DL Veteran Designation in Lieu of DD214

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Re: DL Veteran Designation in Lieu of DD214


Post by OldCurlyWolf »

1911 10MM wrote:Once you get a good copy of DD214 I highly recommend you go to the courthouse and get certified copies and have it recorded at the courthouse so that in the future you can always get copies.
It used to be standard to record your 214 in either your county of birth or your county of residence when you entered service. With my dad that was the same county in both instances.
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Re: DL Veteran Designation in Lieu of DD214


Post by johncanfield »

When I was applying for an Agent Orange disability, our county Veteran Service Officer applied for an official certified copy of my DD214 on my behalf. After it came back from the archives, she had me register it at the courthouse so I can use a county certified copy in the future.
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