A little worried before taking a CHL class

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Re: A little worried before taking a CHL class


Post by gringo pistolero »

The written test is easy if you don't sleep through too much of the class.
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Re: A little worried before taking a CHL class


Post by jn_texas »

Agree,- the written test is easy, especially if you have a decent instructor who can keep it interesting with examples, video clips etc. And if you have been shooting since you were a kid you definitely won't have any trouble with that part as long as you can follow the basic instructions. Enjoy!
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Re: A little worried before taking a CHL class


Post by ATDM »

C-dub wrote:
C-dub wrote:
C-dub wrote:
carlson1 wrote:
alvins wrote:personally if you cant pass the written test you shouldn't own a gun.
Really. :headscratch
It might not be quite that bad, but I would wonder a little about the overall decision making process of someone that couldn't pass this test. Is this the person that will whip their gun out to show it to a friend at a party or any number of other possibilities and end up loosing their license, hurting someone, or in jail? Is this the type of person that is more likely to have their gun "just go off" while cleaning it?

To the OP, listen carefully and try not to ask too many questions and bog the class down. Don't be afraid to ask questions, but try not to ask too many "what if" questions. It really is very simple, however, there are some gray areas without any case law to clear it up that the instructor can't answer adequately. They can give you their opinion and recommendation of what to do to keep you out of trouble, which will always err on the cautious side.

If you are just a person that has test anxiety I can sympathize with you. I got a bull with a GPA somewhere around 3.4-3.5 on the old perfect 4.0 scale and yet I still get mild test anxiety with even some of the simplest tests. Just remember to breath and stay calm. You'll be fine. That also goes for the shooting portion.
Okay, this might be funny. I thought I typed bull for Bachelor of Science, but either spell check or a moderator changed it. Let's see.
I guess it really was forum rules auto changer thing. It did it again instantly. "rlol"
Now, that's funny... :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: A little worried before taking a CHL class


Post by ATDM »

baldeagle wrote:You chose to get a CHL for the very same reason that I did - a right not exercised is a right lost. Shortly this whole experience will be a memory, and the hard part will come in. If you really want to exercise your right you must carry every day. It doesn't matter if you think you won't need it. The point is to carry. It will teach you about attitudes toward firearms (both familial and public), about the difficulties of accommodating your wardrobe to concealed firearms and staying concealed, about the solemn responsibility of being armed in public places, about feeling that it's natural to be armed and unnatural not to be. Hopefully you will never have to use it, but it could save your life or other people's lives some day.

I'm a guy who doesn't "need" a gun. I live in a safe place, work in a safe place and avoid unsafe places. None of that matters. I carry all the time because it's my right and my responsibility. I also practice, study the law constantly and learn from the experiences of others. I try to be as prepared as I can be for an event that I hope and pray never occurs. If you do these things you will gain confidence and become one of those rare individuals who actually knows the truth about guns.
I would have to agree with this post. It will take quite a bit of conscious effort initially, and I pray that I will never have to use the gun. However, as a husband and a father with small children, I would rather have it and not need it than need it and not have it.

Thanks for the support.
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Re: A little worried before taking a CHL class


Post by krieghoff »

I can appreciate how you feel ATDM. I got my CHL back in 1996 and at that time since it was a "new" thing, I was somewhat apprehensive about the test. There was no one I knew that had taken the class so there was no input as to how difficult it might be. Turns out I spent way too much time studying the handgun laws. I don't regret doing that, but it was time I could have devoted to something else. The shooting part is a breeze if you have handled a gun for any length of time.

My sister is planning to take a class after Sept 1st. As I have told her, just pay attention and you won't have any problems.
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Re: A little worried before taking a CHL class


Post by bdickens »

I think you'd just about have to want to fail.
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Re: A little worried before taking a CHL class


Post by anygunanywhere »

People were owning, using, transferring, buying, selling, carrying firearms long before any beaurecrat came up with any stinking test.

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Re: A little worried before taking a CHL class


Post by ATDM »

Passed my CHL with perfect scores in both - shooting and the written test! It was much easier than I expected! Thanks, everyone for support and advice. It helped me prepare myself mentally. I actually ended up learning a lot more than was necessary for the test, but I don't think it was a waste. The more I know on the subject from the legal perspective, the better it is for me and my family. Now, the hard part - application to DPS and wating for the license to arrive.

Thanks again, everyone!
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Re: A little worried before taking a CHL class


Post by carlson1 »

Congratulations ATDM!

I passed my renewal today with Crossfire today.
http://www.Crossfire-Training.com" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

Class was excellent as always. I always I learn something when I attend. Being disabled they were very helpful to get me all the way through without a hitch. :thumbs2:
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Re: A little worried before taking a CHL class


Post by kde71450 »

If you've been shooting it should be easy for you. The hardest part is the class, meaning the info isn't hard... it's the length of the class.
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Re: A little worried before taking a CHL class


Post by ATDM »

Great news. It took me exactly 21 days from the application date online to get my license in the mail. I couldn't believe it how fast it happened. I was prepared to wait at least 45 days. It was only 18 days from the day I mailed the rest of the stuff...

I am now trying to figure out how best to conceal a full size Springfield XDm...
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Re: A little worried before taking a CHL class


Post by longtooth »

ATDM wrote:Passed my CHL with perfect scores in both - shooting and the written test! It was much easier than I expected! Thanks, everyone for support and advice. It helped me prepare myself mentally. I actually ended up learning a lot more than was necessary for the test, but I don't think it was a waste. The more I know on the subject from the legal perspective, the better it is for me and my family. Now, the hard part - application to DPS and wating for the license to arrive.

Thanks again, everyone!
Congrats. You would get a Hat in my class. :thumbs2:
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Re: A little worried before taking a CHL class


Post by tommyg »

There were only 2 students in my class counting me. Went to Texas Hand gun Acadamy in Dallas
It is one of 2 places that teaches day classes during the week I was working weekends at the time it went well
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Re: A little worried before taking a CHL class


Post by jayinsat »

Congrats. I suggest that you seriously consider tactical self defense type training. Carrying a gun and being prepared are two different things. It is up to you to prepare yourself to be effective with, or without, the gun. I'm sure you know that a perfect score on a square range does not equate to real life self defense situations. After you take a good class, you can have so much fun practicing those new skills shooting things like IDPA, IPSC or USPSA.

Good job.
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