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Question pertaining to HB81/SB170 and HB82

Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2016 9:29 am
HB81/SB170 – Civil Penalty – takes possession of 1 once of marijuana or less out of the criminal realm and turn it into a civil offense by eliminating the arrest, jail time, and criminal record associated with low-level marijuana possession.

HB82 – Reclassify (B to C) – aims to classify a conviction for possession of one ounce or less of marijuana as a Class C misdemeanor instead of Class B. However, if a person is convicted three times, it would revert back to a Class B misdemeanor.

If these were enacted into law how would it affect a CHL or would it? Would it have the same affect as say a traffic ticket for speeding?

Let me start by saying I am very pro gun but also pro recreational marijuana. If it came down to one or the other because i don't think you should smoke and carry a firearm just like I rarely consume alcohol because i have a firearm on me 99% of the time while in public I would choose to carry and not partake in marijuana.

I think marijuana should be legally accessible to citizens of every state whether under medicinal or recreational laws and I hope Texas will at some point go that direction (probably will be second to last though). And I realize Gov. Abbot has already stated he most likely will not support any bill pertaining to medicinal or recreational usage. These bills more or less decriminalizes possession for "personal use" amounts. I think these are a step in the right direction for personal freedoms in this state and the whole movement nation wide is also a pro liberty statement.

Re: Question pertaining to HB81/SB170 and HB82

Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2016 4:39 pm
by bigtek
I don't think it would affect Texas LTC at all because it would still be unlawful under Federal law, and an unlawful user of marijuana is a prohibited person under Federal law, which disqualifies them from getting a Texas LTC.

Re: Question pertaining to HB81/SB170 and HB82

Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2016 7:07 pm
by SewTexas
I would like to see it legalized under medical uses whether by state or fed, I don't care, but it has it's uses.

Re: Question pertaining to HB81/SB170 and HB82

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2017 8:12 pm
by TexasJohnBoy
Treat it like liquor. Be done. Don't smoke/drink and drive. Don't smoke/drink and carry.

However, as long as it's illegal at the federal level, I would agree that it could be a dis-qualifier for LTC:
Sec. 411.172. ELIGIBILITY. (a) A person is eligible for a license to carry a handgun if the person:


(6) is not a chemically dependent person;
