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Cousin Vicky

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2009 10:51 pm
by LaserTex
I think the current state of the world (with urging) has convinced my cousin Vicky to get her CHL. (We also have in the family a former Detective from a Texas city that has preached the same thing for longer than me)

She called me this weekend from a gun show. She was looking for a carry weapon. Asking my opinion, costs (did a few searches), etc. She didn't get anything (because they were "stupid" priced.

Hoping she joins and hoping she can find whatever answers she is looking for. Thanks everyone.



Here is the email traffic that we sent back and forth. Read from bottom to top -

"Vicky – got to" onclick=";return false;

Look around – there is a ladies forum on there. Go into that forum. COMPVEST is a CHAMPION marksman – she is the moderator. If you have gun questions – any – these folks are THE ones to ask. This is not a political site as you’ll see. This is the site that I have sent the articles from. Join and check it out and use the knowledge base that is there. I have seen some doozy questions answered in less than 15 minutes.

Doug (aka LaserTex on CHLforum.) Look for the Texas Flag.
(also posting to the forum – so search for Cousin Vicky)

Sent: Tuesday, November 17, 2009 9:28 PM
Subject: RE: Whatcha gonna buy?

there are two gun ranges here in xxxxxxxx one has a membership of $80.00 a year I think the other I have to find out about. I am going to pawn shops next.

Sent: Tuesday, November 17, 2009 8:37 PM
Subject: RE: Whatcha gonna buy?
Find a gun range in xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. Ask if they have gun rentals. Or search. Go rent the guns and find one you like. While on the range, look at what others are shooting. Talk to them. You can fire almost everyone’s gun if you just go look and express interest. That’s how you find the gun you want (my .45 Ruger P90) Then, get the LCP to carry. Comes with a holster. Back pocket, front pocket, purse or fanny pack.

Doug :txflag:

Re: Cousin Vicky

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2009 4:43 pm
by dubya

I would echo your good advice and the LCP or a Keltec are certainly nice for weight and concealability.
I also think a revolver, like a S&W 642/442 etc. makes a good first firearm for a lot of people because it is more "fail proof" in an emergency situation. Yes, it too can jam - but there is less to fool with.

AND, with a revolver you do not have to worry with the "chambered round" question that haunts so many even experienced shooters.
Edit: there are also other issues with a pistol, a semi-automatic. Some pistols will not fire upside down or in certain configurations where a revolver will. But, bottom line is what she is comfortable with.

Good luck with your cuz, Cuz! And, thanks for your service!



Re: Cousin Vicky

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2009 10:51 pm
by der Teufel
dubya wrote:Doug/LaserTex,

I would echo your good advice and the LCP or a Keltec are certainly nice for weight and concealability.
I also think a revolver, like a S&W 642/442 etc. makes a good first firearm for a lot of people because it is more "fail proof" in an emergency situation. Yes, it too can jam - but there is less to fool with.

I'm no authority (fer sure) but I can say that my wife dislikes my Kel-Tec P-11 (I rather like it myself) for two reasons:
1) Being a double-action only, it has a long, hard trigger pull
2) She has a very difficult time working the slide (being a lightweight weapon the spring is stiff and so it requires a strong grip)

I'm slowly working on her to get her CHL (may never happen). If/when she does, I'll give odds she'll opt for a revolver. Then again, I haven't tried all of the small carry pistols out there, particularly the .380 models, so there surely may be other good options about which I am unaware.

Re: Cousin Vicky

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2009 2:56 am
by blue
Easy!--Most classes have a Rental Glock or other semi-auto to do the test with, medium or full size to fit the hand so its easier to shoot. Someone will assist in operating the slide as necessary.

-So, go for the Semi-auto rating ONLY. (That gets you Both Semi AND Revolver)

Then she is good to go with the revolver OR semi of her choice and can mix or match later to go with wardrobe/conditions.

Later--Try rental guns at a local ranges (call around to see what is available where) to be sure that she is comfortable with the one she likes before purchaseing. The smallest are not very fun to shoot mostly, and the next size or two up makes a big difference.

Re: Cousin Vicky

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2009 10:59 am
by LaserTex
Good call on the Semi-Auto vs Revolver deal. We discussed that. I'm not sureif she is at the "take the class, get the card" stage yet. I am thinking that she wants something that she will feel comfortable with first. I have no doubt that she will pass the firing test. After the first 15 - 20 rounds you could throw the pistol through the hole.

Now if I could get her to come to San Antonio - and the BulletHole range, we could find a perfect fit (plus Bass Pro Shop is here and I LOVE THAT store!)

Weapon size for the Qualifying Test is above .32 cal, right?

Doug :txflag:

Re: Cousin Vicky

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2009 11:05 am
by Keith B
LaserTex wrote:
Weapon size for the Qualifying Test is above .32 cal, right?

Doug :txflag:
Yes, it must be at least a .32 caliber.

Re: Cousin Vicky

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2009 12:06 pm
by drinks
I started with a "PPP", [P3AT, aka puny plastic popgun], I could not hit the side of a barn, when I was in the barn, found a S&W airweight +P, love at first sight.
You just need to find what you , personally like.
I have been trying to get my sister to get licensed, she works in Harris Co., so far, I have her carrying a 4" lock back in her purse, don't know if she will ever get her license but I keep hoping.

Re: Cousin Vicky

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2009 2:17 pm
by blue
Yes, Just use the Semi-auto Rental gun for the Test. Its what? only 15 minutes or so - Easy!

Plenty of time to shop for Her gun while waiting for the plastic. (The BIG hangup is Waiting for the Plastic!)

---Get the Class and the Paperwork DONE, and Mailed,the sooner the better! ---

Suggestion: Run copys of the paperwork sent to DPS and send Certified/Return receipt. You know it got there and have exact copys to refer to if there are any hangups.

If she is near the DFW area I recommend Crossfire-training. They are WIFE APPROVED!!!