran drove a yellow Porsche. I laughed and said mine is an ugly Bamboo Biege! He said it was close enough to pull me over.

He was very proffessional and nice.

Point being, yes, it may have been a fishing expedition but he just didnt tell you what he was fishing for.

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Re: A "first" when stopped by DPS last night


Post by C-dub »

AustinBoy wrote:Heres my story. No guns involved.

In my mid-twenties I drove a 1981 Bamboo Biege Porsche 911.

I was pulled over by DPS. I immediately got out of the car and went back to shake his hand. (you could do that back then)

He shook my hand and asked me to stand in front of his car. I asked what I had done and he said he just had some questions. He then proceeded to grill me. Was this my car? Do I let anyone drive it? Where do I work? The questions went on and on.

Finally, he loosened up a little and became more friendly. He proceeded to tell me that there had been a hit and run. The person that ran drove a yellow Porsche. I laughed and said mine is an ugly Bamboo Biege! He said it was close enough to pull me over.

He was very proffessional and nice.

Point being, yes, it may have been a fishing expedition but he just didnt tell you what he was fishing for.

Was there also damage to your car consistent with hitting whatever it was supposed to have hit? I'm betting there wasn't.
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Re: A "first" when stopped by DPS last night


Post by AustinBoy »

You are correct.
No damage.

However, it was supposedly a minor fendor bendor.

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Re: A "first" when stopped by DPS last night


Post by sjfcontrol »

AustinBoy wrote:Heres my story. No guns involved.

In my mid-twenties I drove a 1981 Bamboo Biege Porsche 911.

I was pulled over by DPS. I immediately got out of the car and went back to shake his hand. (you could do that back then)

He shook my hand and asked me to stand in front of his car. I asked what I had done and he said he just had some questions. He then proceeded to grill me. Was this my car? Do I let anyone drive it? Where do I work? The questions went on and on.

Finally, he loosened up a little and became more friendly. He proceeded to tell me that there had been a hit and run. The person that ran drove a yellow Porsche. I laughed and said mine is an ugly Bamboo Biege! He said it was close enough to pull me over.

He was very proffessional and nice.

Point being, yes, it may have been a fishing expedition but he just didnt tell you what he was fishing for.

Sooooo... Ask a bunch of intrusive questions, then explain it away as "Well, we are looking for a hit-and-run driving a <insert close description of stopped car here> car. Works every time! :mrgreen:
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Re: A "first" when stopped by DPS last night


Post by SewTexas »

minor fender bender = major apb??? really???
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Re: A "first" when stopped by DPS last night


Post by C-dub »

SewTexas wrote:minor fender bender = major apb??? really???
It's the "run" part. I think it's a felony.
I am not and have never been a LEO. My avatar is in honor of my friend, Dallas Police Sargent Michael Smith, who was murdered along with four other officers in Dallas on 7.7.2016.
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Re: A "first" when stopped by DPS last night


Post by jimlongley »

Sangiovese wrote: . . . I think the same would apply while running a serial number. The officer has the right to disarm the OP. And although it's a lousy thing to do, he's probably in the clear for running the serial number... but only if he can do it without extending the stop unless he has PC.
I even have a problem with running the serial number.


Because I have no way of knowing that that serial number has not now been recorded in a database along with my particulars.
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