30.06 + Taco Cabana

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30.06 + Taco Cabana


Post by fizteach »

Does anyone know the corporate stance on 30.06 at Taco Cabana? THe Taco Cabana on lower Greenville in Dallas has a 30.06 posted on the wall before the order area. I don't know if the letters where 1", but the sign was on a piece of landscaped 8 x 10 with a Spanish version underneath on its own 8 x 10. The thing that concerned me is that one would have to step about 15 feet into the store to actually see the sign. At the time (April 5) I had not received my plastic. I will not go back until they remove the sign.

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Post by razoraggie »

As far as I can tell....all TCs have 30.06 postings. And that really honks boo-boo because I could live off of their chicken taquitos. I have made a conscious effort not to support their business if they cannot respect my rights as a CHLer. I have fallen victim to my own lack of will power on 1 occassion when I just had to have em....but I went through the drive through :oops:
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Post by HighVelocity »

The Taco Cabana at Hwy 6 and Bellaire poisoned me to the point of hospitalization in 1991. Do yourself a favor and don't eat there. Their corporate level operations are less than customer friendly.
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Post by Mike1951 »

The ones I have seen have the 30.06 wording on a small sign, nowhere near proper size.

Still, it shows their corporate stance. I only eat there if I'm with a group and get out voted.
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Post by CWOOD »

The signs are nowhere near being compliant. Ignore them.

My opinion is that this is a large multimillion dollar corporation with access to excellent legal information and councel.

If they really wanted to prohibit CHL's from carrying, they have the resources to get competent legal information and to post properly compliant signs.

They have chosen to post non-compliant signs. I will abide with their choice and will carry there as a CHL any time I get an urge for a beef fajita taco...which they do very well. There juevos rancheros aren't bad either as a late night/early morning meal.

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Post by NcongruNt »

CWOOD wrote:The signs are nowhere near being compliant. Ignore them.

My opinion is that this is a large multimillion dollar corporation with access to excellent legal information and councel.

If they really wanted to prohibit CHL's from carrying, they have the resources to get competent legal information and to post properly compliant signs.

They have chosen to post non-compliant signs. I will abide with their choice and will carry there as a CHL any time I get an urge for a beef fajita taco...which they do very well. There juevos rancheros aren't bad either as a late night/early morning meal.
I'll take Tamale House's juevos rancheros over TC any day. :)
I stopped going there about 3 months ago anyway. I only went with my GF, and she stopped wanting to go once they got rid of their flautas.
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Post by nuparadigm »

Most TC's have the 30.06 .... BUT, the one on N Loop 610 in Houston does not have one.
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Post by RPBrown »

Most of them are posted. And most do not seem to be compliant. However, I don't care to be the test case. Would probably beat the charge but not the ride.
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Post by Will »

Mike1951 wrote:The ones I have seen have the 30.06 wording on a small sign, nowhere near proper size.

Still, it shows their corporate stance. I only eat there if I'm with a group and get out voted.
I have seen this in several places. I dont know what to do when presented with a correctly worded incorrectly sized 30.06. I know "technically" it is non-compliant, but you know what their intention was. And in the event you were presented with a situation where you need to use your firearm in a place with a non-compliant 30.06...what happens then? I guess what I am getting at is: Am I LEGAL to carry if size is the only non-compliant issue, and will prosecuters/LEO's recognize that?

EDIT: RPBrown has a good point above. :smile:

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Post by kw5kw »

The ; Texas Department of Public Safety. states the sign posting law very clearly on their site. Plus the exact wording in the law reads:

30.06(a) (3) (B) a sign posted on the property that:

(i) includes the language described by Paragraph (A) in both English and Spanish;

(ii) appears in contrasting colors with block letters at least ONE INCH in height; and

(iii) is displayed in a conspicuous manner clearly visible to the public.

So, we live by other provisions of the Government Code Chapter 411, such as having our weapon concealed, then the rest of the populace must also live by the law...

(Am I right on this Charles?)

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Post by Thane »

I solve the problem by not eating at Taco Cabana.

I also refuse to eat at Carl's Junior. Yeah, their signs are non-compliant, but the message gets across clearly: they don't want my money. So, I oblige them, and get food elsewhere.

Sometimes, signs work both ways.

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Post by Glockamolie »

The one on Hwy 6 north at W Little York isn't posted. It has a "no weapons" sign behind the counter where they post their licenses and such. The ONLY reason I've been there is that they're next to Discount Tire, and I go there if I'm having tire work done. Yeah, I carry.
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Post by DSARGE »

I agree, whether their signs are compliant or not, they do not want my business and I'll take it elsewhere. Let's just pray that McDonald's doesn't go liberal!!!
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I think it is my fault


Post by Timmy Jimmy »

I sent them this letter in September of 06:

I just left store 278, they were very busy and having a hard time keeping up with the crowd but they did a great job. The food was good and they had a number of people trying to keep the place clean.

As I was sitting there eating my Cabana Bowl I looked over my wife’s shoulder and there hanging on the wall I saw the standard poster about people carrying unlicensed handguns. No problem I am all for that although if someone is carrying a gun illegally they probably don’t care about your sign. The problem is that right next to it was a sign that said you do not allow handguns on your property.

That sign does not meet the requirements that Texas has for you to prevent Concealed Handgun License (CHL) holders to carry their handguns into your restaurant. If you are serious about keeping law-abiding citizens from coming into your restaurant carrying their handgun here is a link to the sign you have to have http://www.txdps.state.tx.us/ftp/forms/cr-1.pdf. The sign has to have letters at least 1 inch high and be in contrasting colors and be posted where no one can miss it.

What I don’t understand is why you would want to stop law abiding citizens who have CHLs from carrying their weapons in your establishment? Are you aware that the men and women that have Texas CHLs had to take a 10 hour class on Texas State Laws, Handgun Safety, Communication and prove that they were proficient? Did you know that to get a CHL you not only have to pass a criminal background check from the State of Texas but also the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). Did you know if you have not paid your child support you can not get a CHL? People that have CHLs are the best of the best citizens in our communities. Why wouldn’t Taco Cabana want them as customers?

Do you really think that if a criminal or a mentally ill person that plans on either robbing your restaurant or just shooting it up will read that sign and say well I guess I can’t do what I wanted to do because there is a sign? The people that will see that sign and abide by the law are not a threat to you, your employees, or your customers and in fact may be the only people that are available if a bad guy comes in your place of business to do bad things.

I would recommend that you offer free drinks with purchase for anyone that is willing to produce there CHL so the bad guys will think twice about bothering Taco Cabana Customers because your customers might be armed so they will go next door to WhattaBurger to do their mischief.

If you put up the legal 30.06 sign on your front doors I will not break the law by coming there to eat with my wife and child and my guess is that the majority of the other 250,000 Texas Concealed Handgun License Holders will go to Taco Bell as well but it is your business, we live in the greatest country in the world and you can run it your way.

GOD be with you.
Timmy Jimmy
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Post by age_ranger »

Whaddya wanna bet you don't get a reply? I'd love to hear their response to that one.........
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