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"Concealment" of CHL

Posted: Sat Dec 25, 2004 11:18 am
by Guest
Since Chas just recently added this section, I'll lead off by jumping up on a soapbox for a jif.

As y'all know, CHL often needs to be kept handy for presentation to LEO if circumstances require. In fact, years ago, some other instructor friends actually suggested that students velcro their DL and CHL together. Over the years, I've decided this is a not-so-good practice. For example, when the cashier at the grocery store, teller at the bank, etc. asks for an "id"in conjunction with a financial transaction, in my not-so-humble opinion, they have NO "need to know" about CHL.

Concealed means concealed! Not only the handgun, but also the license - and the mouth!

Your thoughts/experience?

Re: "Concealment" of CHL

Posted: Sat Dec 25, 2004 12:56 pm
by RatMan
Anonymous wrote:Your thoughts/experience?
The only people that know I have a CHL is my family, and not all of them, and some REALLY close friends. There is absolutly no need for others to know.

I keep mine in my wallet right behind my DL in case a LEO needs to see it. Otherwise, it's my business alone.

Posted: Sat Dec 25, 2004 1:39 pm
by nemesis
"Concealing" the fact that you are armed requires that you do not disclose that you are armed every bit as much as you do not allow your gun to be viewed.

I carry full time, at work, everywhere I go except the Post Office. A fellow that I work with has never, ever seen me without a handgun on my body but he doesn't know that.

He proudly showed me his newly acqired CHL and urged me to get one, all the while I was wearing a gun and he wasn't. Since then, he has had an event with the Law and has lost his fiance; both contributing to his current unsocial attitudes. However, several co-employees are aware that he is is CHL qualified and have expressed that they are concerned about their safety in his presence.

One young lady brought her concerns to my attention and said she was worried about being around him because "he may have a gun in his car" but, as she told me about this, I was wearing my Springfield and listening intently.

Concealed means concealing the plain fact that you carry.

Posted: Sat Dec 25, 2004 3:54 pm
by 357sig
nemesis wrote:"Concealing" the fact that you are armed requires that you do not disclose that you are armed every bit as much as you do not allow your gun to be viewed.
Nemesis, I agree with you 100%. You are very deserving of your CHL. I wish more people could be like you & think like that. Ken :mrgreen:

One step further

Posted: Sun Dec 26, 2004 11:13 am
by LarryArnold
As an instructor in a small town I have a higher CHL profile than most. A lot of people know I'm licensed, and many of them know/suspect/assume (correctly) that I carry wherever it's not prohibited. LEOs I meet play the "where's he carrying today" game.

But as an instructor I do take one more step. When I meet students I don't out them. If they start a conversation about CHL fine; but I don't initiate one.

Posted: Fri Dec 31, 2004 11:07 am
by Bubba
I agree about keeping your mouth shut as well as keeping the gun covered.
In the past I've considered offering the CHL as form of ID for financial transaction, but only as a passing thought. It's none of their business and there are too many stupid liberals in this world who might vapor lock over the thought of someone having a gun near them. Case in point, the reference about a female co-worker that someone else posted.

Posted: Fri Dec 31, 2004 11:11 am
by Bubba
Ratman, you have too many guns !
OK, I'm just jealous.

Bubba (across the hall)

Posted: Fri Dec 31, 2004 11:40 am
by Charles L. Cotton
Bubba wrote: In the past I've considered offering the CHL as form of ID for financial transaction, but only as a passing thought.
This reminds me of a rather funny story. A few years ago, before 9/11, I was flying back to Houston after a deposition in Chicago. While checking in at O'Hare, the lady looked at my Texas Driver's License then asked for a second photo ID. I thought this was unusual and wondered how many people didn't have a second photo ID. Well, I couldn't resist handing her my Texas CHL and you would have thought I'd given her a sticky bugger! She didn't even want to touch the CHL, much less accept it as a form of ID. She looked at me and said with great disgust, "I hope you don't have it with you now!" Again, I was sorely tempted to say "Of course, don't you," but I was sure that would somewhat delay my trip home.


Posted: Fri Dec 31, 2004 11:56 am
by Bubba
... and you would have thought I'd given her a sticky bugger! She didn't even want to touch the CHL, much less accept it as a form of ID. She looked at me and said with great disgust, "I hope you don't have it with you now!"

Don't get me started :)

Posted: Fri Dec 31, 2004 10:59 pm
by too-tall
I have a buddy that had to tell everyone he met that he had a CHL. He would somehow work it into every conversation. He made sure everyone he met knew he was carrying. I think he thought it made him special somehow.

Too Tall

Posted: Fri Dec 31, 2004 11:31 pm
by one eyed fatman
I went to bass Pro Shop at Katy Mills mall. They have an illegal sign that says check your guns here. So I asked them about the sign. The greeter said he needed to see some ID. I showed him my CHL. He looked at it and said go on in and if anybody says anything to you just send them to me. Course I was carrying concealed so I knew nobody was going to hassle me. Now if I could just get them to lower their dam prices...

Posted: Fri Dec 31, 2004 11:50 pm
by dolanp
"Need to know" is the practice I follow on pretty much all information I disclose. :)

Posted: Sat Jan 01, 2005 12:56 am
by bobrogers
I vaguely remember when I took my first CHL class that the instructor, when asked about this very issue, stated the AG had made a comment that every CHL holder should use their CHL as their first ID. He stated that the more that people presented this as an ID, the more society in general would get used to it and accept it. I don't know how true this is, but it sounded good to me at the time.

So right away I sarted using my CHL as my ID. You know, like here is a check for groceries. "I need to see an ID", so I gave my CHL. Did that fairly regurally (spelling is not my strong point), until one wise clerk made a big deal and said something like "I guess I better not refuse your check". Which made me reasses my decision. That was the last time I used my CHL for an ID.

Friends, familly, and some neigbors know I have a CHL. Some know I actually carry. Some at work know I have a CHL mostly since they asked after seeing some IDPA trophies (can you call them trophies if they are plaques?) and know I have gone to IDPA matches out of state and Venezuela. When asked if I have a CHL I say "yes, don't you?". This brings up many a philisophical discussion on protecting life, roles and resposibilities, duty to God (He gave you life, aren't you pleased enough to protect the gift He gave you?), etc. Since my company does not allow carry (even in your vehicle), I don't carry at work.

I did have one butt head ask me in front of several people at a meeting offsite if I was carrying. I smiled and did not answer.

So after all that, there are some folks that know of my CHL that I wish did not. But even more than that, I wish society did not care. Now I keep my mouth and ID shut.

Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2005 2:47 pm
by RatMan
Bubba wrote:Ratman, you have too many guns !
OK, I'm just jealous.

Bubba (across the hall)
Nope! One can NEVER have too many guns! (and the list below is not all of them)

Re: "Concealment" of CHL

Posted: Fri Jan 14, 2005 7:11 pm
by mcgrubbs
RatMan wrote:
Anonymous wrote:Your thoughts/experience?
The only people that know I have a CHL is my family, and not all of them, and some REALLY close friends. There is absolutly no need for others to know.

I keep mine in my wallet right behind my DL in case a LEO needs to see it. Otherwise, it's my business alone.
