Disparity of force (Motorcycle Gang Incident in New York)

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Re: Disparity of force (Motorcycle Gang Incident in New York


Post by jerry_r60 »

BigBangSmallBucks wrote:
MeMelYup wrote:At the 25-29 second time on the vidio is where the SUV runs over the first bike and rider. I think that's what t'd the bikers off.

I don't know what to think about this situation and I will try to reserve judgement because idk what I would do but imo the rr driver didn't have to run over the guy on the motorcycle (maybe he did?) :headscratch which amplified the situation. I think the bikers were out of line for surrounding the rr in the beginning of the video but we don't know what happened before that, maybe the rr driver was tailgating the bikers or acting aggressively towards them and them surrounding them was payback.
I've read in a few places that when they stopped the SUV, they slashed tires. That would have been a serious threat beyond just surrounding and harrasing.

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Re: Disparity of force (Motorcycle Gang Incident in New York


Post by bayouhazard »

If you're a road rager who cuts off someone in a truck, forces them to stop, and then threatens them while trying to enter their truck by force... Getting run over when they try to escape your attack is poetic justice.

If it happens when you were riding or driving without a license because yours was suspended for willfully and repeatedly endangering other motorists, it's too bad it didn't happen sooner.
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Re: Disparity of force (Motorcycle Gang Incident in New York


Post by RoyGBiv »

Interesting analysis. Not sure if 100% correct.
http://mypetjawa.mu.nu/archives/217012.php" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
Note the time on this still frame, because when you watch the video, you can see Cruz take a swing at the door or the window of the SUV. (You may need to watch in full screen to see it.) Other bikers have surrounded the Range Rover. At least one tire has been slashed. Mieses is one of many in standing in front of the vehicle.

Feeling threatened and concerned about the safety of his family, Alexian Lien decides to flee the situation. Jay Mieses is run down and seriously wounded. He is not helping anyone, he is not offering aid to anyone, he is blocking Lien's SUV.
I am not a lawyer. This is NOT legal advice.!
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Re: Disparity of force (Motorcycle Gang Incident in New York


Post by gemini »

AlaskanInTexas wrote:I really wish lawmakers would crack down on these types of bikers. I would be happy to see the following laws passed:

- Failure to display a license plate: forfeiture of bike and a $20,000 fine
- Running from cops: Forfeiture of bike, $50,000 fine, permanent loss of Texas drivers license
- Exceeding speed limit by more than 30mph: Forfeiture of bike and a $10,000 fine
- Performing wheelies on public street: $5,000 fine and a one-year suspension of license
- Stopping traffic on freeway: firing squad.
Wow. We think alike....kind of; And I would like to see lawmakers pass the following laws:
-Texting/Talking on cell and causing Bike/Vehicle accident or death $250,00 fine and firing squad
-Tailgating a Bike $20,000 fine and 1 year suspension of drivers license
-Ramming/rear ending a Bike stopped at a redlight $50,000 fine and a public flogging for driver stupidity
-Driver makes a left turn in front of Bike when Bike has the right of way $200,00 fine and firing squad then public flogging

What scares me about this thread, is all those who seem to be getting wound up and think running over anyone
on a Bike is a solution to anything. Would I for one second try to defend the NYC bikers? No. Especially from the
limited video clip that's been posted. Lots of testosterone floating around this thread. I just want those who
don't ride, or haven't ridden in years to remember not everyone on a Bike is out to offend you or make your
journey unpleasant. MOST of the road blockage, wheelies, stunts etc are sport bike riders. But, even then,
there are many responsible, skilled sport riders who aren't doing the crazy stuff or trying to intimidate
anyone. It's transportation.

Car/truck vs Bike = Car/truck always wins. There is NO contest.
Tommyg wrote: I'M a motorcycle rider. I hate it when creeps on bikes give the rest of a bad name.
My old Sportster XL1200S is a major source of my transportation it takes me
to work every day except in really bad weather.It also takes me on errands I don't
cause anyone trouble with my bike. I don't cause trouble with my gun
I hate being red flagged because of creeps with guns or creeps that ride motorcycles
I don't like the anti gunners picking on the honest gun owners. Or the motorcycle haters that
pick on everyone who rides.
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Re: Disparity of force (Motorcycle Gang Incident in New York


Post by Vol Texan »

This is such a long thread now, so I don't know if this has been mentioned yet...

Apparently there were several off-duty NYPD officers among the mob of bikers, and not a single one intervened to stop this from happening.

One of them may have been undercover, and feared exposing himself. I don't know enough about his situation to challenge his decision, but the others' inaction (if they were simply off-duty, and not undercover) is absolutely unforgivable.

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article ... ttack.html
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Re: Disparity of force (Motorcycle Gang Incident in New York


Post by chasfm11 »

Vol Texan wrote:This is such a long thread now, so I don't know if this has been mentioned yet...

Apparently there were several off-duty NYPD officers among the mob of bikers, and not a single one intervened to stop this from happening.

One of them may have been undercover, and feared exposing himself. I don't know enough about his situation to challenge his decision, but the others' inaction (if they were simply off-duty, and not undercover) is absolutely unforgivable.

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article ... ttack.html
Another interesting question is: were any of the off duty officers participating in the rampant and repetitive violations of the traffic laws that are detailed in the videos? Since they were present at the beat down, they must have been part of the group that chased down the SUV.
If they were on official undercover business with the gang and had to go along with the gang to maintain their relationship with it, that's one thing. If they are voluntary members of the gang and pulled all of those traffic violation stunts, that is quite another.
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Re: Disparity of force (Motorcycle Gang Incident in New York


Post by dicion »

I've said it before many times, and I'll say it again.

The Dashcam I have in my vehicle cost me ~$70, its even cheaper now, $58.
I've pulled video from it half a dozen times already in the 6 months I've had it, believe it or not, mostly for non-accident related things.

I did get rear ended by a motorcycle at one point. While the Dashcam only points forward, it records audio as well.
In the video, you can clearly see that I am completely stopped, then hear the 'Skreeeeeeeeeeeee' of his tires after slamming on his brakes before the 'thwump' of him hitting me.
All in all, he just hit my trailer hitch, no damage to me, minimal damage to his bike. He elected to just shake hands and drive off when I told him that I didn't care.
However, had he elected to try and claim anything, I had the evidence to the contrary right there.

A <$100 one-time investment for piece of mind.

More information in this post:
viewtopic.php?f=7&t=64634&start=45#p793908" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
If you just want a direct link to the camera, this is the same model as mine electronically, but without worthless LED lights. If I were buying one today, it would be this one:
http://www.ebay.com/itm/ws/eBayISAPI.dl ... 0395030964" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
$57.84 for the camera, plus a SD Card. I recommend Sandisk Extreme:
" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
8GB gets you about 6 Hours on a loop. I have a 32gb in mine which nets me about 24 hours.

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Re: Disparity of force (Motorcycle Gang Incident in New York


Post by drumbdummer »

tommyg wrote:I'M a motorcycle rider. I hate it when creeps on bikes give the rest of a bad name.
My old Sportster XL1200S is a major source of my transportation it takes me
to work every day except in really bad weather.It also takes me on errands I don't
cause anyone trouble with my bike. I don't cause trouble with my gun
I hate being red flagged because of creeps with guns or creeps that ride motorcycles
I don't like the anti gunners picking on the honest gun owners. Or the motorcycle haters that
pick on everyone who rides.
:iagree: :mad5
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Re: Disparity of force (Motorcycle Gang Incident in New York


Post by jmra »

dicion wrote:I've said it before many times, and I'll say it again.

The Dashcam I have in my vehicle cost me ~$70, its even cheaper now, $58.
I've pulled video from it half a dozen times already in the 6 months I've had it, believe it or not, mostly for non-accident related things.

I did get rear ended by a motorcycle at one point. While the Dashcam only points forward, it records audio as well.
In the video, you can clearly see that I am completely stopped, then hear the 'Skreeeeeeeeeeeee' of his tires after slamming on his brakes before the 'thwump' of him hitting me.
All in all, he just hit my trailer hitch, no damage to me, minimal damage to his bike. He elected to just shake hands and drive off when I told him that I didn't care.
However, had he elected to try and claim anything, I had the evidence to the contrary right there.

A <$100 one-time investment for piece of mind.

More information in this post:
viewtopic.php?f=7&t=64634&start=45#p793908" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
If you just want a direct link to the camera, this is the same model as mine electronically, but without worthless LED lights. If I were buying one today, it would be this one:
http://www.ebay.com/itm/ws/eBayISAPI.dl ... 0395030964" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
$57.84 for the camera, plus a SD Card. I recommend Sandisk Extreme:
" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
8GB gets you about 6 Hours on a loop. I have a 32gb in mine which nets me about 24 hours.
Think I might just order two tomorrow - thanks for the link.
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Re: Disparity of force (Motorcycle Gang Incident in New York


Post by texanjoker »

chasfm11 wrote:
Vol Texan wrote:This is such a long thread now, so I don't know if this has been mentioned yet...

Apparently there were several off-duty NYPD officers among the mob of bikers, and not a single one intervened to stop this from happening.

One of them may have been undercover, and feared exposing himself. I don't know enough about his situation to challenge his decision, but the others' inaction (if they were simply off-duty, and not undercover) is absolutely unforgivable.

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article ... ttack.html
Another interesting question is: were any of the off duty officers participating in the rampant and repetitive violations of the traffic laws that are detailed in the videos? Since they were present at the beat down, they must have been part of the group that chased down the SUV.
If they were on official undercover business with the gang and had to go along with the gang to maintain their relationship with it, that's one thing. If they are voluntary members of the gang and pulled all of those traffic violation stunts, that is quite another.
They have now suspended the undercover which I find interesting because he didn't come forward immediately.

http://www.policeone.com/officer-miscon ... ike-rally/
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Re: Disparity of force (Motorcycle Gang Incident in New York


Post by 92f-fan »

I'm not sure I wouldn't have done the same thing in the same situation.
Ive never ridden. I'm tiring of Motorcycle riders lumping all "Cage" riders in one lump while insisting that not all motorcycle riders are bad.
Well not all Automobile drivers are the ones not paying attention and not seeing Motorcycles

In my limited experience simply on a percentage basis, I see a great deal more illegal driving per motorcycle I see on the road than per car. I rarely see cars splitting lanes or doing the equivalent of wheelies down the road, cutting curbs, weaving between lanes on freeway, passing on right, ignoring stop signs. its a guess but I would say that at least 15% of the time when I see groups of bikes together on the road I see illegal dangerous activity. I dont see the same percentage issues with of groups of cars.
Just my experience and my expectations.

That particular group of MCs is now saying they had no intention of doing anything illegal. Yet the other youtube videos posted by the same guy ( now taken down off his youtube account ) show 4 wheelers on the road with the MCs which is illegal, they show them weaving traffic, cutting curbs, running lights, blocking traffic, doing wheelies... search on liveleak for his other videos the title is "More footage previous to Range Rover incident"

Im not condoning that MC riders are all bad but my experience is that it MUCH more common to see MC drivers acting like buffoons than cars, again on a percentage basis.
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Re: Disparity of force (Motorcycle Gang Incident in New York


Post by E.Marquez »

92f-fan wrote: Im not condoning that MC riders are all bad but my experience is that it MUCH more common to see MC drivers acting like buffoons than cars, again on a percentage basis.
Your just not observing well than.. (EDIT: Or I could just never have been in the same area(s) you traverse, and so my observations are just very different then yours)
Likely conditioned to not even see the all too common idiocy of a 4 wheeled vehicle driver... Ask a cop or a over the road truck driver :tiphat:
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Re: Disparity of force (Motorcycle Gang Incident in New York


Post by Dragonfighter »

E.Marquez wrote: Your just not observing well than.. (EDIT: Or I could just never have been in the same area(s) you traverse, and so my observations are just very different then yours)
Likely conditioned to not even see the all too common idiocy of a 4 wheeled vehicle driver... Ask a cop or a over the road truck driver :tiphat:
Amen. I have suspended my riding until both girls are out of the house and/or I am retired. I used to "log" 20-30K every year as the scooter was my commuter and touring vehicles. Rain, snow and yes even ice dampened but did not stop the riding.

The incredible number of four wheeled idiots is beyond counting. The number of times I have been cut off due to what I can only assume is, "they can stop faster" kind of logic was so routine I don't recall the specifics of all but a few particularly hairy incidents. Now, with the prominence of cell brained morons yacking it up as they mindlessly weave in and out of traffic makes me wonder if I will ever get on a bike again.

Added in Edit: Too many to recall while driving an MICU or fire apparatus (especially later when you combine cell phones and alcohol). I was known by my partners to get on the PA with the admonition, "Hang up and drive." The reactions ranged from the humorous to the scary.
Last edited by Dragonfighter on Sun Oct 06, 2013 1:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Disparity of force (Motorcycle Gang Incident in New York


Post by gringo pistolero »

E.Marquez wrote:Ask a cop or a over the road truck driver :tiphat:
Most of the time I see a big rig on a major freeway they're tailgating. I won't even start listing what I see cops do.
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Re: Disparity of force (Motorcycle Gang Incident in New York


Post by 92f-fan »

E.Marquez wrote:
92f-fan wrote: Im not condoning that MC riders are all bad but my experience is that it MUCH more common to see MC drivers acting like buffoons than cars, again on a percentage basis.
Your just not observing well than.. (EDIT: Or I could just never have been in the same area(s) you traverse, and so my observations are just very different then yours)
Likely conditioned to not even see the all too common idiocy of a 4 wheeled vehicle driver... Ask a cop or a over the road truck driver :tiphat:
I drawing a line between being an idiot and driving badly and intentionally driving illegally

There are tons of idiots on 2 wheels and 4 wheels
Im just saying that on a percentage basis I see a much higher percentage of 2 wheel drivers intentionally willfully ignoring laws, lanes, lights and limits ....

Again not making excuses for 4 wheel idiots ...
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