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Comfortable Concealed Carry options?

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 8:26 am
by boomstick
I am new to concealed carry and just received my CHL this week. In looking at different holster options I have run into several problems. I am 50+ and around 220 lbs and less than 6' tall. My wife describes my body shape as "middle-aged spread".

I have tried an Uncle Mikes IWB for both my S&W 637 and my Colt 1911 but both are uncomfortable and either irritate my side or try and push the holster up and away from the belt clip.

I realize that losing some weight to reduce the roll would be optimal however, I do not plan to wait a few months to carry while I accomplish this.

I am sure that there are many out there who have overcome this situation. I am not necessarily looking for a specific holster recommendation (although that would be helpful) but more of a discussion as to how persons with a non-skinny figure can sucessfully concealed carry comfortably.

Re: Comfortable Concealed Carry options?

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 8:33 am
by Purplehood
I fit your body-description in general.

I can't carry at work where I always wear my shirt tucked-in. Outside work I normally wear a loose shirt, polo shirt or light jacket with either a paddle-holster or a CompTac IWB at 3 o'clock.

Once in a while I wear a Kangaroo-brand shoulder-holster type setup. It is simply a thingie that you wrap around your chest and fasten with velcro. It looks flimsy but it actually works.

Believe me, it will take a number of holsters and setups to go through before you are even vaguely satisfied.

EDIT: I am at work, but I think that my IWB is CrossBreed and my Paddle Holster is CompTac. Sorry.

Re: Comfortable Concealed Carry options?

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 9:05 am
by longtooth
boomstick wrote:I am new to concealed carry and just received my CHL this week. In looking at different holster options I have run into several problems. I am 50+ and around 220 lbs and less than 6' tall. My wife describes my body shape as "middle-aged spread".
Hey boomstick,
You just described me to a capital "T" 5'10" 59yr for another week. Missed weight by 4lb. Weighed in Wed at Drs office for 3.5 yr cancer check up at 216. BTW Thank you Lord. Still completely clear. Now back on topic.

I carry a Commander size 1911, OWB, in a Tucker HF1 or 5-Shot Leather. Rosen or RafterS gun belt. You can carry OWB & conceal very adaquately if you choose a high quality holster and gun belt. I cover w/ a vest almost exclusively.
I describe my shape as built like a coke bottle. Therefore belts are for decoration only. I wear suspenders or sags. "rlol" The choice for me is a no brainer. Pics following.
I say all the time that "Suspenders are the best friend Conceal Carry ever had." I confess I have worn suspenders since I was a kid. They work.
Some have said,
:banghead: :banghead: I aint wearing no spenders. They make me look dorky." :banghead: :banghead:
No one will see them under your cover garment. Same as your gun.

Typical vest

Suspenders. This holster is a Jeff Wright holster. coke bottle shape very evident.

Another pic of body shape. If you could not guess I am the guy in the red shirt & suspenders. W/o them you can see where my palts would stop falling "rlol" :thumbs2:

Re: Comfortable Concealed Carry options?

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 10:41 am
by bdickens
You're never going to carry comfortably with a cheap holster. Can't do it. Won't happen. If you invest in a quality holster and belt, you can carry almost anything with no problems.

As much money as you have spent on your pistols, you can surely justify the expense of a good holster and belt. Good doesn't necessarily have to mean expensive; Comp-Tac makes really good holsters that won't break the bank.

Re: Comfortable Concealed Carry options?

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 10:56 am
by GeekwithaGun
:iagree: +1 on comp-tac minatour IWB.

I'm similar in build to your description, I carry a S&W M&P 9 compact. I also cannot carry at work, but have been wearing the IWB holster empty nearly everyday all day and re-arm in the car after work.

I do wear a t-shirt most days now to increase the comfort level, but even with it against the skin it isn't uncomfortable (to me). I ordered a new adjustable cant padlle/belt combo holster from comp-tac at Christmas(kids gave me a gift certificate), should be getting it today or tomorrow. :thewave

I'll wear the new holster in the car cross-draw for easier access while driving and will be able to disarm and re-arm faster if wearing a tucked shirt ;-)

So far I've invested in 4 holsters since getting my CHL in September all are used for different modes of dress, but the IWB gets the most use and is easily concealed.

Re: Comfortable Concealed Carry options?

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 11:01 am
by rlr
I carry a taurus 1911 in a crossbreed supertuck deluxe (iwb) and have no issues concealing it with just a T-shirt untucked.

Re: Comfortable Concealed Carry options?

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 11:14 am
by joe817
I agree with all of the above comments. :thumbs2: A cheap holster is just It's not made for comfort like the others mentioned. A good quality holster makes ALL the difference. There is a fantastic holster resource that our own longtooth compiled(thanks LT! I always look at that thread at least once a month!) listing about 50 holster makers websites:" onclick=";return false;

A quality holster will last for years and the expense is worth the comfort you'll get. I have a Don Hume holster that cost $30 that I love. Admittedly that's a low end holster but it serves my needs just great. But I also don't carry a hand cannon either! :lol: A LOT of holster makers have great conceal holsters in the $45-$85 range.

Going to a gun show or a gun store that has a good selection of holsters is a great way to choose one. A lot of gun stores will let you try one out WITH your gun. Just ask them.

Finding the right holster is the never ending topic we discuss...never endingly. :lol: Good luck!

Re: Comfortable Concealed Carry options?

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 1:01 pm
by koolaid
Just seconding what the others have said. Don't skimp on the belt or holster. You want a belt that is built for carrying a gun on. They will resist flexing and stop the holster from pushing away from you.

Until you figure out what position is going to be comfortable to you, it might not hurt to get one of the many holsters with adjustable cant. I don't think I've seen anything negative about the MTAC or Supertuck. Both offer adjustable cant, widely spaced clips to distribute the weight of the gun along the belt, and a large leather backing. The MTAC will let you buy kydex shells to fit different guns for a lower price than a new holster.

Re: Comfortable Concealed Carry options?

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 1:05 pm
by karder
I have a good friend who fits your physical description. He carries a Kimber Custom Covert II in a fobus OWB paddle holster. He conceals it very well, even with just a T-shirt. The extra weight actually helps disguise the fact that he is carrying. Believe it or not, he doesn't print a bit. I got a Fobus paddle for both my 1911 and my H&k USP, and as far as comfort goes, they are the best. I am a bit smaller than my friend, so they don't conceal as well on me, unless I have a tac vest or jacket. If I am T-shirt only, I have to go IWB with a Galco. After hearing all the folks on this forum rave about crossbreed super tuck, I finally ordered one myself. I should have it in a couple of weeks. I carry at the office and I want to be able to tuck my company logo works shirts in for summer.

Re: Comfortable Concealed Carry options?

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 2:02 pm
by Jacob Staff
I have tried inside the waistband holsters and they are great with a long untucked shirt. I carry this way on weekends and when traveling. CompTac's are great.

During the week, I have a tucked in shirt. I have had mixed results with IWB and normally carry a snub nose .38+P in a pocket holster. It is very comfortable and easy to put on. I have been carrying it for about 4 years now and it is like carrying a wallet, never leave home without it.

I would prefer to have a full size auto with extra mags but the .38 is a good compromise at work. One thing I like about the setup is that I can grip the revolver anytime and it look like I have my hand in my pocket. Makes for a fast draw.

Re: Comfortable Concealed Carry options?

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 3:06 pm
by Dragonfighter
I am fat, bald and hairy and have never found an IWB that was remotely comfortable. My favorite holster is a Bullard "Undercover" around $60. I carry with it looped outside of the 3 O'Clock belt loop (Through first slot, through loop, through front slot) this allows me to adjust it toward the back or front as posture and comfort demand, then where a long waisted XXXL shirt...voila! I use a belly band for church or any other semi-formal occasion.

Re: Comfortable Concealed Carry options?

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 3:42 pm
by Kythas
I use a Comp-Tac Minotaur and it's quite comfortable (

I'd also like to stress the importance of a good belt. I didn't believe all the people saying how important a belt was when I first started carrying and refused to spend more than $20 on a belt. After going through three $20 belts in my first year carrying, I spent about $60 on a belt specially made for carrying the weight of a gun and it's made all the difference.

Re: Comfortable Concealed Carry options?

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 4:58 pm
by 13MWZ
I have to agree with the Crossbreed super tuck. I like mine. As far as IWB goes it's great. Howver carrying OWB is more comfortable for me. Problem is I cant do it except for winter time when I can wear a jacket. I've tried the vest thing but just doesnt look right. Unfortunatly for me being a younger man vests just dont make us 'fit in'. Nobody thinks twice when they see an 'older guy' wearing a vest, but with us younge folks unless we're fishin, huntin, or in a biker gang vests just dont look right on us and makes us stick out in the crowd. Although I do wear a Carhart work vest now and then....but they are cut too high to conseal a weapon OWB when reaching or bending.

Re: Comfortable Concealed Carry options?

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 5:13 pm
by 03Lightningrocks
boomstick wrote:I am new to concealed carry and just received my CHL this week. In looking at different holster options I have run into several problems. I am 50+ and around 220 lbs and less than 6' tall. My wife describes my body shape as "middle-aged spread".

I have tried an Uncle Mikes IWB for both my S&W 637 and my Colt 1911 but both are uncomfortable and either irritate my side or try and push the holster up and away from the belt clip.

I realize that losing some weight to reduce the roll would be optimal however, I do not plan to wait a few months to carry while I accomplish this.

I am sure that there are many out there who have overcome this situation. I am not necessarily looking for a specific holster recommendation (although that would be helpful) but more of a discussion as to how persons with a non-skinny figure can sucessfully concealed carry comfortably.
I would make two suggestions. One....try different firearms. I find my 1911 cuts into me more than my Glock 27. I have a PM9 that I forget is there at times. Buy a holster such as the supertuck that can be adjusted for ride depth. I find that if I have my holster too high on my side, it cuts into my love handle. Supertuck is adjustable and allows me to have the gun lower on my waist. I can actually have my gun grip just above the belt line. I had an uncle mikes and it worked but it would ride so high it pushed the pistol grip into my side when I sat down. If you get the supertuck....don't get the combat cut.

Re: Comfortable Concealed Carry options?

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 5:32 pm
by stroo
I am built a lot like you. I carry OWB usually in a Don Hume JIT holster. I never could get comfortable with IWB no matter what holster I used.