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Question about CHL Badge

Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2010 11:11 pm
by UncleBob
I saw a friend of mine at Wally world yesterday, and he is a CHL, Our conversation quickly turned to that topic, gear, guns and conceal carry. He promptly told me that I needed to buy a badge just in case I am ever in an incodent that I should throw it over my belt just to show the cops that I have a CHL. Now I've never given it any thought and have on occasion seen these badges for sale in various magazines.

I'm not going to get one, just because I am not big into carrying extra stuff, but do any of you guys have one? Is it a practical accessory for you CHL holders who are not LE?

I'm not bashing it, nor am I promoting it but it did seem a bit odd to see one actually being used.

Re: Question about CHL Badge

Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2010 11:16 pm
by tomc
Never, ever do anything as dumb as buying and wearing a CHL Badge!!!

Re: Question about CHL Badge

Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2010 11:25 pm
by CaptWoodrow10
I think your answer lies within this very forum. Search for CHL Badge and what to do if you are ever (God forbid) involved in a shooting. There is plenty of information here on the subject, and I know you'll find the answers you seek.

But just to sum up some of the those threads; those badges are more of a gimmick, and can be used by the prosecution to label you as a vigilante. Such as, "He was wearing a badge. He must have thought a CHL was a license to fight crime." ect.
While a badge is a noble thought, it is simply unrealistic and uncalled for. :tiphat:

Re: Question about CHL Badge

Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2010 11:34 pm
by UncleBob
I'd never seen one before (in person) and it looked to be a real labor just to pull it out from his wallet. Plus add to that, if there comes a time that I have to use my weapon, I don't think reaching for a badge is going to be one of my first priorities.
However, he is a friend and while I think he gets a personal querk from having it I didn't think it was something I wanted to have. My first comment was something to the statement that if I needed one the state would have made me pay for it. lol

Re: Question about CHL Badge

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2010 12:41 am
by Hoi Polloi
Have I got a deal for you!
If you act today, you can order the CHL badge, vest, jacket, sash, pin, sunglasses, and tiara for one low price of $199.99!
How much is your life worth?
Image Image

Re: Question about CHL Badge

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2010 6:09 am
by Purplehood
On this forum the general consensus is that the concept of a CHL badge, sash, banner or bikini-underwear is not looked upon favorably.

Re: Question about CHL Badge

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2010 6:12 am
by longtooth
The VAST majority of CHL holders will disagree w/ your friend.

I do not personally know anyone who has one.
I do not personally know anyone who wants one.
I have seen one in my carry life. Just shook my head.

Re: Question about CHL Badge

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2010 6:31 am
by texasjeep44
Simple answer: No, don't do it.

Re: Question about CHL Badge

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2010 6:48 am
by The Annoyed Man
texasjeep44 wrote:Simple answer: No, don't do it.
....unless you like tiara's. Hoi Polloi's is quite fetching. "rlol"

Re: Question about CHL Badge

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2010 6:52 am
by Diesel42
UncleBob you just made your right of passage.
Concealed means concealed. I pray I never have to reveal that I have a CHL except to any LEO that asks for my ID.
A badge, sash, or hat only says, "I'm armed and I'm not a trained LEO."
Of course, I think the tiaras are cute, but it wouldn't look good on me.

Re: Question about CHL Badge

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2010 8:01 am
by jamisjockey
The only, and IMNSHO the only valid reason I've heard for one is wearing it next to your carry piece. Then if you get a ride-up, the badge is quickly dismissed as you being an off-duty or UC. However, I've heard very good arguments for that being impersonation, too.
Besides the obnoxious factor, there is the possible threat for malicious prosecution (impersonation of a LEO).
I'm not sure what your friend thinks will go down post-shooting. LEOs roar up. Your buddy is standing there, smoking gun @ low ready in one hand, waving his CHL badge around in the other "Relax, guys, I'm one of you!"???? :smilelol5:

Re: Question about CHL Badge

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2010 8:18 am
by terryg
Purplehood wrote:On this forum the general consensus is that the concept of a CHL badge, sash, banner or bikini-underwear is not looked upon favorably.
Now wait a minute, I don't remember any discussion about CHL ID underwear. That is a novel idea - no need to pull it out like a badge or a sash. You can just drop your pants and your instantly ID as "Good Guy"! :mrgreen:

Re: Question about CHL Badge

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2010 8:36 am
by Hoi Polloi
The Annoyed Man wrote:
texasjeep44 wrote:Simple answer: No, don't do it.
....unless you like tiara's. Hoi Polloi's is quite fetching. "rlol"
I love my tiara! I wore it at the range and at the restaurant and didn't get a single comment from anyone not from the forum. Something tells me that the letters CHL don't mean anything to most people. They probably thought it was my initials or something. Or, more likely, they didn't even bother to read the letters on it. I only saw a couple people at the range who obviously looked. I never noticed any "civvie" who bothered to even glance up at the sparkly tiara I was wearing around town.

I can tell you first-hand that people don't pay attention and don't care. Did you see that video in another thread (Would you do it? or something like that) with the lady waving a gun around on a bus? Most everyone just sits there. Sits there! People are oblivious.

Re: Question about CHL Badge

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2010 9:22 am
by Purplehood
terryg wrote:
Purplehood wrote:On this forum the general consensus is that the concept of a CHL badge, sash, banner or bikini-underwear is not looked upon favorably.
Now wait a minute, I don't remember any discussion about CHL ID underwear. That is a novel idea - no need to pull it out like a badge or a sash. You can just drop your pants and your instantly ID as "Good Guy"! :mrgreen:
Good Guy doesn't instantly pop into my mind. But hey, that will work!

Re: Question about CHL Badge

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2010 9:36 am
by Westfield
This is such a disheartening topic. To me, people who want to carry a CHL badge are just LEO wannabes. In short, they are dangerous and posses a diminished mental capacity and should not have a CHL in the first place. Sorry that's just how I feel about these people.