Whole Foods Gun Policy

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Re: Whole Foods Gun Policy


Post by Diesel42 »

It appears your girlfriend places value on courtesy and respect. I suggest the logic that Whole Foods knows their demographics very well. They probably use a sign that appeases their anti-gun customers without running off their licensed customers.

Hope that helps,

teds787 wrote:Thanks for all the great feedback on this subject.

Just to let the GF bashers know, the relationship is quite wonderful and well worth a little teasing about some of the things I do. She's quite a wonderful woman and we're able to get along quite well in spite of a few differences in opinion.

I just recently took the CHL class so I was pretty sure the 30.06 sign was required to keep a CHLer from carrying in the store. Her argument is, if someone posts their wishes (compliant or not), they should be respected. My response is, if the law had not made provisions for making it illegal for CHLers to carry in someone's store, then it might be different. But since there is a provision, and Whole Foods is not using that provision, that indicates to me that they do not intend to prohibit CHLers from carrying in their store.

We have pretty much agreed to disagree on this one. We're still gonna go to Whole Foods and I'm still going to carry while shopping there.

Such is life when one chooses not to live it alone. ;-)

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Re: Whole Foods Gun Policy


Post by chasfm11 »

VMI77 wrote:
drjoker wrote:However, she dislikes guns personally (not politically, though) and never carries. We don't have any guns at home, but I've stashed a pistol with the neighbors (shh.... don't let her know!). :biggrinjester:
You guys with the anti-gun wives scare me. Maybe not so much as you describe the situation in your case, where you say your wife respects the right to own guns, but even here, if anti-gun spouses can't be convinced by someone they know care about and respect, that guns are important to self-defense, what is our long-term chance for keeping our 2A rights when we're dealing with liberal anti-gun strangers?
We will keep our 2nd Amendment rights as long as we don't allow the Liberals to elect a bunch of Brady approved representatives to our Government.

We had another thread going where some of us with what I'll call "gun reluctant" wives, GFs, etc, discussed our situations. Often times, they really aren't anti-gun Liberals but are simply concerned about us being arrested or harmed because of our guns. There are sufficient real life situations (i.e. Costco shooting) to make them wary. With time and a steady patient approach, most of them will get over their fears and become full supporters.

I have no hope of winning over true anti-gun Liberals. Goodness knows, I've tried on many occasions. Usually, my head hurts for several days after each attempt because I just cannot wrap it around their arguments which are totally devoid of any logic, reason, common sense or facts. I have found those folks to be consistent - they approach all subjects the same way. That is why they want to starve thousands of CA farmers to protect a 2" smelt fish - that probably didn't need their protection in the first place.

Reading this thread, I don't think there is any problem with Whole Foods.
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Re: Whole Foods Gun Policy


Post by Lonest4r »

drjoker wrote:
teds787 wrote: "No Firearms" on the door as we entered. I told her it wasn't the correct format or verbiage so it did not apply to LICENSED carriers.

Ted S
they are non 30.06 compliant on purpose so that they'll placate the brady bunch while allowing chl'ers carry away, discreetly. That way, they don't tick anybody off and can continue to make money....

or maybe there's a secret cabal of gun ban sign posters purposely posting non-comliant signs.... heh heh..... :biggrinjester:
Hahaha.. I read that thread. Priceless "rlol"
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Re: Whole Foods Gun Policy


Post by VMI77 »

drjoker wrote:
VMI77 wrote:
drjoker wrote:However, she dislikes guns personally (not politically, though) and never carries. We don't have any guns at home, but I've stashed a pistol with the neighbors (shh.... don't let her know!). :biggrinjester:
You guys with the anti-gun wives scare me. Maybe not so much as you describe the situation in your case, where you say your wife respects the right to own guns, but even here, if anti-gun spouses can't be convinced by someone they know care about and respect, that guns are important to self-defense, what is our long-term chance for keeping our 2A rights when we're dealing with liberal anti-gun strangers?
Err... didn't I say that
My wife has a CHL... to let our legislators know not to mess with the 2nd amendment and our freedoms.
She is anything BUT anti-2nd A. Let me put it like this... I support the 1st Amendment, but I am not a news reporter nor do I write a newspaper column. However, I will vote only for political candidates that also support the 1st Amendment. Just because I do not personally write for a newspaper doesn't mean that I don't support free speech.

My wife has a CHL and we're in the NRA, but we do not have any guns at home. Freedom allows you to have a choice. You may not choose to do what the freedom allows you to do, but having that choice available is freedom.

God bless America!

P.S. No, not kidding muleman. I do have very cool neighbors. My next door neighbor vows he will "Joe Horn" anybody who dares invade my home. I vow to pay all his attorney's fees and hospital fees.
I apologize for being unclear. I should perhaps have been more specific. I did say your wife apparently respects the right to own guns, so I was attempting to make a similar distinction to the one you made of being personally against guns rather than politically. When I used "anti-gun" in this context I was speaking generally about both what you described as a personal issue, as well as those who are against 2A rights, including her only in the sense that she is apparently anti-having-a-gun-in-the-house.
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Re: Whole Foods Gun Policy


Post by VMI77 »

chasfm11 wrote:
VMI77 wrote:
drjoker wrote:However, she dislikes guns personally (not politically, though) and never carries. We don't have any guns at home, but I've stashed a pistol with the neighbors (shh.... don't let her know!). :biggrinjester:
You guys with the anti-gun wives scare me. Maybe not so much as you describe the situation in your case, where you say your wife respects the right to own guns, but even here, if anti-gun spouses can't be convinced by someone they know care about and respect, that guns are important to self-defense, what is our long-term chance for keeping our 2A rights when we're dealing with liberal anti-gun strangers?
We will keep our 2nd Amendment rights as long as we don't allow the Liberals to elect a bunch of Brady approved representatives to our Government.

We had another thread going where some of us with what I'll call "gun reluctant" wives, GFs, etc, discussed our situations. Often times, they really aren't anti-gun Liberals but are simply concerned about us being arrested or harmed because of our guns. There are sufficient real life situations (i.e. Costco shooting) to make them wary. With time and a steady patient approach, most of them will get over their fears and become full supporters.

I have no hope of winning over true anti-gun Liberals. Goodness knows, I've tried on many occasions. Usually, my head hurts for several days after each attempt because I just cannot wrap it around their arguments which are totally devoid of any logic, reason, common sense or facts. I have found those folks to be consistent - they approach all subjects the same way. That is why they want to starve thousands of CA farmers to protect a 2" smelt fish - that probably didn't need their protection in the first place.

Reading this thread, I don't think there is any problem with Whole Foods.

I got sloppy and mis-spoke, as I completely agree that there is virtually no hope of changing the minds of any anti-gun liberals --at least by rational debate or logic. I was actually thinking more of those who have been negatively influenced by the media, but don't have any real emotional investment in being anti-gun. The true Liberal identity is inextricably bound up in being anti-gun, and probably more importantly: anti-selfdefense.
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Re: Whole Foods Gun Policy


Post by VMI77 »

shootthesheet wrote:
VMI77 wrote:
drjoker wrote:However, she dislikes guns personally (not politically, though) and never carries. We don't have any guns at home, but I've stashed a pistol with the neighbors (shh.... don't let her know!). :biggrinjester:
You guys with the anti-gun wives scare me. Maybe not so much as you describe the situation in your case, where you say your wife respects the right to own guns, but even here, if anti-gun spouses can't be convinced by someone they know care about and respect, that guns are important to self-defense, what is our long-term chance for keeping our 2A rights when we're dealing with liberal anti-gun strangers?
It is harder for a person to accept a "truth" or "fact" from someone they know than from a stranger most of the time. They know our faults or what they consider faults and allow their own weaknesses to be projected on us. It may be something as small as how a husband reacts to a football game. She thinks he can't control himself watching that "SILLY" sport then how can he control himself with a gun. It is ignorant and one has nothing to do with the other but in a wife’s simple thought process that is how it is. Could be a husband as well that thinks that way. Nothing to do with one sex or the other. None of that exists with a stranger so people are more likely to listen and consider the truths and facts of an argument. Especially if the person is or looks respectable. It was Jesus, I think, that said, "A Profit isn't accepted in his home town" (my way of remembering it). It goes back to how a person thinks of us versus who we really are. My opinion anyway.
You make a good point. I wasn't thinking of it that way because that isn't the relationship I have with my wife, but I have both personally experienced what you're talking about with other family members, and witnessed it among other people.
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Re: Whole Foods Gun Policy


Post by Venus Pax »

teds787 wrote: Her argument is, if someone posts their wishes (compliant or not), they should be respected. [teds787]
When one chooses to open a business to the public, one has to be willing to accept certain things that they do not agree with to some level. I can see her argument if this were a person's private residence, but a business is a different matter. The customer's rights also have to be respected.
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Re: Whole Foods Gun Policy


Post by Napier »

Shop in Plano. No sign there.
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Re: Whole Foods Gun Policy


Post by Dragonfighter »

There have been many incidents that have concerned my wife. She never thought we should not have guns nor was she opposed to carrying. There were times though when she would ask if I was "really" going to carry to x-y-z. The questions have long since ceased except a few months ago (condition yellow type scenario), she discreetly leaned over and asked, "you got it?" I nodded and she relaxed. She apparently hadn't even noticed I had it on even though we were bumping into each other getting dressed. It's just part of the apparel now.

I for one do not believe we should practice, breaking up. She is a GF for a reason (probably several). If the difference in opinion is not otherwise an incompatibility, then keep her, love her and let the shared heart and logic work its magic.
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Re: Whole Foods Gun Policy


Post by Tamie »

Cops don't have to disarm for that sign and neither do you.

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Re: Whole Foods Gun Policy


Post by HankB »

teds787 wrote: . . . I told her it wasn't the correct format or verbiage so it did not apply to LICENSED carriers. Of course it didn't stop there. She kept pushing, saying I should respect the wishes of the store . . .
Hmmm . . . so aside from being just plain wrong, she puts what she perceives as the wishes of strangers and corporations above those of her boyfriend?

Better not let that one get away. :roll:
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Re: Whole Foods Gun Policy


Post by Hoi Polloi »

I would say that it is probably more often than not on this forum that I see men saying that they refuse to do business with businesses with gunbuster signs because they take it as a sign that the business doesn't want them there, and they're more than happy to spend their money where it is wanted.

It seems to me that your girlfriend is saying the exact same thing as them in a more refined way.
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Re: Whole Foods Gun Policy


Post by Salty1 »

She would not be my girlfriend for very long, next she will be forcing you to respect "her" beliefs and not carry, it will start out very slowly. I suggest that you stay 100 yards away from any jewelry stores, any purchases in one will mean the end of your freedoms as you know them today....
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Re: Whole Foods Gun Policy


Post by Hoi Polloi »

Salty1 wrote:She would not be my girlfriend for very long, next she will be forcing you to respect "her" beliefs and not carry, it will start out very slowly. I suggest that you stay 100 yards away from any jewelry stores, any purchases in one will mean the end of your freedoms as you know them today....
And yet, ironically, you agree with his girlfriend and just posted in another thread the below, which is a re-wording of her exact thought process.
Salty1 wrote:To me it makes no difference if the sign is "legal" or not, if they post their business they will not get any of my money. The intent is they do not want you there while armed, and are most likely ignorant of the specifics of the law. If you want to spend your money in a place like that feel free, I am not going to play the legally posted or not game, I will take my cash someplace else and it will make no difference if I am carrying or not......
What's with all the demonizing of women who don't have the exact same thoughts as you that's been going on on this board lately? To the OP, another poster was recently told to divorce his wife, in that case repeated several times but said in jest, because she said her opinion was that her husband should follow the advice of his attorney. I hope you take the relationship advice with a grain of salt. You'll find your girlfriend's opinion expressed quite often here, but you happened to touch some sort of nerve with this thread. It was apparently the fact that your girlfriend had a thought about carrying and expressed her thought process to you and dialogued with you over it that made her so unsuitable. If you had left her and her opinion out of it and simply presented the situation as going into Whole Foods you saw a gunbuster sign and wanted to know if you should respect the wishes of the store you would have had a long list of responses that mirror Salty's that I quoted above saying they think you should with a smaller group saying that you have a legal right, it is their responsibility to know the laws, that they do know the laws and didn't post a 30.06 intentionally, and similar.
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