What is your concealed weapon?
Moderators: carlson1, Charles L. Cotton
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Re: What is your concealed weapon?
G39 in a comp-tac minotaur. It's on me about 95% of the time (can't carry at work) and it rides great!
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Re: What is your concealed weapon?
Soooo, you are only at work 5% of the time? lol. They hiring?
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Re: What is your concealed weapon?

That's a whopping 8.4 hours a week! Nice job if you can get it.

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Re: What is your concealed weapon?
Updated: I have moved back to consistently carrying a Ruger SP101, either pocket carried or under my shirt in a shoulder holster. This change has been influenced by the cooler weather, the earlier evening darkness, and because I'm spending a lot more time driving in Harris County.J.R.@A&M wrote:Same here.Weg wrote:As pathetic as it sounds, my most consistent carry gun is a North American Arms .22 mag revolver.
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Re: What is your concealed weapon?
thetexan wrote:My overpowering and irresistible intellect.
How's that workin' for ya ??

When I purchase something over the phone, the party on the other end invariably asks "How would you like to pay for this?"
I usually answer "With my good looks, of course!"
However, since they can't SEE me over the phone, I always have to come up with some form of alternate payment.
Oh, and I carry a Kel-Tec P-11 in an Ace Case tuckable holster.
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Re: What is your concealed weapon?
Most of the time I carry a SA XD9SC. A Colt Defender gets the nod the other times.
Re: What is your concealed weapon?
Beretta PX4 Storm F 9MM
Re: What is your concealed weapon?
XDS .45, 3.3" barrel or A Kimber Compact Stainless II 4" barrel
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Re: What is your concealed weapon?
In no particular order, a selection of the below depending on weather, dress, destination, mood, etc...
Taurus PT640 Pro w/ CBST holster
Ruger SR9c w/ modified Kholster to match CBST design
S&W M&P Shield 9mm w/ N82 Tactical Pro holster
On order is a kangaroo carry holster that will accommodate all of the above for yet more carry options.
Taurus PT640 Pro w/ CBST holster
Ruger SR9c w/ modified Kholster to match CBST design
S&W M&P Shield 9mm w/ N82 Tactical Pro holster
On order is a kangaroo carry holster that will accommodate all of the above for yet more carry options.
Ruger SR9c
Taurus PT640 Pro
Bersa 380
Stevens 20ga.
Taurus PT640 Pro
Bersa 380
Stevens 20ga.
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Re: What is your concealed weapon?
It varies.
Right now, H&K USP 45c.
Right now, H&K USP 45c.
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Re: What is your concealed weapon?
Colt Government .380 or CZ 75 P01. The Colt gets most of the miles. Looking to work into a G19 for 2015.
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