Possible CHL holder shot and killed trying to save woman

CHL discussions that do not fit into more specific topics

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Charles L. Cotton
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Post by Charles L. Cotton »

I don't know about a family, but I'm trying to find out. My wife has an aunt living in Tyler and she's going to try to get some information, including the date/time for the funeral.

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Good Job Ch 11


Post by Charles L. Cotton »

I am proud to report that KHOU Ch. 11's 5:00 PM newscast today included more information on the Tyler shooting. The report told of Mr. Wilson's bravery and said he is being hailed as a hero who saved at least the younger Arroyo, perhaps more.

I was quick to criticize their reporting last night, so it's only fair that I am equally quick to complement their efforts.


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Post by Boma »

I was in Tyler at a resort during spring break! He's a hero.

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Post by txinvestigator »

Boma wrote:I was in Tyler at a resort during spring break! He's a hero.
*CHL Instructor*

"Speed is Fine, but accuracy is final"- Bill Jordan

Remember those who died, remember those who killed them.

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Post by Greybeard »

Quote: "He's a hero."

Yep, when the topic came up briefly at my DPS CHL instructor re-nu-skul last Sept., Sgt. Riddle got a little misty-eyed and thought so too.
CHL Instructor since 1995
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Post by Greybeard »

Texas House Resolution No. 740


WHEREAS, The tragic death of Mark Alan Wilson of Tyler on
February 24, 2005, at the age of 52, has brought a profound loss to
his many friends and loved ones; and
WHEREAS, With instinctive courage and selfless resolve, this
valorous Texan confronted a gunman on the steps of the Smith County
Courthouse; reacting to the kind of inhuman crisis that compels
ordinary men to seek cover or flee, Mark Wilson proved to be an
extraordinary man; and
WHEREAS, Mr. Wilson confronted a lethal threat in order to
protect the people of his community, and in his valiant attempt to
save the lives of others, he risked his own safety; and
WHEREAS, The magnitude of the sacrifice that ended his life
all too prematurely is in keeping with the character that was
evident to all who knew him; an active member of the Tyler
community, he used his time on earth to the fullest; and
WHEREAS, Born on January 20, 1953, in Dallas, Mr. Wilson
graduated from MacArthur High School in 1971 and went on to serve
his country with distinction in the U.S. Navy; after his discharge
from the military, this avid sportsman worked as a racquetball
instructor and embraced his entrepreneurial spirit, opening
Tyler's On Target Shooting Range in 1997; and
WHEREAS, A dedicated volunteer, he committed his talents to
help raise money for nonprofit organizations and lent his time to
Heart of Tyler/Main Street projects, including the Texas Blues
Festival and Festival on the Square; and
WHEREAS, Mark Wilson was a true hero, and his example reminds
us that the very best elements of human nature can emerge in the
midst of the chaos and violence that threaten our society; though
this brave man will be missed, his legacy will continue to inspire
all who are privileged to know of him; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 79th Texas
Legislature hereby pay special tribute to the life of Mark Alan
Wilson of Tyler and extend deepest sympathy to the members of his
family: to his parents, Alex and Lynn Stewart; to his sisters,
Melody and Holly Wilson; to his nieces, Katie and Kristen DeFazio;
and to his other relatives and many friends; and, be it further
RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
prepared for his family and that when the Texas House of
Representatives adjourns this day, it do so in memory of Mark Alan


Speaker of the House

I certify that H.R. No. 740 was unanimously adopted
by arising vote of the House on March 31, 2005.

Chief Clerk of the House


Many of us have NOT forgotten what Mark Wilson did that day.
CHL Instructor since 1995
http://www.dentoncountysports.com "A Private Palace for Pistol Proficiency"
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