Employer Car Searches

CHL discussions that do not fit into more specific topics

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Has your car ever been searched at work?

Poll ended at Sun Jan 31, 2010 10:01 pm

Yes. I work somewhere firearms are prohibited by State or Federal law.
Yes. I work in a critical infrastructure facility or other facility with armed guards. Searches are routine and expected.
Yes. I work somewhere firearms are legal but prohibited by company policy. We have a private lot. The search was random and unexpected.
Yes. I work somewhere firearms are legal but prohibited by company policy. We share a parking lot. The search was random and unexpected.
Yes. I did something to attract unwanted management attention. They asked to search my car and I consented. (please explain)
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Re: Employer Car Searches


Post by hooknbullet »

My employer has a (recently strictly enforced)no firearms policy. Until the last couple of years, Vehicle searches were unheard of. Employee parking lots, never. On rare occasions, they might randomly search a vehicle passing through the gate at a location where government contracted work was being performed.
This all changed ca.2007 when they hired a gun hating, over-zealous HR manager. Through seemingly innocent conversation, she became aware of a few employees that had their gear packed and ready to go to the deer lease at noon on Friday. So, she calls in the search dogs and those guys were fired for violating company policy.
Most people were outraged at this, company policy or not. Many of us had all done that very same thing in the past. Some have CHLs, some just carry everyday. Personally, I've parked my truck inside the fence on company property many times loaded with hunting gear,ready for a trip to the lease. This was approved by management, as we were all hunters/shooters/"gun people" if you will.
Anyway, about a month after the first vehicle searches, she called in the dogs again to do another total parking lot search. My heart sank into my stomach when she called me to come out to my truck. It was a Monday morning, & I'd been to the lease that weekend. I wondered what I'd left in my truck, but the closer I got to my truck, my fear of losing my job was replaced by anger at the idea that they were going to search MY truck, and if I didn't consent to the search, I'd be terminated. As it turned out, there was a box of .22 ammo in my console. Cruella DeVille, the HR lady said that she ws going to note it in my file, to which I repled "for what?" (the policy says nothing about ammunition). Cruella gave me a dirty look short lecture on company policy, so I decided that discretion was the better part of valor, and shut my mouth. I don't want to throw away 20+ years of employment over a box of .22 ammo. I cannot wait for the parking lot bill to pass. Until then, my gunsafe under my seat will remain empty.
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Re: Employer Car Searches


Post by WildBill »

hooknbullet wrote:My employer has a (recently strictly enforced)no firearms policy. Until the last couple of years, Vehicle searches were unheard of. Employee parking lots, never. On rare occasions, they might randomly search a vehicle passing through the gate at a location where government contracted work was being performed.
This all changed ca.2007 when they hired a gun hating, over-zealous HR manager. Through seemingly innocent conversation, she became aware of a few employees that had their gear packed and ready to go to the deer lease at noon on Friday. So, she calls in the search dogs and those guys were fired for violating company policy.
Most people were outraged at this, company policy or not. Many of us had all done that very same thing in the past. Some have CHLs, some just carry everyday. Personally, I've parked my truck inside the fence on company property many times loaded with hunting gear,ready for a trip to the lease. This was approved by management, as we were all hunters/shooters/"gun people" if you will.
Anyway, about a month after the first vehicle searches, she called in the dogs again to do another total parking lot search. My heart sank into my stomach when she called me to come out to my truck. It was a Monday morning, & I'd been to the lease that weekend. I wondered what I'd left in my truck, but the closer I got to my truck, my fear of losing my job was replaced by anger at the idea that they were going to search MY truck, and if I didn't consent to the search, I'd be terminated. As it turned out, there was a box of .22 ammo in my console. Cruella DeVille, the HR lady said that she ws going to note it in my file, to which I repled "for what?" (the policy says nothing about ammunition). Cruella gave me a dirty look short lecture on company policy, so I decided that discretion was the better part of valor, and shut my mouth. I don't want to throw away 20+ years of employment over a box of .22 ammo. I cannot wait for the parking lot bill to pass. Until then, my gunsafe under my seat will remain empty.
Hooknbullet - Thank you for your post of a first-hand account. I am sorry to hear this story. Especially since it seems to be the result of one person's vendetta against law-abiding gun owners. This is exactly why we need a parking lot bill passed. I am hopeful that we can get it passed at the next legislative session. :txflag:
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Re: Employer Car Searches


Post by C-dub »

WildBill wrote:I am hopeful that we can get it passed at the next legislative session. :txflag:
:iagree: But, It's going to seem like forever.
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Re: Employer Car Searches


Post by GhostTX »

This SO makes me glad I am able to safely park on the street (dead end street, no traffic). My car is in no way shape or form on company property.
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Re: Employer Car Searches


Post by roberts »

No and not without a warrant.
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Re: Employer Car Searches


Post by boomerang »

Thanks to everyone who voted!
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