Texas gov. shoots, kills 'wily' coyote during jog

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Re: Texas gov. shoots, kills 'wily' coyote during jog


Post by Fangs »

Someone in the comments offered to spend the night out there with no gun and a whole pack of coyotes... should we let them borrow a video camera? :cheers2:
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Re: Texas gov. shoots, kills 'wily' coyote during jog


Post by sjfcontrol »

Sounds like a remake of "Blair Witch Project" "rlol"
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Re: Texas gov. shoots, kills 'wily' coyote during jog


Post by Photoman »

dubya wrote:WildEarth Guardians, a wildlife protection group in Denver, offered to pay for a class in assertiveness training for Perry because of his “slaying of a song dog.” The group also offered the governor an alternative to the pistol.

“With all due respect to his manhood, 90-pound women in tennis shoes effectively scare 30-pound coyotes away with a sharp shout,” said group spokeswoman Wendy Keef­over-Ring in a news release. “We're sending Governor Perry a plastic whistle so he can leave his gun at home.”

I don't know if I should laugh or cry. OK...I'm laughing hysterically! A whistle?

Seriously... What in the world is my wife supposed to do with a whistle when a rapist takes it from her? What is our Governor supposed to do with a plastic whistle while a rabid coyote is gnawing his arm off? These people are brain dead.


Re: Texas gov. shoots, kills 'wily' coyote during jog


Post by PeteCamp »

There was a good novel some time back in which a bunch of self serving tree huggers were tied naked to some trees and left in the middle of the Amazon rain forest. Now that is an appealing thought. "rlol"
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Re: Texas gov. shoots, kills 'wily' coyote during jog


Post by sjfcontrol »

Now whenever somebody asks why I carry a firearm, I simply reply, "You never know when you'll have to shoot a coyote."
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Re: Texas gov. shoots, kills 'wily' coyote during jog


Post by Griz44 »

http://www.wildearthguardians.org/libra ... raryID=862" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

Link to the fruitcakes story. This bunch is slightly cracked. I have e-mailed my version of the soft cuddly 'yote to them.
I grew up on a Panhandle ranch, and have seen 'yotes take livestock so don't think these are cute little innocent critters.
We regularly lost chickens, sheep and an occasional new calf the the cunning meat thieves. I lost several puppies to them as well.
I would be willing to bet that 95% of them have never even seen a coyote in the wild.
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Re: Texas gov. shoots, kills 'wily' coyote during jog


Post by 03Lightningrocks »

I have a feeling those tree huggers aren't going to be phased by anything anyone here tries to show them. If they even read what you send them they will turn off their very small brains so it doesn't sink in. :tiphat:
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Re: Texas gov. shoots, kills 'wily' coyote during jog


Post by UpTheIrons »

Photoman wrote:I don't know if I should laugh or cry. OK...I'm laughing hysterically! A whistle?

Seriously... What in the world is my wife supposed to do with a whistle when a rapist takes it from her? What is our Governor supposed to do with a plastic whistle while a rabid coyote is gnawing his arm off? These people are brain dead.
There is a blog post I'm trying to find that seems to have disappeared. I KNOW I had it bookmarked, but it is just gone. It was from a blog posted by a Wiccan, a lesbian, or both. I think the title of the blog starts with a "C" word that is almost Gaelic sounding, but I can't recall it anymore. Can I be any more vague in trying to describe this??? :headscratch :confused5

Anyway, in this post, she explained the necessity of carrying a handgun instead of a whistle.

Someone she knew (IIRC) had a restraining order against (or was being stalked by) an ex. She was unsure and uncomfortable about getting a gun, and was talked into/given a whistle instead. Well, the guy attacked her in the parking lot of the hospital (or doctor's office) where she worked, and he killed her.

The line that really stuck with me, though, was: "they found the whistle, still in her teeth, full of blood."

If anyone knows where that blog is, or the link to that post, please post it, because I really need to forward it on to some people.
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Re: Texas gov. shoots, kills 'wily' coyote during jog


Post by PUCKER »

I was in Chicago last week for business. While driving around I sampled some of the local radio stations (the rental didn't have satellite radio, bummer!) and I heard the local DJ's talking about the AZ illegal immigrant law (and how they thought it was racist) and they even mentioned Gov. Perry and this incident (in a mocking way). These folks just don't get it.
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Re: Texas gov. shoots, kills 'wily' coyote during jog


Post by jmorris »

KD5NRH wrote:
G26TR wrote:Is it me or has the original information referenced in link changed now? There appears to be much more information than was there the day it was posted. I believe it's been updated - much clearer now. Not sure if this has already been stated or not - but if not, those who read the report several days back - reference link again, is it different content?
Looks like the same article, only with more dumb comments than before.
Yeah, guy in the San Antonio ExpressNews this morning wondered since there are more dog attacks on children then coyote attacks if Gov. Perry is going to start shooting dogs. Well, yes, but only if he has to moron.

On a personal note I was standing in the coffee line when a women said "I can't believe Perry carries a, what'd they call it, a .380? while jogging".

I said, yeah, you think he'd carry at least a 9mm.

Now, if looks could kill, she wouldn't have needed laser sights.
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Re: Texas gov. shoots, kills 'wily' coyote during jog


Post by Keith B »

jmorris wrote: On a personal note I was standing in the coffee line when a women said "I can't believe Perry carries a, what'd they call it, a .380? while jogging".

I said, yeah, you think he'd carry at least a 9mm.

Now, if looks could kill, she wouldn't have needed laser sights.
Well, I would have given you a funny look too. Everyone knows he should carry a .45 instead of a 9mm or .380. Sheesh! :biggrinjester:
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Re: Texas gov. shoots, kills 'wily' coyote during jog


Post by Texas_Tactical »

austinrealtor wrote: Gov. Perry: By this time I had taken my weapon out and charged it.
I doubt the Governor has to "Charge" his gun.
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Re: Texas gov. shoots, kills 'wily' coyote during jog


Post by SQLGeek »

jmorris wrote:On a personal note I was standing in the coffee line when a women said "I can't believe Perry carries a, what'd they call it, a .380? while jogging".

I said, yeah, you think he'd carry at least a 9mm.

Now, if looks could kill, she wouldn't have needed laser sights.
Well played. :lol:
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Re: Texas gov. shoots, kills 'wily' coyote during jog


Post by HighHandicap »

A few years ago, I lived in Lakewood, Kalifornia with my wife and two 100lb Labs. My dogs are very well trained and either carry their own leash or walk off the leash. One evening, we were walking through a city park that run along the San Gabriel River. I had occasionally seen coyotes running around the river but they generally kept their distance and stayed in the shadows. On this particular night, one of those coyotes made a run towards my younger dog (still 100lbs), stopped and barked at him. Well, my pup was curious so he went running after the coyote who slowly retreated into the shadows. I took off running and screaming, which didn't deter those coyotes - to catch up with my dog and noticed a collection of eyes glistening in the dark. Sure enough, that one coyote was trying to lure my dog into an ambush by a pack of at least 6 coyotes. I promise you, that there would have been some dead coyotes if it hadn't been Kalifornia! Fortunately, my dog is a bit lazy (or maybe smart) and stopped short of the dark area where the coyote disappeared.

So there you have it, those cuddly little coyotes, in an urban, populated part of Kalifornia, still managed to attempt an attack on a domesticated animal. I'm no 80lb woman so my yelling at them didn't scare them off. Maybe those 'yotes are only scared of 80lb women. The rest of us should bring guns!
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Re: Texas gov. shoots, kills 'wily' coyote during jog


Post by SQLGeek »

I just got an e-mail from the Kirk Watson campaign lampooning Perry for carrying while jogging.

Though I understand the usual liberal mindset is that carrying a gun is bad, why do they find it especially egregious to carry while running? I just don't get it.

This e-mail did remind me to unsubscribe from his mailing list though.
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