CHL discussions that do not fit into more specific topics

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Steve #1
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Post by Steve #1 »

I'm not sure which Bana thread it came up in, but, 10 of the 116 Banas are franchises, the rest are corporate (Carrols).

......It was a slow night at work. :oops:

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Re: While you're at it.


Post by KD5NRH »

Steve #1 wrote:(Executive Vice President Taco Cabana Division)
Michael A. Biviano

(Chairman of the Board & Chief Executive Officer)
Alan Vituli

Daniel T. Accordino
Is it just me, or do these sound like the wrong guys to look to for Tex-Mex food?

It may not be politically correct to point this out, but we're in Texas. If I want a taco, I can easily get one from somebody named Jimenez or Castillo who lives here, not from some Italians in New York.

I won't even get Italian food from Italians in New York if I can help it. The ones here tend to understand how to fill a plate.

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Post by stroo »

Thank goodness I don't really like Taco Cabana. For fast food Tex-Mex, I like Taco Bueno. And no 30.06 signs!



Post by pbandjelly »

Anyone remember those Old El Paso Salsa commercials.

"Where's that salsa made?"
"New York City."

*Yankee cowboy gets trussed up by his knickers*

That's what this whole TacoCabana thing reminds me of. Well, duh, they're pro-gun control. they're from NYC, home of overzealous lawyers, and retard laws!!!

aaaaah, good times.

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Post by kauboy »

txinvestigator wrote:
Lucky45 wrote:Ok..Ok... Be civil now, TXI. No personal attacks. :nono:
Call me out or attack me and I WILL respond in kind.
kauboy wrote:Geez, get over yourself. I was pointing out that your letter is not what we normally see spew forth from your posts. If you want to take offense to that, be my guest.

And you were once a cop. I hope your fuse wasn't as short then
so go moderate HIM if and when you get modeator status. :roll:
I never "called you out". I was simply stating why the other poster may have considered your letter to be out of the ordinary from something we normally see from you. It was not meant to get your goat. Yet you replied with the exact same paranoid resentment as you did with the other poster.
You always assume that other's posts, directed to you, have some hidden meaning that you must clarify or you won't sleep well, or something.
I know you and I have had disagreements in the past, but I leave them there, IN THE PAST. My explanation was not wrought from some pent up anger or hostility, so don't take it as such.
You do offer a good deal of knowledge and experience to the board, and I'm sure others appreciate it too, but you often come off as arrogant and pompous, even though you may not wish to. Like I said earlier, personalities are excruciatingly difficult to decipher from a simple internet forum.
I'm pretty sure that the reason you and I clash is because we probably have very similar personalities, and that often causes friction.
I sure hope we can put that aside from now on.

Sorry for all that, folks.

...we now rejoin our regularly scheduled topic, currently in progress... ;-)
Last edited by kauboy on Tue Apr 24, 2007 12:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Zero_G »

So now we have at least one example of a TC that is not posted in accordance with company policy. Does someone want to report them to corporate?
The TC on Bay Area Blvd in Houston doesn't have a 30.06 sign, just the "illegal possession" one.


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Post by kauboy »

Yeah, neither does the one down here in Burleson. :smile:
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Post by JRG »

jimlongley wrote:
JRG wrote:Interesting that corporate Taco Cabana wants NO guns on its properties. The TC in Garland has the "unlicensed possession of a weapon........is illegal" sign by the door, not a 30.06 or a no weapons sign.

Maybe it depends on the manager?

Plano and Forest, right? The first time I went there it was with guys from my office and I looked for the sign because even if I am not carrying I don't like doing business with places that post 30.06, and I saw the "Unlicensed" sign and was gratified.

So now we have at least one example of a TC that is not posted in accordance with company policy. Does someone want to report them to corporate? :twisted:

I was considering a letter to corporate gently pointing out that the "Unlicensed" sign allows CHLs to carry in their business, making them more money, where 30.06 signs make CHLs leave in disgust and tell their friends how nasty TC is.

Of course since they have already made their decision based on how unsafe CHL holders are (it figures for a Syracuse NY based company) it would probably have no effect at all.
Actually this TC is at Broadway and I-30. So there is more than one in the North Texas area that is okay for us CHLers to eat at.


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Post by Lucky45 »

jimlongley wrote:
I was considering a letter to corporate gently pointing out that the "Unlicensed" sign allows CHLs to carry in their business, making them more money, where 30.06 signs make CHLs leave in disgust and tell their friends how nasty TC is.
I'm amazed that this Taco Cabana issue still has this much debate. But lets look at it on a different level and hopefully put this to rest in the minds of some.


Pick any local Taco Cabana near your location. If it is opened from 10am to 10pm and 100 customers pass through per hour. Then they had 1200 customers in 1 day.
If each spent ONLY $5, then the store made $6000 in 1 day.

With 22Million+ people inTexas and 260,000+ CHL holders, that makes CHL about 1.2% of the population.

Therefore, that means that 2 people every hour were CHL and didn't buy and were ticked. So in 1 DAY, 24 PEOPLE COST THAT STORE $120.

That is going to send Taco Cabana in to Chapter 11 bankruptcy. So keep it up.

And if you say not that many people patronize your store per day, then that makes it worst. Cause TC lost how much????$15...$20......$40 in a day.
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Post by jimlongley »

And if each of those CHLs tells ten friends not to go there and five don't, and tell their ten friends, and five don't, and on and on. These things can snowball, look at what happened with Zumbo, if we could generate that kind of activism with any place that posts 30.06 we would wield a lot of power.

Plus, no matter how small the hit on their account sheet, any hit is better then none.
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Post by Lucky45 »

Now here is the sticky part. Which friends are you telling? the ones who know you have a CHL? or the friends who don't know you have a CHL?

How many are those? and give me a scenario of the conversation on the latter.
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Post by jimlongley »

Actually I have told lots of friends that are not CHL, and of those I know of at least two different couples that no longer frequent Grapevine Mills.

One couple, as a matter of fact, calls me with 30.06 sightings.

A friend from where I used to work stopped going to a restaurant that I never went to near her home because, after knowing me, she felt less safe there knowing that there would be no legally armed people there. She's working on getting her CHL.

I talk up my objections to 30.06 places to LOTS of people with little regard for their political leanings.
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Post by Lucky45 »

i guess everyone is going to swear to secrecy that they will not tell their 5 friends who tells their 5 friends who tells their 5 friends, that your friend knows jim, a CHL and who recommends not going to Taco Caabana because they post a 30.06 sign.
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Post by jimlongley »

Lucky45 wrote:i guess everyone is going to swear to secrecy that they will not tell their 5 friends who tells their 5 friends who tells their 5 friends, that your friend knows jim, a CHL and who recommends not going to Taco Caabana because they post a 30.06 sign.
I don't know what that's supposed to mean, but your tag line indicates that you should not be ragging on me about this issue, or don't you stand for anything?
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Post by Lucky45 »

Why don't you want to answer the question? Bet you saw where it was heading. I find it high unlikely that someone will go into the workplace, neighborhood, organization, etc and tell their friends and acquantainces not to patronize Taco Cabana because I have a CHL and they posted a sign so I can't enter. So go spread the word.
Thereby, you are telling everyone your CHL status just to try to hit a company in the pocket, where they have already figured out that statistically it doesn't matter if you come or not. Is it worth it? That is probably why they won't change their policy. They probably figured out that most would not expose their CHL status as the real reason for not wanting to go to TC. So, you would have to be deceitful and lie to your friends about the real reason, thereby lowering your moral character.
Just eat elsewhere.

YOu know what. Since you guys are hooked on it, I might open a franchise and post CHL welcome, then I would make a KILLING, for sure they would be no KILLING and I would be KILLING the competition.
If you don't stand for something, then you will fall for anything.

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