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CHL Class Prep
Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2008 10:41 am
by Bad4zzCh1ck
Is there any kind of study packet available for the CHL class? I'm sure that there's no need to study in advance, but I'd still like a chance to preview the information that will be presented in the class, and that I will be tested on in order to get my CHL.
Re: CHL Class Prep
Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2008 10:44 am
by seamusTX
This book:
You might also want to read up on transactional analysis:
Many CHL instructors use the parent-child-adult model of behavior when they talk about non-violent conflict resolution. There are questions on the test about it.
Good luck. Don't be nervous. It's not that difficult.
- Jim
Re: CHL Class Prep
Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2008 11:00 am
by Bad4zzCh1ck
Thank you Jim. I just like to know what I'm getting into. Its been a good while since I've had to take a test.
Re: CHL Class Prep
Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2008 12:52 pm
by WildBill
Bad4zzCh1ck wrote:Is there any kind of study packet available for the CHL class? I'm sure that there's no need to study in advance, but I'd still like a chance to preview the information that will be presented in the class, and that I will be tested on in order to get my CHL.
If you signing up on-line the DPS will send you the booklet that seamusTX pointed you to. I found that having the book in advance allowed me to study the laws so I could ask questions to clarify things. There is a lot of information crammed into 10 hours! Another advantage is that you get your PIN # with the package.
The non-violent conflict resolution link is also good. That is one area that, do to time contraints, we didn't spend too much time in class. In addition to being useful information, there are a couple of questions on the test about it.
Actually reading this forum is a great CHL Class Prep.
Re: CHL Class Prep
Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 12:16 pm
by Rokyudai
Having the Texas Handgun Law booklet handy is not a bad idea but don't overload yourself. Look it over and maybe write some questions down on a piece of paper, and check them off throughout the course lecture day. You may be surprised how many get answered before the QA period. The purpose of the course is to introduce you to the fundamentals of gun safety/operation along with the exposure to applicable carry laws and use of deadly force. As several have mentioned here, the concept of conflict resolution is another useful skill to add to the tool box. It will be up to you to later hone your understanding and practicing safe gun handling. Observing safety and written law is obviously a life long commitment, but, will be it's own reward in the end!
Good Luck Bad. My wife is taking her CHL class this month and is also of the same mind of 'preparing for the class'. I offer her the same advice. Check out the sticky- CHL Check-list of this forum and seek out the "Waiting Room" thread as well. You are among friends!
Re: CHL Class Prep
Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 7:41 pm
by HankB
The vast majority of the questions on the test are common sense . . . IIRC, there were a few that were a bit flaky - for example, will violation "X" cause your CHL to be suspended for 30 days, 60 days, or 90 days? Pick one. IMHO simply knowing it's a violation with consequences ought to be enough, but then, I didn't write the test. And the wording on a few others was a bit ambiguous.
But you don't need to score 100%.
Re: CHL Class Prep
Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 11:00 am
by DoubleActionCHL
Most people find the written test pretty easy. As someone mentioned earlier, downloading the Concealed Handgun Statutes & Related Weapons Laws ( 2007-2008) at couldn't hurt. During the class, we cover all of the topics that will be on the test, and most of the time I'll say, "This might be a test question." We also do a thorough test review. I believe most instructors do this. Unless you're a nut, incapable or clearly unsafe, we'll do what we can (legally) to see that you pass.
Most people, even beginning shooters, find the shooting qualification fairly easy to get through. The course of fire involves firing 50 rounds; 20 rounds (usually in sets of 5) at 3 yards, 20 rounds at 7 yards and 10 rounds at 15 yards. We offer a Pre-CHL class that is really a Basic Handgun Safety and Shooting Technique lesson with a mock CHL qualification at the end. It works out well for novice shooters because, having gone through the shooting qualification once, much of the anxiety is relieved for the actual test. Experienced shooters generally don't have any problems unless they get really nervous.
Re: CHL Class Prep
Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 2:22 pm
by Mike1951
Having taken the course four times, you will hear everything that you need IN CLASS to make 100% on the written test.
Don't let any extra studying that you do influence your answers on the test.
Just pay attention to everything the instructor says. Anything that he dwells on or goes a little deeper into may be a trick question on the test.
Re: CHL Class Prep
Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 2:26 pm
by seamusTX
Mike1951 wrote:Having taken the course four times, you will hear everything that you need IN CLASS to make 100% on the written test.
People have different learning styles. If I had to sit through a 10-hour class on unfamiliar material and take a test, I would probably flunk.
I need to see things in writing and read them at my own rate.
- Jim
Re: CHL Class Prep
Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2008 1:15 am
by Bad4zzCh1ck
Mike1951 wrote:Having taken the course four times, you will hear everything that you need IN CLASS to make 100% on the written test.
Don't let any extra studying that you do influence your answers on the test.
Just pay attention to everything the instructor says. Anything that he dwells on or goes a little deeper into may be a trick question on the test.
You took the course four times?!? Why? Tell me you just did it cuz you love 10 hour class sessions to fill up your weekend.
Re: CHL Class Prep
Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2008 1:17 am
by flb_78
Bad4zzCh1ck wrote:You took the course four times?!? Why? Tell me you just did it cuz you love 10 hour class sessions to fill up your weekend.
Renewal courses I would venture to guess.
Re: CHL Class Prep
Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2008 1:20 am
by Bad4zzCh1ck
Thank you ALL for your input!! Its nice to know that you can turn to people with experience for some tips. I imagine that this site will be an immeasurable source of information and support.
Re: CHL Class Prep
Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2008 1:22 am
by Bad4zzCh1ck
flb_78 wrote:Bad4zzCh1ck wrote:You took the course four times?!? Why? Tell me you just did it cuz you love 10 hour class sessions to fill up your weekend.
Renewal courses I would venture to guess.
Thank goodness. He made me nervous!
Re: CHL Class Prep
Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2008 4:44 pm
by Mike1951
From a thread a while back about how long we've had our CHL's, there are quite a few of us 'four timers' here.
The first class was in the Fall of 1995, but some of the original licenses were two year to stagger renewals.
Then renewals in 1998, 2002, 2006. I renew next in 2011, but won't have to take the class then.
I still stand by my earlier statement. If you listen closely in class, you will very likely make 100 on the written exam.
Re: CHL Class Prep
Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2008 6:46 pm
by Bad4zzCh1ck
So here's a question maybe one of you can answer.. When you get a driver's license renewed you don't have to take a class or a test each time. Why is it that you have to take a class each time you renew your CHL?