Carry at holiday parties

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Re: Carry at holiday parties


Post by paperchunker »

Moby wrote:I carry...always when not at work or a 30.06 establishment..and I avoid those.
Work or 30.06 ? "rlol"
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Re: Carry at holiday parties


Post by MotherBear »

When I get dressed in the morning, I put my gun in the holster and my cell phone in my pocket. When I get undressed at night, I put the gun in the safe (small kids) and the cell phone on my night stand. I don't so much choose to carry at a party as that I don't choose not to carry, if that makes sense. Unless I have some reason to disarm, I'm armed. It's default mode and I don't give it much thought since I made the initial decision to get my CHL (that was a very long and thoughtful decision process). I don't expect to EVER need my gun (although I choose to be prepared just in case), so it doesn't make any sense to pick and choose where I carry aside from legality.

The one exception is my in-laws' house (where we just spent the last week). They're not very comfortable with guns and have respectfully requested that we not be armed when in their house. I don't love it, but I can live with it. For whatever it's worth, they live in a nice area of a city with one of the lowest crime rates in Texas and they have an alarm system. Could be worse. When we're out and about while visiting them we're armed, but when we're with them at home we lock the guns up in our room.

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Re: Carry at holiday parties


Post by gthaustex »

I carry pretty much everywhere it is legal, including those pesky holiday parties. I don't consume alcohol anymore, so I'm not in a position to have to decide to lock it up or not drink. I agree with others that it stays concealed and does not come up for discussion unless someone is seriously pro-gun. Even then, most of my discussion is in generalities, not specifically saying that I am armed at the time. I leave them wondering at best.

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Re: Carry at holiday parties


Post by bigolbigun2 »

Good question. As for me I always carry at holiday parties or any other gathering for that matter. I have never asked for permission from any of the hosts, and I don't drink at parties either. I'm always glad to have my gun with me, especially at parties or gatherings where I don't know everyone.

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Re: Carry at holiday parties


Post by Dan20703 »

Carry concealed, be quiet about it, and smile.

That's all I have to say about that.
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Re: Carry at holiday parties


Post by goose »

Over Thanksgiving I had a cousin-in-law hug me and all was well but her hand slid down my side and contacted my pistol. She smiled and asked all sassy like if she had just touched my gun. I replied back that others might over hear and take it out of context. Laughter all around, and we moved on. Granted I was in very pro-gun terrritory but it was the first time I have been discovered by anyone other than my kids or wife.
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Re: Carry at holiday parties


Post by TexasCajun »

Like MotherBear, my default condition is armed. I've only discussed my being armed with my mother - who lives in Louisiana, where prior consent in a private residence is highly advised. Other than that, I don't bring it up.
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Re: Carry at holiday parties


Post by 03Lightningrocks »

I am perplexed by the guilt some seem to feel about carrying. It is OK. You have the gubermints approval. Why feel guilty??? I really don't get the question. It is simply weird! Concealed means concealed! It makes me wonder if some feel like they are a "special" class of people. How the heck would anyone know we are carrying? Are we stupid enough or brash enough to run around bragging about it as if it makes us tough? Did you tell everyone that would listen you have a gun on you? It is suppose to be secret....concealed. The whole thing is simply confusing to me. Please explain how your friends acquired x-ray vision. I want it. Last but not least, why is it "safer" in the house of a friend than in a mall? You don't feel the need to carry 24/7? please enlighten me as to how I will know ahead of time when my firearm is needed. I would love to pick and choose when I carry. Bad guys show up at all places! :tiphat:

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Re: Carry at holiday parties


Post by ghostrider »

I don't so much choose to carry at a party as that I don't choose not to carry, if that makes sense. Unless I have some reason to disarm, I'm armed.

makes perfect sense.
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Re: Carry at holiday parties


Post by 03Lightningrocks »

TexasCajun wrote:Like MotherBear, my default condition is armed. I've only discussed my being armed with my mother - who lives in Louisiana, where prior consent in a private residence is highly advised. Other than that, I don't bring it up.
EXACTLY!!! I think there are some who run around telling anyone that will listen they have a gun on them. You know... cool points and all? I had an idiot that use to work for me who loved telling people he had a CHL. I was totally mesmerized by why he thought it would impress anyone. So I fired him. LOL... but not for that reason. It was just one symptom of his extreme stupidity.
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Re: Carry at holiday parties


Post by 03Lightningrocks »

I just realized I responded to a seven month old post. Somebody save me! I am stuck in a time warp. :eek6

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Re: Carry at holiday parties


Post by Dave2 »

paperchunker wrote:
Moby wrote:I carry...always when not at work or a 30.06 establishment..and I avoid those.
Work or 30.06 ? "rlol"
Why not both?
I am not a lawyer, nor have I played one on TV, nor did I stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night, nor should anything I say be taken as legal advice. If it is important that any information be accurate, do not use me as the only source.

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Re: Carry at holiday parties


Post by Dave2 »

Submitted as evidence of my lack of a social life, the only "parties" I go to are usually at a close friend's parents' house, and he won't let me hear the end of it even if I merely leave my gun in my car. We still don't know how his parents would feel about it if they knew, but his dad posts lots of pro-2A stuff on Facebook.
I am not a lawyer, nor have I played one on TV, nor did I stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night, nor should anything I say be taken as legal advice. If it is important that any information be accurate, do not use me as the only source.

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Re: Carry at holiday parties


Post by Cedar Park Dad »

03Lightningrocks wrote:I am perplexed by the guilt some seem to feel about carrying. It is OK. You have the gubermints approval. Why feel guilty??? I really don't get the question. It is simply weird! Concealed means concealed! It makes me wonder if some feel like they are a "special" class of people. How the heck would anyone know we are carrying? Are we stupid enough or brash enough to run around bragging about it as if it makes us tough? Did you tell everyone that would listen you have a gun on you? It is suppose to be secret....concealed. The whole thing is simply confusing to me. Please explain how your friends acquired x-ray vision. I want it. Last but not least, why is it "safer" in the house of a friend than in a mall? You don't feel the need to carry 24/7? please enlighten me as to how I will know ahead of time when my firearm is needed. I would love to pick and choose when I carry. Bad guys show up at all places! :tiphat:
I don't care about the government in this context. I do care if I am in another person's house. :tiphat:
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Re: Carry at holiday parties


Post by 03Lightningrocks »

Cedar Park Dad wrote:
03Lightningrocks wrote:I am perplexed by the guilt some seem to feel about carrying. It is OK. You have the gubermints approval. Why feel guilty??? I really don't get the question. It is simply weird! Concealed means concealed! It makes me wonder if some feel like they are a "special" class of people. How the heck would anyone know we are carrying? Are we stupid enough or brash enough to run around bragging about it as if it makes us tough? Did you tell everyone that would listen you have a gun on you? It is suppose to be secret....concealed. The whole thing is simply confusing to me. Please explain how your friends acquired x-ray vision. I want it. Last but not least, why is it "safer" in the house of a friend than in a mall? You don't feel the need to carry 24/7? please enlighten me as to how I will know ahead of time when my firearm is needed. I would love to pick and choose when I carry. Bad guys show up at all places! :tiphat:
I don't care about the government in this context. I do care if I am in another person's house. :tiphat:
How would they know?
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