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Does Diabetes Disqualify You?

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2016 9:37 am
by Lynyrd
I have a friend who has been talking to me about getting his license. He wanted to know about the process and is thinking about applying. He has been a diabetic since childhood and has to wear an insulin pump on him at all times. I have tried to find a list of medical conditions that would disqualify someone, but all I can find is that your medical history is looked at by a medical review board. Does anyone know if being insulin dependent would pose a problem? Or, does anyone know someone who has their CHL wo is insulin dependent?

Re: Does Diabetes Disqualify You?

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2016 9:45 am
by tlt
No, not at all. The disqualifying conditions are psychological.

Re: Does Diabetes Disqualify You?

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2016 12:22 pm
by cbunt1
Lynyrd wrote:I have a friend who has been talking to me about getting his license. He wanted to know about the process and is thinking about applying. He has been a diabetic since childhood and has to wear an insulin pump on him at all times. I have tried to find a list of medical conditions that would disqualify someone, but all I can find is that your medical history is looked at by a medical review board. Does anyone know if being insulin dependent would pose a problem? Or, does anyone know someone who has their CHL
wo is insulin dependent?
I know some who are insulin dependent and have an LTC. It is in no way a bar to qualification.

Re: Does Diabetes Disqualify You?

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2016 12:27 pm
by parabelum
Not a disqualifier.

Re: Does Diabetes Disqualify You?

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2016 12:40 pm
by AJSully421
No, being crazy off your rocker does.

Re: Does Diabetes Disqualify You?

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2016 12:53 pm
by Lynyrd
cbunt1 wrote:
Lynyrd wrote:I have a friend who has been talking to me about getting his license. He wanted to know about the process and is thinking about applying. He has been a diabetic since childhood and has to wear an insulin pump on him at all times. I have tried to find a list of medical conditions that would disqualify someone, but all I can find is that your medical history is looked at by a medical review board. Does anyone know if being insulin dependent would pose a problem? Or, does anyone know someone who has their CHL
wo is insulin dependent?
I know some who are insulin dependent and have an LTC. It is in no way a bar to qualification.
:anamatedbanana Thank you. My friend doesn't want to spend $140 to get rejected. Many pre-employment physicals have rejected him because he is type 1. I just didn't know what to tell him. I will break the good news to him!

Re: Does Diabetes Disqualify You?

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2016 1:54 pm
by randy634
No. I am insulin dependet and use an insulin pump. I got my license in 1996.