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30.06&30.07 on a City government building

Posted: Sun Jun 25, 2017 5:22 am
by E.Marquez
Some help please before I go back and speak with the Kempner Police chief again.
I had cause to go to the Kempner police station / City Hall and meet with the police chief, a nice guy BTW, Pro2 A, and no issue with concealed carry in general, even in his building (stated verbally, and there in is the issue)

The building which houses the police station off to the left of a main foyer and city offices off the right of a main foyer. One of the city offices is a room used by both a judge once a month for hearings and the city commission one a month to hold hearings.
The main entrance is marked with a 30.06 & 30.07 sign
Kempner signs.jpg
In speaking with the Chief he said "I have no problem with someone with an LTC carrying into the building to speak with the ladies" that was in reference to me asking why the entire building was posited vice just the part of building used for court, or used for city gov meetings while in use.
I suggested that it presented a issue for his citizens in that, I was now by law required to disarm and leave my weapon in my vehicle to come in to the building as the sign is on the out side of main doors.
His concern was restricting CC into the court rooms and "protecting the ladies" But he also admitted criminals would not obey the signs.
I asked if he was aware of a TX AG opinion that addressed this issue specifically, and he responded he had not read or heard of such an opinion that conflicted with how they posted signs.

It was an open, pleasant conversation and he seemed receptive to doing what was "right" under the law.... personal opinion aside that right would be no restriction what so ever on LTC holders, he seem willing to listen to what was legally required.

All that to say I want to get him the appropriate AG opinion to reference the issue.
I think it is Opinion No. KP-0047
Re: The extent to which firearms may be
excluded from buildings that contain courts,
offices utilized by the courts, and other county
officials (RQ-0040-KP) ... kp0047.pdf

Is anyone aware of a more relevant TX AG Opinion or an addition one that is supportive?
I will also provide the Chief a link to the TX AG 30.06 "ruling Letter" page ... ng-letters


Erik Marquez

Re: 30.06&30.07 on a City government building

Posted: Sun Jun 25, 2017 7:49 am
by warnmar10
E.Marquez wrote:...
I will also provide the Chief a link to the TX AG 30.06 "ruling Letter" page ... ng-letters ...
The issue must be settled, not a single ruling letter in 2017.

Re: 30.06&30.07 on a City government building

Posted: Sun Jun 25, 2017 8:43 am
by bblhd672
If the chief is truly concerned about the safety of the ladies he will encourage them to get their LTC's and train them to be proficient with their self defense handguns. Or perhaps he is already restricting some of the ladies who have a LTC from carrying at work.
Either way, by the time the minute passes when those ladies are waiting on the big strong policemen to come protect them one or more could be killed or injured.

At least he was willing to talk about it and hopefully will reconsider the signage.

Re: 30.06&30.07 on a City government building

Posted: Sun Jun 25, 2017 8:58 am
by Liberty
The chief is putting "the ladies" in danger by not allowing them to arm and protect themselves, The chief obviously believes that they are vulnerable and yet refuses to allow them the means to protect themselves that the law provides. Does he actually believe that LTC carriers are a threat to the administrative staff?

If they want to use a sign. They can post the one room the municipal judge uses if they want to, instead of the whole building.

Re: 30.06&30.07 on a City government building

Posted: Sun Jun 25, 2017 9:07 am
by Rex B
Liberty wrote: If they want to use a sign. They can post the one room the municipal judge uses if they want to, instead of the whole building.
---but it should be posted only when it is in use as a courtroom. Put those signs on portable stands.

Re: 30.06&30.07 on a City government building

Posted: Sun Jun 25, 2017 11:03 am
by ScottDLS
And two years after the passage of the law...nothing. I believe that at it's heart, the Kempner city office building is an "educational institution" dedicated to the learning of young and old alike, therefore it is a felony to carry there. :rules:

Re: 30.06&30.07 on a City government building

Posted: Sun Jun 25, 2017 1:01 pm
by Waco1959
I didn't know Kempner even had a police department but that explains the stop lights!

Two letters that might have the most impact:

Woodway: Larger building but similar set-up. All signs removed except outside the actual courtroom

McLennan County Annex: Multiple use building with the tax office and other non-court offices in the building. Signs removed from the entrance.

You might also point out how Waco handles the city council meetings. They use part of the convention center (Bosque Theater) and portable 30.07 signs are placed at each entrance before the meeting. Same signs are used for other governmental public meetings.

Re: 30.06&30.07 on a City government building

Posted: Sun Jun 25, 2017 1:45 pm
by KLB
warnmar10 wrote:The issue must be settled, not a single ruling letter in 2017.
Nothing is ever settled for people who don't like the answer. When I worked in a City Attorney's office, there were certain questions I was asked over and over again by the same people. They didn't like the answer and were hoping for a new one.