Whole Foods Gun Policy

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Re: Whole Foods Gun Policy


Post by drjoker »

gigag04 wrote:Dr. Joker,

I appreciate your support of the 2A.

That said, I'm curious why no guns at home? Any plans for protection against home invaders?
My wife is like HD76's wife. When we got married, she had never touched a gun before in her life. She's since taken a CHL class and support the 2nd A, but guns still make her uncomfortable, so I respect her wishes and don't have any at home. Home invasions are actually quite rare. Thugs try their best (in Texas) to break into an unoccupied home for fear of being shot. 50% of Texans own 4 or more guns (per Dallas Morning News poll). A friend of mine's home was broken into while she was at home. The home invader mistakenly thought she wasn't home. When the crook saw her, he ran like the wind. We have a large dog and in case of home invasion, we'll just retreat in the opposite direction of the barking.

I have some guns stashed at the neighbors. My neighbor and I WILL be back to save my dog.

Some day, she may warm up to the idea of having a gun in the home. It may take a while like HD76's wife, but as long as she supports the 2nd A, her feelings will change some day.... It make take some time, that's all.
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Re: Whole Foods Gun Policy


Post by Dragonfighter »

drjoker wrote:
gigag04 wrote:Dr. Joker,

I appreciate your support of the 2A.

That said, I'm curious why no guns at home? Any plans for protection against home invaders?

I have some guns stashed at the neighbors. My neighbor and I WILL be back to save my dog.

Some day, she may warm up to the idea of having a gun in the home. It may take a while like HD76's wife, but as long as she supports the 2nd A, her feelings will change some day.... It make take some time, that's all.
Not trying to be persnickety here, just curious. Your wife has a CHL but is not comfortable with weapons? Does she ever carry?

On another note about home invasions, there are plenty of them with people home that resulted in shootings, torture and brutal beatings. Many in "nice" neighborhoods. The statistical likelihood of any of us being involved in a violent crime are relatively small. Both I and my wife have exceeded that likelihood
by a factor of at least 300%.

My wife was not real active carrying since she quit working in a "bad" area. One condition red and she carries or has a weapon handy at all times. Thank God it only served as a wake up call.
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Re: Whole Foods Gun Policy


Post by BigSRanch »

Whole Foods is in the process of posting 30.06 signs at all their locations. I complained to them via their company web site and received the following response on August 11, 2014:
Hi John,

Thank you for inquiring about Whole Foods Market’s “No Firearms” policy. Whole Foods Market does not allow concealed or openly carried firearms on its property, whether the owner has a license to carry or not. Our policy restricting firearms in the store is based on providing a safe working environment for our Team Members – and our intent to extend this safe environment to our customers. Only commissioned law enforcement officers or other authorized security personnel are permitted to have firearms on Company premises.

e recognize that you have a choice in where you shop – and we appreciate your business. We hope this message addresses your concerns regarding our policy.

If you have any further questions please use our on-line response form.

Best regards,

Carijane Grigsby-Etter

Global Customer Information Specialist | Whole Foods Market | 550 Bowie Street | Austin, Texas 78703

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Re: Whole Foods Gun Policy


Post by winters »

Continues to baffle me why people that don't like a stores polices choose to shop there?

Whole food is hardly the first place that comes to mind buying truly fresh vegetables and such. Since the word organic has been over pimped as the new buzz word in food its basically meaningless.
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Re: Whole Foods Gun Policy


Post by drjoker »

Dragonfighter wrote:
drjoker wrote:
gigag04 wrote:Dr. Joker,

I appreciate your support of the 2A.

That said, I'm curious why no guns at home? Any plans for protection against home invaders?

I have some guns stashed at the neighbors. My neighbor and I WILL be back to save my dog.

Some day, she may warm up to the idea of having a gun in the home. It may take a while like HD76's wife, but as long as she supports the 2nd A, her feelings will change some day.... It make take some time, that's all.
Not trying to be persnickety here, just curious. Your wife has a CHL but is not comfortable with weapons? Does she ever carry?

On another note about home invasions, there are plenty of them with people home that resulted in shootings, torture and brutal beatings. Many in "nice" neighborhoods. The statistical likelihood of any of us being involved in a violent crime are relatively small. Both I and my wife have exceeded that likelihood
by a factor of at least 300%.

My wife was not real active carrying since she quit working in a "bad" area. One condition red and she carries or has a weapon handy at all times. Thank God it only served as a wake up call.
Honestly, I am not completely comfortable with guns and I would refuse to go shooting with anyone who is. Such people are often careless with guns. That's a recipe for disaster. There should be a little voice inside your head that says, "be careful, guns are not toys, they're DANGEROUS if you're not careful."

She only carries when she visits her friend in South Oak Cliff by herself. I only carry 20% of the time that I go out. Most CHL holders are like this. Very few people carry everywhere all the time. The people who do carry all the time usually only carry mouse guns. That's why during the ammo shortage, .380 ammo and .22lr ammo are impossible to find. It's all the new shooters and new CHL holders.
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Re: Whole Foods Gun Policy


Post by drjoker »

7075-T7 wrote:People do come around to ideas that they initally oppose.

It's the demonizing of guns that has happened over the years.
Yep, my wife thought that guns would go off by themselves if you're not careful, when I first met her. LOL. :biggrinjester:
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Re: Whole Foods Gun Policy


Post by Vol Texan »

drjoker wrote:I only carry 20% of the time that I go out. Most CHL holders are like this. Very few people carry everywhere all the time. The people who do carry all the time usually only carry mouse guns. That's why during the ammo shortage, .380 ammo and .22lr ammo are impossible to find. It's all the new shooters and new CHL holders.
Your perception of CHL holders is (of course) based on your personal perspective - but I think that it might be different from that if you broaden your sample data.

Now, of course I don't have any broader sample than you do, but the observations within mine are much different, suggesting that there is some variance across the population.
  • I don't know what percentage of CHL holders carry all the time (or nearly all the time), but of the CHL holders that I know, we all carry well above 75% of the time.
  • And only one of my CHL holding friends has a mouse gun.
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Re: Whole Foods Gun Policy


Post by Abraham »


I'm not completely comfortable when I drive, but I do my utmost to be careful.

Same when I use guns, I practice safety to it's utmost.

That's all any of us can do.

That said, I carry everywhere I go and I always carry a Glock 19, one in the pipe with a fully loaded spare magazine on my other hip.

Someone here once said, and I paraphrasing, always carry or always guess right...

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Re: Whole Foods Gun Policy


Post by bigity »

I have carried everywhere I can since I received my CHL. It's a .40S&W. Every other CHL holder (personally now, 6 or 7 tops)I know carries 75% of the time or more, as suggested above.
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Re: Whole Foods Gun Policy


Post by treeman »

I used to be concerned about the gunbuster signs at various places including a lot of banks but have come to the opinion that they are kind of like a 1st level sign - the location does not want open carry (long guns) or folks that just think it's OK to have a gun with them (not licensed concealed carry). I don't get offended and stop doing business there because I don't think they are addressing me. If the real intent is to limit concealed carry they will "get it right" (or wrong in my opinion) and post a legal 30.06 sign - then they address me.

I certainly don't ask questions of any owners or managers about what they might mean or what their intent is.

I have also come to understand the alcohol "unlicensed carry of a firearm" signs that are required for businesses selling the liquor and am not concerned by them - just a requirement for the vendor that does not affect me - I am licensed.

Oh, and I guess I'm unusual because my carrying when outside my house is 90% or more - no mouse gun.
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Re: Whole Foods Gun Policy


Post by Embalmo »

There is nothing wrong with a so called mouse gun if you can shoot it straight. A mouse gun is only a problem if you leave it in your pocket at the range while you practice with your favorite Glock.
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Re: Whole Foods Gun Policy


Post by drjoker »

Vol Texan wrote:
drjoker wrote:I only carry 20% of the time that I go out. Most CHL holders are like this. Very few people carry everywhere all the time. The people who do carry all the time usually only carry mouse guns. That's why during the ammo shortage, .380 ammo and .22lr ammo are impossible to find. It's all the new shooters and new CHL holders.
Your perception of CHL holders is (of course) based on your personal perspective - but I think that it might be different from that if you broaden your sample data.

Now, of course I don't have any broader sample than you do, but the observations within mine are much different, suggesting that there is some variance across the population.
  • I don't know what percentage of CHL holders carry all the time (or nearly all the time), but of the CHL holders that I know, we all carry well above 75% of the time.
  • And only one of my CHL holding friends has a mouse gun.
I think you're right (see my polls on this forum), most people don't carry mouse guns. The most common carry calibers are 9mm, .45, and .38/.357 per this forum's poll results.

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Re: Whole Foods Gun Policy


Post by CC Italian »

They opened one by me recently. Within a month they had the sign up. Told the manager that I would no longer shop there due to this policy. They were kind and said it was for everyones safety.

They asked how thy could change my mind. I said if they wanted to take away my right to protect myself they should provide their customers and employees with off duty law enforcement security during all business hours. Then I might consider it. Maybe. They said they would pass that to corperate. Lol. I won't hold my breath!

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Re: Whole Foods Gun Policy


Post by GuyFromHuntsville »

When ever I've been asked, "Why do you carry all of the time? Why don't you just carry when you think that you might need it?" I answer, "Why do you wear a seat belt all of the time? Why don't you just wear when you think that you might need it?"

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Re: Whole Foods Gun Policy


Post by treeman »

Having experience as a first responder and volunteer firefighter, I've learned that we don't usually anticipate our emergency situations so I've decided that if I'm going to carry, I need to do it all the time because I can't expect to know or anticipate when something might happen.
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