Purplehood wrote:I understand completely why the Brass restrict firearms for Active Duty personnel on Military Bases. It is simply a result of the quality of people that the same brass allow to enter the Armed Forces with various waivers for crimes, drugs, drinking and so on.
They simply don't want to hand guns to the people that they allow to be enlisted. Overseas it is fine. The only people that they can hurt are Service members and locals. Here in the states they might shoot an officer's dependents. We couldn't have that.
I understand what you are saying and there are many that appear less than capable, some probably wouldn't even pass the background check. But, with that said many of these soldiers have CCW, they can and do carry off the installation, what exactly is the difference, other than one is controlled by the Federal Government? I know that I am preaching to the choir as it were, I read your post with tongue in cheek as I am sure it was intended. But an idea could be to allow senior personnel to carry their assigned side arms, especially at mass gatherings? We have all of these weapons assigned to trained individuals and still must wait for L.E. to show in case of an emergency. I would hate to be shot while knowing that probably within walkin distance I maybe could have effected a difference, my hat is off to all of you who serve.

My major complaint is that all of us fully vetted, CCW civilian workers/retired personnel are fully disarmed when we come on post either for our job or to conduct other business, P.X. Commissary and such. At least the soldiers can be armed in case of emergencies, probably won't be but they have the ability to be, while I would have to hunker down and place my life in the hands of those same soldiers/commanders.

Unless we keep the barbarian virtues, gaining the civilized ones will be of little avail. Oversentimentality, oversoftness, washiness, and mushiness are the great dangers of this age and of this people." Teddy Roosevelt"
DEB=Daniel E Bertram
U.S. Army Retired, (Sapper). VFW Life Member.